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Pc Games

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  • #11
    In the sense that in AoE III, you pick which nation (English, Spanish, French Ottoman or Russian) conquerers the New World...not too fun being Amerind and playing a nation who are conquering my people circa that time.
    Haha, Pedro, bro, you seriously have the wrong idea. You only play against a few countries (that's just a title they carry, nothing more) for about 20 minutes with settlers and warriors that resemble each other a lot of the time. There isn't any actual history or very little which you don’t even get to play. I mean, Empire Earth totally states facts especially about the Inca, the Aztec, the Spanish, etc. Age of Empires is very refreshing, trust me, especially the third. The first two are based on history a lot (John the Arc, I'm looking at you). The third has its grand moments like the American Revolution which is fun to play, slightly quoting from the actual history, but otherwise, it's very fun. Rise of Nations and all that touches history much, much more.

    I would love a game based in Armenian history that has the combat system of Assassin's Creed, the puzzles of Prince of Persia, but with dialog and mulitple endings, dialog in the sense that Star Wars KOTOR and Neverwinter Nights had.
    I think the game that would fit perfectly into your description would be Sasuntsi Davit. It's perfect and the story is very long and please, don't mention Assassin's Creed again, it was short like hell. These game designers have begun making crappy games with great graphics and it pisses me off. There are stories and ideas that could crush most RPG's and games out there today and maybe even in the future but these game companies seem to ignore them completely. I wanted to get some info on a proper Armenian story out there and make an RMXP game in the future. There are people that I know that seem to be out of ideas and I think I could make the first Armenian RPG in history. This is a secondary idea of course, I have more important things to do but it's possible. I'm making a game right now in RMXP with a few guys and once that's out, I'm sure they'll be willing to help me make an Armenian game. They like my ideas overall and they owe me so I think it's possible.

    Graphics front obviously it needs to be very highly detailed, in addition it would be great if there could be actual Armenian sites and landmarks.
    Yeah, there's a nice dream .

    In addition IMHO I think it would be great if they also hired actual Armenians to play the voices and actors in the game.
    Another great dream. Believe it or not, I was building a game last year called "H.A.Y." (Haykakan Azgayn Yeraz). It had an awesome story and it was supposed to be an Armenian version of GTA allowing you to do MUCH more then in the original GTA. I was learning 3D Max and all but half way through, I got caught up in studies and all and stopped building it. Also, it got difficult. Many people asked me to build an Armenian scenario in Medal of Honor's world creator also. I tried but it's complicated. It's in my mind still though and I haven't given up on it yet, I just have to find some time and inspiration.

    Same thing with movies, I get tired when someone is supposedly Armenian in a movie but then they get any random dude usually not of Armenian descent and without a clue of Armenian history to play the role. This happened with Prince of Persia (the movie coming out) starring Jake Gyllenhaal, who correct me if I am wrong is most defintely not Persian, why not hire actual Persians to play in Persian movies.
    Maybe his great, great, great, grandmother was Persian ? I agree though, jokes aside, but don't be so critical. You can't hire Persians because the movie is in English, it's very difficult to make a movie with actual actors so what to speak of Persians who the directors know nothing about, who knows if those Persians speak English, who knows what they will be like or if they won't give up half way through, etc. There are many issues, bro, but yeah, there are movies that really make this mistake, especially those Armenian movies you mentioned. I hate those random dudes and dudesses, lol.

    Same thing with 300, not one actual Greek or Persian in the movie (and Persians are depicted in a very discriminatory way)
    Actually, they didn't seem so bad, they just looked ... evil I guess but nothing too bad. I've seen worse. Also, the Persians seemed almost comical at times. I loved the movie though, it was refreshing, especially the graphics. I think Leonidus was played almost perfectly. It was good overall. In the end though, you have to remember that no one cares if a Persian was in the movie. No one would even know unless they were like the main characters. In that dance scene though in the war hut, I think a few Persians might've made everything more realistic, those Africans, Americans, I think I even saw a Chinese girl, really made it a bit unrealistic, lol.


