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Yet another example of Turkey's confusion with it's identity...

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  • #11
    Originally posted by system_of_adown
    so can you tell me which country(s) recognized that "fake" genocide story?
    Now because of you turkey put an embargo on your country. you dont mind this because probably you are living in america (in peace of course) and you are betraying your own people.. our relationship with your country (I assume you are armenian) is just bad.
    I just urge you try to do something usefull not only for your people but also whole humanity....
    dont get me wrong please I am not advocating what happened in the past...
    Belgium, France, Argentina, Switzerland, Russia, Greece, Cyprus, Lebanon, Canada, Uruguay, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Venezuela, 36 of 50 US States have accepted the Armenian Genocide, (more countries will be on the list soon) maybe Turkey should boycott all these places too. The current embargo that Turkey has placed on Armenia only reinforces the true nature of Turkish cruelty towards Armenians and shows a lack of political/national maturity. Armenians have no reason to ever trust Turkey and not much has changed since 1915.
    Furthermore, the Armenians of Armenia are just as adamant about the Armenian Genocide as we in the diaspora; I've been there and spoken to many people in all walks of life. The embargo has made life more difficult but it's become fait accomplis and a fact of life and they're moving on in spite of it.
    It's funny how Turkey strives to be a regional peace broker yet due to the embargo, are now an active participant in the Armenian/ Azeri conflict.
    General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


    • #12
      You'll lie to your death

      Originally posted by system_of_adown
      this is the funniest forum I have ever seen. really I cant understand the purpose. armenian lobbies are trying to force certain countries parlement (such as america, canada, france, germany...) for the sake of the potential armenian "vote".. this game is being played every year and every year you fail over and over again. there was no genocide it was a kind of war which is of course sad. nothing more...
      It's such a shame every time I come across this type of retards they are already banned.

      You ignoble, ignominious ignoramus, how many trillions of Armenians live in this world?

      Number of Turks in France: +- 400,000
      Number of Armenians in France: +- 350,000 to 400,000

      Number of Turks in the Netherlands: +- 400,000
      Number of Armenians in the Netherlands: less than 10,000

      Number of Turks in Germany: +- 2,000,000
      Number of Armenians in the Germany: less than 20,000

      How come they shouldn't care about the Turkish vote?

      You'll resort to anything to deny the Armenian Genocide.

      Get a nicefukkinglife!
      Four things denialist Turks do when they are confronted with facts:

      I. They change the subject [SIZE="1"](e.g. they copy/paste tons of garbage to divert attention).[/SIZE]
      II. They project [SIZE="1"](e.g. they replace "Turk" with "Armenian" and vice versa and they regurgitate Armenian history).[/SIZE]
      III. They offend [SIZE="1"](e.g. they cuss, threaten and/or mock).[/SIZE]
      IV. They shut up and say nothing.

      [URL=""][COLOR="Red"]A country named Azerbaijan north of the Arax River [B]NEVER[/B] existed before 1918[/COLOR][/URL]


      • #13
        Originally posted by Hellektor
        It's such a shame every time I come across this type of retards they are already banned.

        You ignoble, ignominious ignoramus, how many trillions of Armenians live in this world?

        Number of Turks in France: +- 400,000
        Number of Armenians in France: +- 350,000 to 400,000

        Number of Turks in the Netherlands: +- 400,000
        Number of Armenians in the Netherlands: less than 10,000

        Number of Turks in Germany: +- 2,000,000
        Number of Armenians in the Germany: less than 20,000

        How come they shouldn't care about the Turkish vote?

        You'll resort to anything to deny the Armenian Genocide.

        Get a nicefukkinglife!
        Good point there. Armenians are not a political juggernaut in Europe. It is not the Armenians fault that European believe us and despise the Turks.
        General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


        • #14
          Originally posted by system_of_adown
          so can you tell me which country(s) recognized that "fake" genocide story?
          Now because of you turkey put an embargo on your country. you dont mind this because probably you are living in america (in peace of course) and you are betraying your own people.. our relationship with your country (I assume you are armenian) is just bad.
          I just urge you try to do something usefull not only for your people but also whole humanity....
          dont get me wrong please I am not advocating what happened in the past...
          Despite any Diasporan influence on the Republic of Armenia, they make their own decisions and policies. Turkeys blockade of Armenia isn't because of the Diaspora, it's because of Armenia's official position on the Genocide - a position it adheres to. At any point the ROA is free to change this position. You seem to think nobody in Eastern Armenia was affected by the Genocide. There are plenty of survivors and their families who took refuge there. Don't try to pin it on the Diaspora. You can thank your government and the forefathers of Turkey for blowing our seeds across the ocean, Turkey created the Armenian Diaspora


