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Pro Erdogan supporters attack peaceful protesters in Washington, DC

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  • Pro Erdogan supporters attack peaceful protesters in Washington, DC

    Thought I'd share

    "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X

  • #2
    Re: Pro Erdogan supporters attack peaceful protesters in Washington, DC

    Where you been man?
    Hayastan or Bust.


    • #3
      Re: Pro Erdogan supporters attack peaceful protesters in Washington, DC

      Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
      Where you been man?
      Took a break from the internet for a couple years, lol.
      "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


      • #4
        Re: Pro Erdogan supporters attack peaceful protesters in Washington, DC

        Welcome back goes the neighberhood, lol.
        B0zkurt Hunter


        • #5
          Re: Pro Erdogan supporters attack peaceful protesters in Washington, DC

          Thanks Eddo.

          Here is some recent news on the mayhem that went down yesterday.

          Erdogan Security Forces Charge Protesters in ‘Brutal Attack,’ Police Say

          Chief Newsham demurred when asked whether members of Mr. Erdogan’s security team were involved in the attack, but the State Department later acknowledged their presence.

          He said an investigation was continuing but that the police had a good sense of who was involved. He added that some members of the pro-Erdogan group were carrying firearms, which made it more difficult for the police to contain the scene.

          “We intend to assure that there is accountability for anyone involved in this assault,” he said, adding that the police were working closely with the State Department and the Secret Service.

          “Yesterday we witnessed what appeared to be a brutal attack on peaceful protests,” Chief Newsham said.

          “First and foremost I will say that that is not something that we will tolerate here in Washington, D.C.,” he said. “This is a city where people should be able to come and peacefully protest.”

          "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


          • #6
            Re: Pro Erdogan supporters attack peaceful protesters in Washington, DC

            That's all nice and all but so what? What's going to come from this? Jack xxxx.


            • #7
              Re: Pro Erdogan supporters attack peaceful protesters in Washington, DC

              Originally posted by Shant03 View Post
              That's all nice and all but so what? What's going to come from this? Jack xxxx.
              Pretty much. It will be forgotten in a day or two.

              Taken from another article:

              "We were the first to arrive at the protest location, we were few, and we did not want to provoke Erdogan's supporters, as we had an experience with them," said Lucy Usoyan, an Armenian-American activist. "We started to chant 'Long live U.S.A., long live Kurdistan and Armenia,' so all of a sudden they broke into us, they beat us badly, and the U.S police was not enough to protect us.

              "I saw blood everywhere; for a second, I thought that I am not in the capital of the U.S., but in Turkey being beaten by Erdogan supporters," Usoyan said.

              "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


              • #8
                Re: Pro Erdogan supporters attack peaceful protesters in Washington, DC

                Voice of America News (VOA) is turkish owned US network much like Al Jazeera.


                • #9
                  Re: Pro Erdogan supporters attack peaceful protesters in Washington, DC

                  Originally posted by Shant03 View Post
                  Voice of America News (VOA) is turkish owned US network much like Al Jazeera.
                  Are you sure?
                  VOA is more like Sate department owned propaganda machine around the world.
                  Has been around almost pre WWII broadcasting on Radio waves.
                  More like the BBC Gov. interest promotions.


                  • #10
                    Re: Pro Erdogan supporters attack peaceful protesters in Washington, DC

                    ""We should throw the Turkish ambassador out of the country, we should identify those people that performed these unlawful acts of beating people up and they should be charged," McCain told reporters."

                    For once McCain said something intelligent. His comment was only related to his hate to erdogan that is not too friendly to his beloved shekelists.

