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  • #11
    Originally posted by Hellektor


    • #12


      • #13
        I guess this proves you dont have to be inteligent to get an MBA.Mr. MBA for your info. pages and pages are there for someone (unlike you who is brainwashed!) to make an indepth analyses if they wish to.

        Good riddence take your bs somewherelse.
        "All truth passes through three stages:
        First, it is ridiculed;
        Second, it is violently opposed; and
        Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

        Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


        • #14
          Originally posted by emperorofthesky
          Joseph calls this site as enlightening but definitely not democratic. If you do not want to hear opposition, what you are doing is called brainwashing.
          If we are not "democratic" simply because we don't allow ugly genocide denial posts and Turkish propaganda on this site, then let it be.


          • #15
            Originally posted by emperorofthesky
            Hello everybody,

            I would like to start with my disappointment with this web site. I entered this website with nickname Gokhan the day before yesterday and I have been banned with no reason simply I did not agree with genocide claims. Joseph calls this site as enlightening but definitely not democratic. If you do not want to hear opposition, what you are doing is called brainwashing.

            My massage that contained a denial website has been erased. That I can understand but there have been some postings that showing that website and calling people to lock it. Very democratic and enlightening.

            To my dear friend Joseph,

            Our friendship is going to be short since Webmaster will be deleting this message and will ban again so it is my last massage to this site. I will not be coming back since I won’t be able to change your view and you won’t be able to change mine but if you say that some of these sentences, below, are correct you guys need to change yourselves;

            1. I have only one hero and his name is Ataturk and there are 72 million people that love him. The name that you mentioned which, ends with something ov is probably Azerian.
            2. What you are trying to do is going to backfire since Turkish communities abroad and Turkish government have started working finally. When we work, we get the results. I read today that Bulgarian government has refused Armenian Genocide claims by saying this is the historian’s job not politicians’. Very smart move. France subcommittee that was working on the law that punishes people, who says there has not been a genocide, also has been refused. Turkey started pressing them and we see the results. They simply know that what they will loose (nuclear plant job, complete boycott to French products) will be much bigger than the what they will win(couple of thousand votes). Turkey is also ready to accept Algerian genocide allegations against France, which French President said “ this is historians’ job not politicians’” Funny statement right?
            3. Trying to pull Kurds, Jews and Greeks to your side will not work. Kurds know that you guys killed thousand of them during the WW1. When US leaves the Iraq, they will be changing. Jews do not want the share the genocide idea with anybody since they simply want their genocide to be talked. By the way Kurdish problem will be solved very soon you will see US handing all the terrorists in Iraq very soon.
            4. You advertise Hitler’s one useless sentence. Hitler was a crazy guy. He also said German race was the top in the world and so on.
            5. The killings of Turkish officials in USA and abroad are terrorist acts. They are terrorists and will treated like that.
            6. I made a little search and found out why you are after the land of Turkey. You guys do not get along with any of your neighbors except Iran (good choice). Your economy is in bad situation , no production no free trade experience. Wow good luck. Turkey is the neighbor for you guys to get along but hate has made you blind.
            7. I have been to websites like this, when you guys feel that you have tough opposition postings, you start postings like, your English is bad something like that. I am American citizen , who has an MBA , that lives in US more than 12 years but at least I believe what I say. At least I write , do not paste and copy pages and pages like you by the way when you post pages and pages nobody reads them.
            8. At one of your postings you asked me what we were going to do when genocide allegations get stronger kill tem or something like that. Why don’t you read the postings on something should be done to Turks? You will see who has that instinct.

            I am sure that you will be posting a reply , which will continue pages and pages but no point for me to read it I know what it will say. I also will not come back any person who has a clear vision would understand the brainwash easily.

            I wish you good luck everybody and I want everybody to know we do not have a 1 square inch soil to give to nobody. We are ready to die for it.

            Keep up the good work.
            Welcome back, (btw I like the new nickname, very modest)

            I'm sure you read the rules of the forum, before joining, right? So you must have known that denying the Armenian Genocide was going to get you banned. Of course you did.

            Is this forum democratic? It's certainly not. Like I have written several times before, the purpose of this website is not to function as a public forum between two sides to discuss the validity of the Armenian Genocide, it's for Armenians to discuss the Genocide and a clearinghouse for information related to the subject.