          • #15
            Originally posted by Hovik
            Despite any Diasporan influence on the Republic of Armenia, they make their own decisions and policies. Turkeys blockade of Armenia isn't because of the Diaspora, it's because of Armenia's official position on the Genocide - a position it adheres to. At any point the ROA is free to change this position. You seem to think nobody in Eastern Armenia was affected by the Genocide. There are plenty of survivors and their families who took refuge there. Don't try to pin it on the Diaspora. You can thank your government and the forefathers of Turkey for blowing our seeds across the ocean, Turkey created the Armenian Diaspora
            Another good point. The Armenian diaspora is a Turkish creation.
            General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


            • #16
              Lets look at the EVIDENCE?

              " Turkey proposed the establishment of a joint historical commission with Armenia to research this issue last year, to no avail so far. If the evidence is really there, why not accept this offer? "

              The guy has a fair point! A joing historical commision with Armenia, Turkey, France and England. Archives of each nation should be investigated. Only then will the truth and lies be seperated.

              Love all,
              Trust a few,
              Do wrong to none.
              Tell no lies!


              • #17
                Originally posted by Hotinko

                Why all the world accepts genocide ?

                Example :

                My cousin is the Turkish students comitee leader in America. They decided to hang poster in the city saying "If politcians would have written the history we would think that the world is flat" They hanged them at night. When they woke up in the morning they were replaced with AG posters. This event is real.

                Please also read my submit in the German soldiers confession thread bla bla.. The Last sentence...

                Votes are important, but for the "protector of human rights" there are also other important things.
                I think it is true that till 1960s, the ermenian genocide issue was forgotten, then what happened? You know it. Then terrorism stoped, but propoganda all around the world went on. Did anyone hear the voice of Turkey? Tukey had bigger problems it was drowning. 1960-1980 military cups. 1980 pkk.

                ALso Isnt it true that there is prejudice in all the christian world against muslim and turkishness? Check you own sources you were forwarding all the time.

                All this issue comes from the neverchanging mentality of barbar muslim turks came and ruined everything --> your sourcess smell of this understanding.

                About the diaspora : (Maybe you wont like this) it is true that diaspora occured because of events of 1915 (which also makes a contribution to my massage under the title "why then.."), and what brings you together is these events, thats why you are so mad about it. (which doesnt mean we should forget it)

                About closing the borders: please think again --> how can you say still that it show the cruelty of Turkey to armenia.

                Armenia was established after soviets, and Turkey was one of the first to recognize, but the dreams of "taking the homelands back" is the reason the borders are closed you know this i think.


                • #18
                  Originally posted by Ozi
                  " Turkey proposed the establishment of a joint historical commission with Armenia to research this issue last year, to no avail so far. If the evidence is really there, why not accept this offer? "

                  The guy has a fair point! A joing historical commision with Armenia, Turkey, France and England. Archives of each nation should be investigated. Only then will the truth and lies be seperated.

                  Love all,
                  Trust a few,
                  Do wrong to none.
                  Tell no lies!
                  Halali Berktay - Prof of History - Sabanci University - 18 Oct 2005:

                  "In the Turkish proposal, the Turkish government appoints so many historians, the Armenian government would be expected to appoint an equal number of Armenian historians and they will be supposed and expected to sit down and discuss the actual facts of what happened in 1915. I would have no hope for such a commission. If the Turkish government appoints the most die-hard official historians of the Turkish nationalist thesis, and if the same is done by the Armenian government, they would get absolutely nowhere. There won’t be any real scholarly dialogue. They will be just historian-lawyers for their respective states. And the worst of it is, they wouldn’t even have the self confidence of the actual politicians. Should the slightest hint of a compromise arise, they would immediately go back and ask the people who appointed them if they are allowed to agree on such a compromise. They wouldn’t have any initiative. They will be even more connected to their nation states than the politicians with political imperative. There has to be a way to get around this. If you create a commission like this, these people will be flinging figurative stories at each other. They will be throwing documents and each side will be arguing for his and only his victimhood."

