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Turks are visiting the AG museum in shock

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  • #11
    Originally posted by ardakilic View Post
    In principle, your words imply the truth maybe. But i am not sure about that happening in reality. Countries like USA, New Zeland or Australia maybe it is easy to seperate "patriotism as a popular figure" to "nationalism". I mean, just to feel good about where you live. This is ok.

    But, at least according to me, nationalism is a very different issue. Because, first of all, it is based on a "constructed notion", the nation. This phneomena leads us the nation-building process, to put it mildly, means assimilation.

    Secondly, through the history, nationalism defined itself to be against "the other". For this reason i see a diference between USA-New Zelanad etc. Because, in these countries (except USA), there is no other nation to be against. Everybody is "other", you see
    ardakilic, execellent post. You articulated my exact sentiments better than I ever could.
    General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


    • #12
      Originally posted by Joseph View Post
      ardakilic, execellent post. You articulated my exact sentiments better than I ever could.
      Thank you. For both compliments and humble.

      In fact, personally, i cannot accept the concept of "patriotism as a popular figure" because once it is accepted, we cannot determine where to stop. However, logically, i have to accept somebody feel good emotions to their country. But i think it is still a dangerous concept, i mean the concept of country. It implies much more things than "living place". Not for a daily usage, but a philosophical aspect.


      • #13
        Originally posted by ardakilic View Post
        Thank you. For both compliments and humble.

        In fact, personally, i cannot accept the concept of "patriotism as a popular figure" because once it is accepted, we cannot determine where to stop. However, logically, i have to accept somebody feel good emotions to their country. But i think it is still a dangerous concept, i mean the concept of country. It implies much more things than "living place". Not for a daily usage, but a philosophical aspect.
        You're welcome.

        What you just wrote mirrors what lal has been trying to express I believe.
        General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


        • #14
          Ardkilic, I agree, my friend. The concept I use is help others no matter who they are. Become a good person before anything else. Be fair but don't drop your gloves because this world never does. Be proud of your country but don't be your country (a terrible nationalist basically). Respect everyone regardless of who they are or where they are from. And most importantly, APPRECIATE and judge properly no matter who stands before you (if you have to judge of course, otherwise judging or criticizing is wrong). If a person does all this which is very simple and easy when you look at it, his/her countries banner will automatically rise. Who represents the country? The flag or the people? Without the people, there wouldn't even be a flag. People don't always look at it this way. They forget what makes a country what it is and if a person is a proper persn, he will represent his country properly and most importantly make this world a better place to live in. We may be from different places but there is one place that we are all from, Earth, and we all are humans. We have to help each other any way we can.

          People do so many things in the name of their country (supposedly) or religion or whatever but don't do the most important thing(s), what their supposed to do. I try to always go with the one worm spoils all the apples motto because it really is true. I put pressure on this point because say a person has never met an Armenian. If he meets one for the first time and the Armenian acts like an ass, that person will think most Armenians are probably also like him. There are many people like this. That's why we all have to work on ourselves first. That's EXTREMELY important and what matters the most. If a few bad people can gather others to join them, a few good people can sure as hell do the same. Let's keep going on with that hope and inspiration, that's what kept Armenia alive after the Genocide. That's what will keep us always going. No one can take that away from you, no one.


          • #15
            Originally posted by Saco View Post
            Ardkilic, I agree, my friend. The concept I use is help others no matter who they are. Become a good person before anything else. Be fair but don't drop your gloves because this world never does. Be proud of your country but don't be your country (a terrible nationalist basically). Respect everyone regardless of who they are or where they are from. And most importantly, APPRECIATE and judge properly no matter who stands before you (if you have to judge of course, otherwise judging or criticizing is wrong). If a person does all this which is very simple and easy when you look at it, his/her countries banner will automatically rise. Who represents the country? The flag or the people? Without the people, there wouldn't even be a flag. People don't always look at it this way. They forget what makes a country what it is and if a person is a proper persn, he will represent his country properly and most importantly make this world a better place to live in. We may be from different places but there is one place that we are all from, Earth, and we all are humans. We have to help each other any way we can.

            People do so many things in the name of their country (supposedly) or religion or whatever but don't do the most important thing(s), what their supposed to do. I try to always go with the one worm spoils all the apples motto because it really is true. I put pressure on this point because say a person has never met an Armenian. If he meets one for the first time and the Armenian acts like an ass, that person will think most Armenians are probably also like him. There are many people like this. That's why we all have to work on ourselves first. That's EXTREMELY important and what matters the most. If a few bad people can gather others to join them, a few good people can sure as hell do the same. Let's keep going on with that hope and inspiration, that's what kept Armenia alive after the Genocide. That's what will keep us always going. No one can take that away from you, no one.
            Well I have started to dislike the term "National Interest", it is used by several world governments, but National Interest sounds like its a polite world to announce racist policies. I think that some nations should stop using this term and instead not just look at their own interests but look at the interests of the whole region and world. If for example the Turkish government stopped looking at its own interests and instead took on some morals I don't think they would be denying the genocide.


            • #16
              Originally posted by hipeter924 View Post
              Well I have started to dislike the term "National Interest", it is used by several world governments, but National Interest sounds like its a polite world to announce racist policies. I think that some nations should stop using this term and instead not just look at their own interests but look at the interests of the whole region and world. If for example the Turkish government stopped looking at its own interests and instead took on some morals I don't think they would be denying the genocide.
              When you hear the term "National interest" being used it's time to duck because someone somewhere is about to get reamed.


              • #17
                Good points Arda, you too Steph. National Interest, lol, people don't really understand what the nations real interests are most of the time.


                • #18
                  Originally posted by Saco View Post
                  Good points Arda, you too Steph. National Interest, lol, people don't really understand what the nations real interests are most of the time.
                  More importantly, the definition of "National Interests" differ according to who is talking, for example, Arda & lal may say that it's in turkey's national interest to recognise the AG whilst Ferdi (RIP) would say the exact opposite.


                  • #19
                    Steph, Ferdi's been banned???


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by Saco View Post
                      Steph, Ferdi's been banned???
                      Ferdi has not been banned.
                      General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”

