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Free Palestine - The Struggle

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  • #31
    Re: Free Palestine - The Struggle

    Originally posted by arakeretzig View Post
    and by "peaceful protesters" you mean provocators who want Israel to gun them down, so the world can say "hey look they're killing us".. etc etc.?
    You should have been born Palestinian, you'd be singing a different tune. Israel is a racist genocidal state that is holding people hostage on their own land. I know some people believe that land, water and air doesn't belong to people and should be governed by J3ws but others like to have the ability piss freely on their own land.
    "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


    • #32
      Re: Free Palestine - The Struggle

      Speaking of provocateurs,

      Israeli officer slaps female Palestinian lawyer on Nakba day

      And here's the firing,

      Last edited by Federate; 05-16-2011, 06:38 AM.
      Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


      • #33
        Re: Free Palestine - The Struggle

        Egypt permanently opens Gaza border crossing

        RAFAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — After four years, Egypt has permanently opened the Gaza Strip's main gateway to the outside world.

        The move to lift most travel restrictions on Gaza residents brings long-awaited relief to the territory's Palestinian population and a significant achievement for its Hamas rulers. But it raises Israeli fears it will be easier for militants to go in and out of Gaza.

        The first busload of passengers crossed into Egypt on Saturday morning at the Rafah terminal, where about 400 Gazans awaited.

        Egypt and Israel have maintained a blockade over Gaza since 2007 to weaken Hamas following its violent seizure of the area. But after the ouster of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in February, Egypt's new military rulers decided to ease the blockade.
        "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


        • #34
          Re: Free Palestine - The Struggle

          Originally posted by arakeretzig View Post
          and by "peaceful protesters" you mean provocators who want Israel to gun them down, so the world can say "hey look they're killing us".. etc etc.?
          Well I assume that's what both sides want (Israel to blast all Palestinians as terrorists, and Palestinians to blast all xxxs as racist), Fatah and Hamas use their people as publicity stunts and western media fake footage on occasion also; with every protest you must ask yourself is this spontaneous or organized by the government? Protests against the xxxish state are regularly ignored by western media, there are plenty of Israelis that want the xxxish parties out of power and for the secular xxxish and Muslim parties to take their place. When attacking Israel as a state virtually everyone totally ignores the plight of secular xxxs, who are forced by law to pay for the war and fight it while the Orthodox xxxs pay no tax, force women to be segregated (to an extent which much be compared with segregation of blacks in America)*, bomb crematoriums (or rather set them on fire)* as they claim they are against Judaism, and that is just a small part of the persecution non Orthodox xxxs face in Israel (especially in Jerusalem).


          * - FRANCE 24 Report: Israel: sexist segregation on the bus
          REPORT: A group of ultra-orthodox Israelis are demanding bus companies increase the number of segregated buses which keep women separated from men. But civil rights activists fear the model could spread across different sectors of Israeli society.
          Last edited by hipeter924; 05-28-2011, 06:09 AM.


          • #35
            Re: Free Palestine - The Struggle

            Palestinian chief negotiator may visit Armenia?

            May 31, 2011 | 12:51

            Palestinian chief negotiator Nabil Shaath said he is planning to visit Armenia.

            Shaath announced on Monday that Spain was planning to recognize the Palestinian state before September after his meeting with Spanish Consul-General Alfonso Portable, TheJerusalem Post reports.

            Chief negotiator of Palestinian Authority said the country was sparing no effort to secure international recognition for the statehood bid.

            He also added that intends to visit Armenia, Moldavia, the Philippines, Mexico and Columbia to persuade these governments to support the statehood bid, the newspaper writes.

            He will persuade governments to support the statehood bid...
            Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


            • #36
              Re: Free Palestine - The Struggle

              I highly doubt Armenia would recognise Palestine, given we haven't even recognised Karabakh. (same argument for not recognising Kosovo)
              Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
              "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


              • #37
                Re: Free Palestine - The Struggle

                Well this is good for us, as Israel/Turkish relations will be strained even more. I wonder what Armenia will vote when the resolution of Palestine's independence comes up. I'm guessing we will vote 'no' because of the Karabakh issue and the fact that we remain one of the few countries that has absolutely no political relations with Palestine (even Israel has some political relations with Palestine).

                Turkey ready to recognize Palestine as sovereign state

                June 16, 2011 - 21:20 AMT
                PanARMENIAN.Net - Turkey will vote for a UN resolution to recognize Palestine as a sovereign state, Turkish President Abdullah Gul said in remarks published on Thursday, June 16. “We hope that an independent Palestine [is] established based on 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as the capital,” Gul was quoted as saying by Japanese newspaper Nikkei. “We are among the strongest supporters of Palestine,” he also said.
                Palestinian leaders have been campaigning to win UN recognition of a state that spans the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, territories Israel captured in 1967. “We call on all friendly, peace-loving nations to join us in realizing our national aspirations by recognizing the State of Palestine on the 1967 border and by supporting its admission to the United Nations,” Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said in an opinion published in May in The New York Times, referring to boundaries that embrace the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
                Israel and the United States have objected to the idea of UN recognition. The US has urged the Palestinians and Israel not to take unilateral steps that could jeopardize a final peace settlement. Gul said there is “no doubt” that Turkey would vote for the resolution.
                In a speech at the UN Security Council in April, Turkey's ambassador to the UN declared Turkish support for the Palestinian quest for UN recognition as an independent state, saying it is time for the international community to be in solidarity with Palestinians to help them “live in peace and with dignity.”
                “Through their state building efforts, the Palestinian Authority has proven to all the sceptics that they deserve to attain their decades-long target of internationally recognized statehood, even though they continue to suffer under occupation,” Ambassador Ertugrul Apakan, said at a UN Security Council debate on the Middle East.
                If Palestinians prove objectively ready to move from their current observer status at the UN into full statehood, the international community “must not turn a blind eye to their just and legitimate appeal,” he said, and added, “The time has come to show solidarity with the Palestinians and help them to live in peace and dignity,” Today's Zaman quoted him as saying.
                Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
                "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


                • #38
                  Re: Free Palestine - The Struggle

                  Originally posted by Mos View Post
                  Well this is good for us, as Israel/Turkish relations will be strained even more. I wonder what Armenia will vote when the resolution of Palestine's independence comes up. I'm guessing we will vote 'no' because of the Karabakh issue and the fact that we remain one of the few countries that has absolutely no political relations with Palestine (even Israel has some political relations with Palestine).

                  What are you calling Palestine? Palestine is the state occupied by Israel. Gaza isn't Palestine and neither is the land governed by the "Palestinian Authority".
                  "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


                  • #39
                    Re: Free Palestine - The Struggle

                    Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post

                    What are you calling Palestine? Palestine is the state occupied by Israel. Gaza isn't Palestine and neither is the land governed by the "Palestinian Authority".
                    Well I'm obviously referring to the territories currently under control of Palestinian Authority and which will be included in a Palestinian state (given Israel is right next to it).

                    Though, what's more interesting for me is whether Azerbaijan will recognise PA. I bet they will be under heavy pressure by Turkey.
                    Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
                    "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


                    • #40
                      Re: Free Palestine - The Struggle

                      Isn't there enough failed islamic states? why create another one? IF you think its going to be a paradise like UAE, you're dreaming. An islamic state next to israel, everyday they'll drop a missle on israel, and start whining about how israel denys them their "rights".