    • #12
      Originally posted by Saco View Post
      Actually, they didn't seem so bad, they just looked ... evil I guess but nothing too bad. I've seen worse. Also, the Persians seemed almost comical at times. I loved the movie though, it was refreshing, especially the graphics. I think Leonidus was played almost perfectly. It was good overall. In the end though, you have to remember that no one cares if a Persian was in the movie. No one would even know unless they were like the main characters. In that dance scene though in the war hut, I think a few Persians might've made everything more realistic, those Africans, Americans, I think I even saw a Chinese girl, really made it a bit unrealistic, lol.
      Never thought I'd add to this thread!
      The movie "300" was a true story filmed in a mythical style in contrast to the movie "Troy" which was, as we all know, a mythical tale portrayed as history.


      • #13
        Hold up

        I know 300 is factual, but what got me to raise an eyebrow is the fact that Persians have fighters like Uber Immortal, which the actual Persians warriors looked nothing alike.

        As in the graphic novel, the Persians were depicted as a monstrous, barbaric and demonic horde, and King Xerxes was portrayed as androgynous.

        Don't get me wrong, it was an okay move, just that I think its unrealistic and a little anti Persian, especially that the Hoplites have a full metal helmet, but walk around with only leather undies (Can you imagine the chaffing?).

        All things considered it was better than Troy yes, I felt Brad Pitt's acting in Troy was deplorable and utterly drab.

        As to the fact with Prince of Persia, they were considering an Iranian actor, but he wasn't hired, tey instead took Jake, which I feel is a little messed up.
        There are Iranian Americans like Shoreh Ashgaloo who could at least be hired in some small part, also actresses like Bahar Soomekh (who played in Crash) are Iranians, yet none are cast into the movie.

        I know what you mean by short with Assasin's Creed, alot of games do that in the fact that they have huge graphical effects but no story, can anyone remember games like Quest for Glory, especially the 2nd one which was a looong game and fun to play.

        Another great old game to play is the Monkey Island series as you actually had to think,.

        A good example of how games have been screwed, look at the Leisure Suit Larry seiries, it originally was humorous and took some brainpower, the new one is just...not good.

        The only thing I really liked about Assasin's Creed was the combat system and the stealth part of it and that you could climb and explore everywhere.

        Prince of Persia is a great game, just made me want to throw the controller out the window with frustration at times.

        Can anyone tell me the story of Sasuntsi Davit, I would love to hear it


        • #14
          Don't take anything from 300 to heart there are some historical errors in it, in fact the very title is inaccurate, there were not 300,lol. I found it a bit silly actually, the slow motion made me laugh. Also in battle Spartans wore full armor, as did the other Greeks, at sporting events they were totally naked, otherwise they were fully clothed. So seeing them semi-nude I was rolling my eyes because I knew it wasn't like that in reality,lol.


          • #15
            Well at least it wasn't Conan lol


            • #16
              Never thought I'd add to this thread!
              The movie "300" was a true story filmed in a mythical style in contrast to the movie "Troy" which was, as we all know, a mythical tale portrayed as history.
              Really? May sound weird but I thought this actually happened. Not because of the movie of course. There's lots of history.

              Don't take anything from 300 to heart there are some historical errors in it, in fact the very title is inaccurate, there were not 300,lol. I found it a bit silly actually, the slow motion made me laugh. Also in battle Spartans wore full armor, as did the other Greeks, at sporting events they were totally naked, otherwise they were fully clothed. So seeing them semi-nude I was rolling my eyes because I knew it wasn't like that in reality,lol.
              Peter, how many Spartans were there then? This movie has been made more then once in the past and there were 300 Spartans according to history. Forgive me if I'm wrong. There were moments that made you laugh and all but overall, it was very accurate and a cool movie.

              I know 300 is factual, but what got me to raise an eyebrow is the fact that Persians have fighters like Uber Immortal, which the actual Persians warriors looked nothing alike.
              This movie did have it's comic-book moments.

              As in the graphic novel, the Persians were depicted as a monstrous, barbaric and demonic horde, and King Xerxes was portrayed as androgynous.
              Before, sexual views were mixed up a bit in Rome, in Persia, Athens etc. Persia had these kinds of things going more then once.