            We welcome others to join, drop-in, etc. but would rather do without the trolling and believe me, everything you've written and said, we've heard over and over again so there's nothing new. If you're dissapointed with our website, fine, then you you can leave. If I join a Turkish forum and do not like what I see, I can leave. It's that simple. Furthermore, I seriously doubt my presence or any other Armenian's presence on such a forum talking about the Armenian Genocide would endear us to the Turkish members. Don't you agree?

            As far as changing anyone's mind regarding the issue, I agree with you; it won't happen here. So what was your point in joining in the first place?

            1. I'm glad you worship Ataturk. If this works for you, fantastic.
            2. It is generally of no concern to us how Armenian actions effect the Turkish community and I believe the majority of Armenians are resigned to the fact that relations will stay as they are. So be it. Whether a country chooses to adopt an Armenian resolution or not will not stop Armenians from trying so we're in for an intractable fight, aren't we? I remember Canada rejected an Armenians motion a few years ago but then we know how that changed, don't we? In your view, The Armenian Genocide is used as political leverage to keep Turkey out of the EU and Armenians view rejection of the Armenian Genocide by certain countries as the result of business interests. Both are tied to realpolitik. It's the way of things. (btw, France should recognize the Algerian Genocide in my opinion)
            3. As far as having Kurdish, Jewish, and Greek friends, I know it angers you but they've gravitated towards us and we appreciate them.

            I think even your government is smart enough to realize that the US will only take nominal steps regarding the PKK and I do agree the US will soon leave Iraq. I suppose you're implying that Turkey will "fill the void" so to speak and invade Iraq. Maybe they will. It remains to be seen how successful Turkey will be in that adventure but based upon the US "success" in the region, I don't see how Turkey will in any way be victorious. I'm sure the Kurds will be very welcoming though and the the invasion will be non-violent yes? You may need to get used to having a new neighbor soon because a Kurdish state is almost inevitable. They can be your friend or your ally. It's up to you."Peace at home, Peace in the World" right?
            4. Hilter was crazy (but Stalin takes the cake) but not much crazier than our friend Enver, the Napoleon of Turkestan. Hitler's regardsfor the German race is not that much different than the Pan-turkist view off all things Turkish.
            5. Yes, the killing of Turkish officials is a terrorist act.
            6. Some Armenian ultra-nationalists are after land included in present day Turkey. Most Armenians are not. It's your decision whether you want to take those calls seriously or not. The more you give them any serious credence, the more paranoid about it you will become.
            Things in Armenia are difficult, no doubt, but the situation is getting better. I've seen the change from my 1994 visit and then when I visited in 2003 I was quite suprised. 70 years of communist rule has not made it easy and the war added additional hardships but there is continuing progress. Armenians are learning to live with the blockade and coping with neighbors that bully them and being an industrious people, they'll make it work.
            7. Congratulations on your MBA. Like I said, you can choose or not choose to read anything you want.
            8. This is related to your statement#6, you can take the threats from the internet seriously or not. As far as support for international recognition of the Armenian Genocide, it gains momentum regardless of what any of us say or do. I rather think the Turkish reaction assists in its recognition as its been free publicity.

            General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


            • #16
              Originally posted by emperorofthesky
              I am American citizen , who has an MBA.
              MBA = "My brain's absent"?
              Plenipotentiary meow!


              • #17
                To Hell With Ataturk

                Originally posted by emperorofthesky
                1. I have only one hero and his name is Ataturk and there are 72 million people that love him.
                Mustafa Hammal Cacaturk was a disgusting, cunning, genocidal bandit:

                Where's my mega file?
                Below I paste a chronology of some of the events that took place in the years 1920 to 1923. Add to these the treacherous treaty of Moscow/Kars in 1921 where an area the size of today's Armenia was given to you when the Jew-Tatar Lenin and the Georgian psychopathic monster Stalin bent over and took the Jew-Tatar Kemal's Turkish Delight in their butts and not sparing our beautiful Ani which you have annihilated afterwards, they offered Kars, Ardahan, Ardvin and Surmalu and our eternal symbol, Mount Ararat that was never a part of the Ottoman Tyranny, to the wolves in the west and Nakhijevan and Artsakh to the artificially created Frankenstein wolf in the east.

                I have highlighted the attributes of Kemal, so you can recognize them easily.

                1/21/1920 Turkish Nationalist forces affiliated with Mustafa Kemal attack Marash.

