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The Assassination of Hrant Dink

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  • Well said Jade. But don't think that you are alone - there are more Turks then you might realize who understand what you just said and more. Still it is a very difficult thing (to acknowledge the wrongdoing of your ancestors/nation/culture) but again - your not the only one in this predicament - as nearly all Europeans and those of us descended from such also understand the crimes commited by our ancestors and by our Western civilization to the indigenous peoples of the other continents of the world. Still we understand what a corageous and insightful step you have made and at your rather early age this speaks an awful lot of you and your integrity. Based on your excellent English and your location I can guess much about your upbringing and education (outside of the traditional Turkish state school system) and you are not the first (Turk) with this type of background that I have come across who possesses the benefits of such to enable them to think a bit for themselves and reach some conclusions on your own. Again, even with such it is no guarentee that one such as yourself will be able to step back from the paradigm of Turkish nationalsim to see things in a broader and more balanced way - this speaks a lot for you as an individual. It is a great mistake for others - (Armenians, Europeans and what have you) to assume that Turks (as a whole) are a stupid/ignorant people - this is far from the case. A great many Turks are both quite intelligent and rather aware and enlightened about things. I would say that there are at least perhaps 100,000 in Istanbul alone eh? And these are also ones with great courage and conviction. Those Turks and those such as yurself need to be applauded and encouraged. Armenians need to reach out and try to form a common language of understanding between our peoples. Absolutism and extremism (from both sides) does none of us any good and only perpetuates the situation. So again I encourage you to participate in this forum - for our good and your own - and I very much wish you the best and wish the best for your nation and your people. With young people like you perhaps there is some hope.


    • My education has for the major part, been in English as I don't live in Turkey and once I graduate from high school (next year) I would like to continue my education either in the United States or England...I have never been to a public school in my life...And yes, I would like to believe there is hope too...It is only a matter of reaching out to people...Which was my main idea for seeking this forum in the first place. But now that I have become a member of it, I realize what a good decision I have made. What most forget is that, we are all human and that who we consider "the enemy" is as much capable of feeling and emotions as us. Some Turk extremists might call what I am doing "fraternizing with the enemy" but I refuse to believe in the very word "enemy", especially with a race of people who have so much in common with us. I wish for friendship and I will work hard for that. Because, life is too short to hate. And I would like to learn more about the Armenian culture and to visit Armenia someday, not only because I have a great interest in different cultures and peoples (the influence of being in a school where there are students from more than 50 different countries) but also because I would like to meet Armenian people, talk to them, and to try and make amends. To hear what they have to say...And if they insult me, or insult the Turks then I am also willing to listen to them. They have a right to feel bitter. But I would also like to show them, as I hope to show all of you, that people like me do exist and are willing to (quite eagerly for my part) listen to what you have to say. Without prejudice and without stereotypes. I can only hope that you do so in return. And having read some of the things that members have posted here, I know that you will do so...


      • Welcome, Jade


        • Thank you Helen...I must admit that when I joined this forum and read everything that everyone had written here, I felt a bit uncertain about posting...I was afraid that I would be faced with harsh remarks etc. But this is not what I have found at all...And I am terribly glad that this has not been the case. Thank you ...


          • I know what you mean, Jade, but I have to confess that even I am Armenian it took me ages to dare to introduce myself, and I am not that shy ...
            And I am with you on the veil thing.
            There is an introduction thread , you might want to read about some of us


            • It was a bit late but I posted some information about myself and my ideas in the introduction thread. Thanks Helen)


              • Wow, to say that I am impressed with you would be a tragic understatement! Such maturity and eloquence from a 17 year old should be applauded. I hope my daughters are this smart and thoughtful at 27, let alone 17. When I look back at myself at your age, I feel ashamed of my ignorance. I am an Armenian-Turkish-American, and I knew virtually nothing about the Genocide or any other international issue affecting Turkey, Armenia (which did not exist as a country until 2 years later), or the U.S., and here you are intelligently speaking about international issues that few kids your age even know exist. Bravo Jade, and welcome.

                BTW, I just want to say before getting back to work that the Genocide should not be an excuse for any Armenian to hate you, disrespect you, or treat you harshly, and I personally don't know any Armenians who would do so simply because you are Turkish. Now, that would obviously change if you denied the Genocide or showed any level of prejudice against Armenians, but that does not appear to be the case with you.


                • Originally posted by 1.5 million View Post
                  Jade - it is much worse for Armenians then even you are imagining. We have not just lost a generation - but we have lost all ties to the lands where we lived and the lands of our history - and this is no small thing - particualrly not for a people like us who have persevered through so much (attempts by others to conquor and disengage us from our land and culture) throughout the centuries. Secondly we suffer through both the humiliation an pain of the suffering and horrible death that has been experienced by all of our families...I'm not sure you can even imagine it...but perhaps you have had such a loss in your family to multiply it by our entire people - eveyone practically without acception among Armenians has had this loss - ourselves and as a collective...and then we have faced and still now face the persistant and very aggressive denial (and you have already expressed at least some understanding of the forces involved - though you likely do not fully understand the history and how these forces came about).
                  Loss? What exactly have you "lost"? What right have you to use the sanctimonious word "we"?
                  Plenipotentiary meow!


                  • Thanks Phantom I know that I am a bit "outspoken" (for want of a better word) for my age but I think its because I was very lucky to be exposed to such critical issues thanks to my parents and the environment from a very early age. And also because I love reading, history and controversy I suppose you can call the Armenian Genocide "controversial" since the Turks still debate against it? I have to say, that I was a bit timid at coming here since I wasn't sure of the reaction I would get. But right now I have to admit that I am embarassed to have even thought that I would be "unwelcomed" simply because of my origin. Right now, I haven't yet formed any opinions about the genocide itself and I suppose until I read more and talk to you and the Turks a bit more, this is going to have to stay like that (afterall, the term "genocide" is a very very harsh "insult" to use against a nation and it should not be used sparingly nor lightly) and therefore, I would like to find out for myself once and for all, with a lot research and a lot of opinions (from both sides of course) to begin admitting to it. I will not believe the Turks who say that the genocide did not exist, I will research and find out for myself. I think this is the best way for me...


                    • Originally posted by Jade View Post
                      If I am to be a journalist someday, I must look at both sides.
                      That is wrong. There are not "both sides". Not for this issue, not for any issue. Please do not fall for the "English disease" of thinking that everything has to have at least two sides, two viewpoints. It has made today's journalists second only to politicians as being the most contemptable of creatures. There is only truth, and finding that truth is mostly unrelated to what one "side" or another "side" says.
                      Plenipotentiary meow!

