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The Assassination of Hrant Dink

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  • #51
    dumbspiritxxxx - your call for Armenians to show a care about your (claimed) 5 million Turkish war dead when Turkey and Turks do not acknowledge the 1.5 Armenians who were killed as a result of deliberate CUP/Ottoman policy during this very time is quite ludicrous. You obviously have no clue concerning the true history so we can just chalk up your offensive comments to your ignorance. However the stupidity you also show by comming here and preaching your ignorance is not forgivable.


    • #52
      Originally posted by 1.5 million View Post
      dumbspiritxxxx - your call for Armenians to show a care about your (claimed) 5 million Turkish war dead when Turkey and Turks do not acknowledge the 1.5 Armenians who were killed as a result of deliberate CUP/Ottoman policy during this very time is quite ludicrous. You obviously have no clue concerning the true history so we can just chalk up your offensive comments to your ignorance. However the stupidity you also show by comming here and preaching your ignorance is not forgivable.
      My wise 1.5 million, what do you know about any kind of genocide? I'm an immigrant from Bulgaria in 1989, do you have any idea about the deal?

      As a 7 years old boy:

      Do you know how it feels to be minority in a foreign country?
      Do you know how it feels to have same fear everyday to loose your father ?
      Do you know how it feels to have two names, Turkish at home, Bulgarian at school?
      Do you know how it feels to live your religion by hiding?
      Do you know how it feels to inability to call your mum with her own name?
      Do you know how it feels to wait for a nurse who checks your penis to see if it's cut everyweek?
      Do you know how it feels to look behind your father when he was taken by police just because of his nationality?
      Do you know how it feels to hear your father's death?

      I know these all, and I feel what you feel ...


      • #53
        Originally posted by spirit View Post
        So this is your point of human life... You mean " why should I care about my enemy's people, their children, their women, their values...I only care about me..."


        Hope GOD helps you...
        Simply put, ANY [Innocent] human life is of equal value to me. I care about my enemies people. I care about Turks, I care about good Turks, good humans...

        I spit on the ignorance, on the poisonous nationalism, on the hatred that has infected the majority of Turkish society. That is the real enemy, not the people who host it, only the infection, the parasite itself.

        Innocent Turks, their children, their women who have been martyred are as valuable to me as anyone else. The non-military innocent Turks who died as a direct result of trying to help their Ottoman-Armenian neighbors from a sure death in the Armenian Genocide are the some of the greatest heros in my mind from that event - because of their sacrifice, their honor, their humanity - things unknown and totally foreign to todays average Turk.


        • #54
          Originally posted by spirit View Post
          "Casualities of war" , what an easy sentence.Casualities of war makes everyone as pure as angels, right?

          "Innocent people", there is missing words in this description, instead it should be like this " Innocent(!) people in collaboration with enemies"

          Turkey made it's own concious decision to join WW1, they lost many lives for that decision. Those troops who were in that war for pure reasons are to be honored in my opinion. Those troops who were in that war to [in any way] help the perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide can rot in hell.

          My 7 year old great uncle was innocent, for hiding from the death squads his hands were chopped off, as he bled to death on the front porch of the good Turks who tried to hide him, he watched his father shot in the head for not turning over himself and his son as the men from his village were rounded up to be massacred.

          My uncle Varastad was innocent as his head was chopped off in front of his students in a Kharpert classroom.

          Varastads parents were innocent while they lay sleeping at night and were butcherd in their bed by a Turkish chete.

          None of these people were on the front lines, none of them were advocating independence, none of them were collaborating with, let alone in association with a russian or anyone else.

          You perpetuate the infective ignorance that has nested in todays Turk.


          • #55
            Originally posted by spirit View Post
            My wise 1.5 million, what do you know about any kind of genocide? I'm an immigrant from Bulgaria in 1989, do you have any idea about the deal?

            As a 7 years old boy:

            Do you know how it feels to be minority in a foreign country?
            Do you know how it feels to have same fear everyday to loose your father ?
            Do you know how it feels to have two names, Turkish at home, Bulgarian at school?
            Do you know how it feels to live your religion by hiding?
            Do you know how it feels to inability to call your mum with her own name?
            Do you know how it feels to wait for a nurse who checks your penis to see if it's cut everyweek?
            Do you know how it feels to look behind your father when he was taken by police just because of his nationality?
            Do you know how it feels to hear your father's death?