                2/5/1920 10,000 Armenians are massacred in Marash.
                Genocidal Maniac

                8/15/1920 The Turkish Nationalist and Bolshevik forces form an alliance (where’s your gratitude? H.)
                Treacherous, Sly and Cunning

                11/22/1920 President Woodrow Wilson presents his delineation of the borders of Armenia. A week later Armenia is partitioned by Turkish Nationalist forces and Sovietized by Russian Bolsheviks.
                Self-Righteous, Self-satisfied, Priggish Pig

                11/25/1920 Of 10,000 Armenians living in Hadjin (Hajen), only 480 survive a massacre by Turkish Nationalist forces.
                Fascist, Genocidal Maniac

                1/20/1921 The Turkish Nationalist Pact demands the inclusion of Armenia, Smyrna, and Thrace in Turkish territory.
                Self-Righteous, Arrogant

                2/11/1921 After a ten-months siege, Aintab capitulates to Turkish Nationalist forces.
                Invader, Torturer, Having No Consideration for Human Suffering and Freedom of the Indigenous People

                9/9/1922 The advance guard of the Turkish Army enters Smyrna and pillages Armenian and Greek homes and stores. Armenians and Greeks are killed in the thousands. Religious institutions, including the Armenian Prelacy in Smyrna, are ransacked.
                Blood Thirsty, Plundering, Homes, Churches and Shops Torching, Violent, Intolerant, Barbaric Two Legged Beast

                9/13/1922 The burning of Smyrna by the Turks. Within 24 hours, 50,000 houses, 24 churches, 28 schools, 5 consulates, 7 clubs, 5 banks, and an unknown number of stores and warehouses are destroyed.
                Cities to Cinders Razing, Homes, Churches, Schools and Everything Else to Rubble Reducing Bandit

                7/24/1923 Treaty of Lausanne signed by Turkey and the Allies excludes all mention of Armenia or the Armenians.
                Self-Satisfied, Arrogant, Cunning Bastard
                Four things denialist Turks do when they are confronted with facts:

                I. They change the subject [SIZE="1"](e.g. they copy/paste tons of garbage to divert attention).[/SIZE]
                II. They project [SIZE="1"](e.g. they replace "Turk" with "Armenian" and vice versa and they regurgitate Armenian history).[/SIZE]
                III. They offend [SIZE="1"](e.g. they cuss, threaten and/or mock).[/SIZE]
                IV. They shut up and say nothing.

                [URL=""][COLOR="Red"]A country named Azerbaijan north of the Arax River [B]NEVER[/B] existed before 1918[/COLOR][/URL]


                • #18
                  Originally posted by emperorofthesky
                  I have only one hero and his name is Ataturk and there are 72 million people that love him.
                  Which is a good thing since rumour had it he liked orgies (and sleeping with his adopted daughters). Though maybe 72 million sexual partners would be too much even for Ataturk!
                  Plenipotentiary meow!


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by realityShow
                    Originally posted by Hellektor
                    Mustafa Hammal Cacaturk was a disgusting, cunning, genocidal bandit:
                    Please be respectful to my ancestor, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk; if you wan't me to respect you and your nationality... There are things that even I can lose my temper with... You found my weak spot, gratz if you are trying to do so... Provocate and judge us for getting angry...
                    Didn't you read the account of his genocidal acts?
                    Instead of arguing the FACTS I pasted, you freak out.

                    Read once more:
                    He committed genocide against my people and I'll xxxx on his filthy grave.
                    He stole my country and I'll curse his rotten corpse.
                    Four things denialist Turks do when they are confronted with facts:

                    I. They change the subject [SIZE="1"](e.g. they copy/paste tons of garbage to divert attention).[/SIZE]
                    II. They project [SIZE="1"](e.g. they replace "Turk" with "Armenian" and vice versa and they regurgitate Armenian history).[/SIZE]
                    III. They offend [SIZE="1"](e.g. they cuss, threaten and/or mock).[/SIZE]
                    IV. They shut up and say nothing.

                    [URL=""][COLOR="Red"]A country named Azerbaijan north of the Arax River [B]NEVER[/B] existed before 1918[/COLOR][/URL]


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by Hellektor
                      Didn't you read the account of his genocidal acts?
                      Instead of arguing the FACTS I pasted, you freak out.

                      Read once more:
                      He committed genocide against my people and I'll xxxx on his filthy grave.
                      He stole my country and I'll curse his rotten corpse.
                      Thanks for your answer which showed me that you (Hellektor & friends who like cursing to people passed away, especially Ataturk) didn't worth to discuss on any matter... And please keep in mind; you won't get a xxxx from this country with this attitude... Please try to take your country back and make my day...

