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Pc Games

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  • Pc Games

    Guys, recently there’s been a lot of hot discussions going on and I thought we could talk about something more relaxing. This Genocide issue is not easy, it’s not simple, and neither can Armenians or Turks fully appreciate what’s going on and there’s a lot that Turks and Armenians don’t know. Let’s just accept what happened and what’s happening AS THEY ARE and put ourselves in each other’s shoes, appreciating everything as it happened and not narrowing anything out, there is nothing worse then that. I’d be happier if a person said the Genocide never happened then see him/her marginalize it, no matter what, in any way, it’s disrespectful. And if I offended anyone, I apologize from my side.

    *Turns to a new page*

    Recently, I was playing a few RPG’s and Age of Empires 3 and (this isn’t the first time) something hit me. What game do you think would translate into a good strategy or RPG game? I would love to know if there is a part of Turkish history or maybe even a story that could do this. I’m basically completely into Multimedia and I’ve been very close to games and I’m actually the lead writer in a new RMXP game coming out sometime next year. There is a lot Armenians and even Turks could relate to in the game so I think it will be interesting. Getting back to point, I think the best story that could be turned into a GREAT action game is Sasuntsi David, the ENTIRE story starting from Sanasar and Baghdasar. There are other stories as well but I can’t remember them at the moment.

    I thought of playing a game on the Genocide but I think that would be a bit … wrong because the Genocide happened and I think if it did come out it would be for players above 20. So I thought what story, Turkish or Armenian, would be fun to play? For a strategy game I think King Gagik’s story would work, it has a lot of twists and turns. I think this could be done by making a scenario in a strategy game, I’m not very good at though. Anyways, what ideas do you have guys?

  • #2
    My recent plays

    My recent plays were Assassin's Creed, The Witcher, Mass Effect, Rise of Nations and a free game called the White Chamber from a French studio, really amazing game too, made by Studio Trophy.

    My main games I'm playing now is old games like Quest for Glory series, Monkey Island and Leisure Suit Larry. I dunno, I just love those old games, looking forward to check out the Neverwinter Nights 2 expansion


    • #3
      Originally posted by Pedro Xaramillo View Post
      My recent plays were Assassin's Creed, The Witcher, Mass Effect, Rise of Nations and a free game called the White Chamber from a French studio, really amazing game too, made by Studio Trophy.

      My main games I'm playing now is old games like Quest for Glory series, Monkey Island and Leisure Suit Larry. I dunno, I just love those old games, looking forward to check out the Neverwinter Nights 2 expansion
      Played Rise of Nations, but I thought the architecture was a bit too similar between nations.


      • #4
        Me too

        I bought the expansion too which features a little more, but I think the game is more a military based game. I am getting my hands on Age of Empires I and II, not really keen on 3 as you have to conquer the new world and I really don't like the position of having to pick my conquerer


        • #5
          Picking your conqueror? There isn't much of that, trust me. You can pick a country but everything isn't PERFECTLY accurate or anything. It remains a game. I don't think I really understood you but anyways, any Armenian or Turkish ideas?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Pedro Xaramillo View Post
            I bought the expansion too which features a little more, but I think the game is more a military based game. I am getting my hands on Age of Empires I and II, not really keen on 3 as you have to conquer the new world and I really don't like the position of having to pick my conquerer
            Its not that bad trust me, but please note they always say on Age of Empires (in the fine print) that the history they show there is no necessarily the real history.

            There is little difference between the two, you get more weapons, better maps and more civ's. Better to search for Age of Empires II in a pack, which is probably cheaper than getting individually. Its pretty cheap, these days anyway. It used to cost $100 in NZ for each, I got mine for about $35 together this year.


            • #7
              I got all of them for about 3 dollars including tons of other games for the same price.


              • #8
                I can get the expansion and both games (1 and 2) for like R100.00 ($10.00), maybe going to go for it today, but one of my guitar cables got screwed, and they are about $10.00 to well over, so that takes priority


                • #9
                  Whatever works bro, haha, but seriously, do any of you have any ideas???


                  • #10
                    I think it could work

                    Picking your conqueror? There isn't much of that, trust me. You can pick a country but everything isn't PERFECTLY accurate or anything. It remains a game. I don't think I really understood you but anyways, any Armenian or Turkish ideas?

                    In the sense that in AoE III, you pick which nation (English, Spanish, French Ottoman or Russian) conquerers the New World...not too fun being Amerind and playing a nation who are conquering my people circa that time.

                    Especially with games which are based in the Near Eastern region being popular such as Prince of Persia and Assassin's Creed.

                    I would love a game based in Armenian history that has the combat system of Assassin's Creed, the puzzles of Prince of Persia, but with dialog and mulitple endings, dialog in the sense that Star Wars KOTOR and Neverwinter Nights had.

                    Graphics front obviously it needs to be very highly detailed, in addition it would be great if there could be actual Armenian sites and landmarks.
                    In addition IMHO I think it would be great if they also hired actual Armenians to play the voices and actors in the game.

                    Same thing with movies, I get tired when someone is supposedly Armenian in a movie but then they get any random dude usually not of Armenian descent and without a clue of Armenian history to play the role. This happened with Prince of Persia (the movie coming out) starring Jake Gyllenhaal, who correct me if I am wrong is most defintely not Persian, why not hire actual Persians to play in Persian movies.

                    Same thing with 300, not one actual Greek or Persian in the movie (and Persians are depicted in a very discriminatory way)