            I know these all, and I feel what you feel ...
            Read my previous post about my 7 year old great-uncle Garabed, slaughtered by your forefathers. He fits nearly all the above catagories.


            • #56
              To spirit:

              Is the Turk able to comprehend compassion?
              Does the Turk understand the human need to mourn their dead in peace?
              Is the Turk capable of remorse?

              Can't you leave this forum and it's members to deal with this loss in peace, or are you intent on not giving us even a days rest from this near-century-long Genocide you so diligently have perpetrated against us?


              • #57
                Originally posted by Hovik View Post
                To spirit:

                Is the Turk able to comprehend compassion?
                Does the Turk understand the human need to mourn their dead in peace?
                Is the Turk capable of remorse?

                Can't you leave this forum and it's members to deal with this loss in peace, or are you intent on not giving us even a days rest from this near-century-long Genocide you so diligently have perpetrated against us?
                OK, I'm leaving this forum, my first visit here was to see if Armenians have the same pain like Turks after Hrant Dink assasination.
                But what I saw is only "hate", "intolerance" , "egoism" and "empty words" .

                I hope GOD helps you...


                • #58
                  Originally posted by spirit View Post
         see if Armenians have the same pain like Turks after Hrant Dink assasination...
                  Of course - Armenians just haven't a clue - he was a Turk after all - didn't he say so? ...see ya!


                  • #59
                    Originally posted by 1.5 million View Post
                    So you can take your shallow expressions of remorse and solidarity and shove it as far as they will go
                    DINK is mourned by many Turks because he was a different kind of person, a great person actually, nothing like you and the likes of you. He thouroughly believed in dialogue between Turks and Armenians and believed that this could never be done politically but rather on the personal level. He was against the hatred between Turks and Armenians and as an Armenian living in Turkey was the bravest Armenian I know who could openly describe the 1915 events as Genocide. So before you use Hrants death as another reason for your hate mongering look back at what this man has said before you equate yourself with what he was all about. If he had read what I quoted you saying I'm sure he would roll an issue of AGOS and give it to you for your own shoving.


                    • #60
                      Originally posted by hitite View Post
                      DINK is mourned by many Turks because he was a different kind of person, a great person actually, nothing like you and the likes of you. He thouroughly believed in dialogue between Turks and Armenians and believed that this could never be done politically but rather on the personal level. He was against the hatred between Turks and Armenians
                      BS - I have exressed such and acted on such as well - however you cannot rightly tell me that all of these Turks - particualry the politicians - and anyone who denys the Armenian Genocide (like many who are comming here and making such statements while at the same time are accusing Armenians and such) - is truly scincere in these expressions.

                      Originally posted by hitite View Post
                      and as an Armenian living in Turkey was the bravest Armenian I know who could openly describe the 1915 events as Genocide.
                      I can agree with this statement....but can you truly understand what it might be like to be an Armenain living in Turkey where you are fearful because of your ethnic identity and where you can not axpress yourself - your sorrow - or state the truth - a most relevant and personal truth regarding you as an individual and regarding who you are - without extreme and intense fear. And knowing that there are a significant percentage of Turks in the very same society who are being indoctrinated to hate you and your people and where such hate and hyper-nationalistic racist xenophobia is accepted and encouraged. Imagine if Jews living in Germany today were both still fearful of being Jewish not only beacuse of the presence of a few extremists but due to German Government encouragement of such - by societal acceptance of such and by a Government that actively denys and teaches denial of the Holocaust and instead uses and perpetuates the pre-war Nazi propaganda villianizing the Jews. Yes just imagine. And then imagine some Germans comming onto a Diaspora Jewsish forum for commemorating the Holocaust and accusing Jews of being hateful for being sensitive when one of their own in country is killed for being a Jew and for being a Jew who spoke out for the truth - for OUR truth. FU Hititie!

                      Originally posted by hitite View Post
                      So before you use Hrants death as another reason for your hate mongering look back at what this man has said before you equate yourself with what he was all about. If he had read what I quoted you saying I'm sure he would roll an issue of AGOS and give it to you for your own shoving.
                      Who are you to tell us what Dink might think and/or say? How can anyone who denies the Armenian Genocide accuse others of hate-mongering (which I have never done a - hole!) and expect to be taken seriously. I might be pissed off - but rightly so - do you truly have no understanding or compassion regarding why this might be so? You are attempting to preach to me and accuse me - well that is a laugh. Get your own self in order before you begin pointing fingers at others!