              Don't get me wrong, it was an okay move, just that I think its unrealistic and a little anti Persian, especially that the Hoplites have a full metal helmet, but walk around with only leather undies (Can you imagine the chaffing?).
              Hahahaha, that is funny, I won't lie.

              All things considered it was better than Troy yes, I felt Brad Pitt's acting in Troy was deplorable and utterly drab.
              Nah, was it really that bad? He had his awkward moments but the character he represents was like that (serious, less talking, a bit strange, upset). I don't think he did that bad.

              As to the fact with Prince of Persia, they were considering an Iranian actor, but he wasn't hired, tey instead took Jake, which I feel is a little messed up.
              There are Iranian Americans like Shoreh Ashgaloo who could at least be hired in some small part, also actresses like Bahar Soomekh (who played in Crash) are Iranians, yet none are cast into the movie.
              Simple reason why this didn't happen? Because America is in terrible relations with Iran. Even movies get mixed with politics.

              Can anyone tell me the story of Sasuntsi Davit, I would love to hear it
              You asked for it. Ok, here's just an overall view of it.

              I can't describe it completely now but here's a site that could help a bit.


              • #17
                Originally posted by Saco View Post
                Really? May sound weird but I thought this actually happened. Not because of the movie of course. There's lots of history.
                Probably it did happen, but not as written by Homer. The Illiad is a mythical tale based on fact from way back.

                This movie did have it's comic-book moments.
                As I said, it's a comic-book movie a la Batman etc.

                Before, sexual views were mixed up a bit in Rome, in Persia, Athens etc. Persia had these kinds of things going more then once.
                Wasn't it the Thebans who went into battle paired with their homosexual partner? Apparently it made them a more effective fighting force.


                • #18
                  Probably it did happen, but not as written by Homer. The Illiad is a mythical tale based on fact from way back.
                  The movie was supposed to be based on Homer's writings (that's what's written in the credits) but I guess they made too many mistakes otherwise you wouldn't be saying this.

                  As I said, it's a comic-book movie a la Batman etc.
                  It was very refreshing though, some of the graphics were simply astonishing.

                  Wasn't it the Thebans who went into battle paired with their homosexual partner? Apparently it made them a more effective fighting force.
                  I think so, yeah, but stranger things have happened in history, lol.


                  • #19
                    Hey I got no problem

                    I've got no problem if there were gays there, thats wasn't what I didn't like,
                    even Dumbledore is gay (I kid you not, JK Rowing herself said that).
                    Thats how it is at Hogwarts, if you aren't getting a Hufflepuff behind the
                    broomshed you're getting a Slytherin up the old Dumbledore

                    The only thng that put me off it was Uber Immortal and the horned beasts the Persian supposedly ride on and the psycho fat dude who executes people, it kinda demonised Persians, which I feel might also have some politics to it.

                    Xerxes in real life was perhaps a strange figure, however very few movies show the great Persian heroes like Cyrus the Great and Darius.

                    As to the Sasuntsi Davit story, I like it, I can see it can have multiple endings, I read in the link he supposedly had near superhuman strength, it would be great if you could start out just as a simple warrior/barbarian and gain these skills like in levels. I think a Witcher type system (dunno if you ever played it before) would be great for this.

                    And Steph, why didn't you think you'd add to the thread, don't you play video games, if you don't give it a try, I guarantee you will be hooked

                    As to Brad Pitt, I dunno I just don't like him, I liked Orlando Bloom's acting though, hey did you know he did a narration on the Genocide?


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by Pedro Xaramillo View Post
                      Thats how it is at Hogwarts, if you aren't getting a Hufflepuff behind the
                      broomshed you're getting a Slytherin up the old Dumbledore

                      The only thng that put me off it was Uber Immortal and the horned beasts the Persian supposedly ride on and the psycho fat dude who executes people, it kinda demonised Persians, which I feel might also have some politics to it.
                      Totally cheapened the movie.

                      As to the Sasuntsi Davit story, I like it, I can see it can have multiple endings, I read in the link he supposedly had near superhuman strength.
                      Wasn't he Scottish?

                      And Steph, why didn't you think you'd add to the thread, don't you play video games, if you don't give it a try, I guarantee you will be hooked
                      My children play on the Wii, which is okay on Sports & Wii Fit but beyond that....................

