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What are you listening to (Armenian)

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  • #71
    Forsh - Aysbes el abroom enk


    • #72
      I love Armenchick's songs!


      • #73
        Paul Baghdadlian - Asdghe Im Gnats

        THAT'S right! I said it!!!





        • #74
          Nune - Im Kamancha

          Oh Crimson Crimson Crimson.....siiiiiiiigh...


          • #75
            Artur & Fosh: Ghent Aghchig

            Baron Timberlake: G'nerem! Mi ghntar varas!!


            • #76
              loooool, still Baron Timberlake?

              That's a cool song by the way (Khent Aghchig...NOT whatever Paul was screeching).

              Nune - Tamam Ashkharh Bdood Yega


              • #77
                Spiral hokis -- I just read that Hasmik Karapetyan is giving free concerts in Karabagh this week. =( And she's singing her new song "Vaghva Yerks." Our luck, eh? lol When's her CD coming out?? Go bug that store in NoHo and tell 'em I need my Hasmik!

                AND!! I have told you about the wonder that is Armine Nahapetyan, right? So apparently her new single (if we can call it that) has been released. *gasp* And I need to hear it! It's called "Antsort."

                Do you have C1 on satellite? I think they're playing both videos. Let me know if you catch either one.


                • #78
                  This week huh?...You won't be able to make it...

                  Hasmik's new cd is coming out this month.. i'm not sure if it's in stores, but I shall find out and let you know! Though I'm not sure if it's gonna sell for 3 bucks

                  And if/when you stop by at the store again, pick up "Dance Fever" It's gooood.

                  As for Armine Nahapetyan...still haven't heard anything by her.


                  • #79
                    OMG Don't tempt me!!! What's on this "Dance Fever"??? lol

                    Okay that's it. I'm gonna send you 3 of my favorite Armine songs next time on MSN. You're gonna looooooove her. haha

                    *gasp* this month??? wooo I've been waiting for this stupid CD for like a year! It better be some pop masterpiece, I tell you. Did you ever hear her first single? Andzanot Ashkharh, I think? Yes ter ad al chem lsadz... meghk em.

                    Dants: I need to introduce you to the magical world of Armopop.


                    • #80
                      Originally posted by Che_Ka
                      ...pop masterpiece...
                      *odds to his list of greatest oxymorons*

