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Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

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  • #41
    Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

    A dead jackass is not afraid of the lion.
    Sorrows are easier to survive than hunger.
    Honey will attract flies even from Baghdad.
    To a poor orphan, more bread, less advice.
    Life is a battle and what counts is not the first defeat
    but the final victory.
    He is wise indeed whose learning begins in the cradle
    and ends in the grave.
    Some books make better friends
    than the best of friends.


    • #42
      Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

      Originally posted by arabaliozian View Post
      "When two fools agree, they think they have achieved wisdom."
      Are you talking about you and your efendi Zourna?
      Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


      Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


      • #43
        Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

        Hey Ermeni, you're a cracker )))
        Come off it now, you're not a real fascist are you?! Fascists don't have any sense of humor. You seem full of it!
        keep up the pace!


        • #44
          Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

          Originally posted by zourna View Post
          Hey Ermeni, you're a cracker )))
          Come off it now, you're not a real fascist are you?! Fascists don't have any sense of humor. You seem full of it!
          keep up the pace!
          Wrong again, efendi:

          This is very funny nazi parody from finnish comedy group called "Kummeli". In the end of the video the host asks what country was video from... Israel team ...

          Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

          Take pity on nazi's, you will see what they face everyday

          Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


          Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


          • #45
            Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

            Originally posted by Virgil View Post
            I respect your decision, certainly, not everyone has the time nor the strength to give a full detailed assesment of geopolitical events because they are most of the time very long and contain a very intricate chain of implications. At least if you are going to call a man out have the common courtesy to explain why you have called him out.
            I have done it in the past and I have no intention to waste my time discussing with an uncultured and uneducated bully like Armenian who seems to believe that a bigmouth is the foundation of a solid argument. Fortunately, narrow minded and semi-literate bullies like him are decreasing in number within the Armenian Society; a fact that one may interpret as an indication that their role/contribution in (building) the future of the Armenian Nation will/may be, at best, secondary, dispensable and/or of little value.

            Originally posted by Virgil View Post
            What is amusing is how you claim Armenian's political analysis is flawed when in fact all you do is post articles with no depth,
            I will not reply to the (text) above, as I don't see any purpose - or value; however, the following may be pertinent
            1. Don't you think that your statement "At least if you are going to call a man out have the common courtesy to explain why you have called him out?"
            Makes your unexplained comments seem hypocritical?
            2. Confucius said something like: "If you hit a pot and it sounds hollow, it does not mean that the pot is empty"

            Originally posted by Virgil View Post
            Are you implying then Armenia should not align themselves with Russia? Are you implying that we should open our borders with Turkey and Azerbaijan? What is your agenda and opinion regarding Armenian's political analysis? Please, the podium is yours. I personally agree with Armenian, in the short term we can xxxxx ourselves to the west, but the reality is that it is in our interests to pick the Russian state over others due to historical anticidents that closely aligns our interests, essentially, a weak Turkey means a strong Russia, and a strong Russia means a stable Armenia that can develop without having fear of the Turkish saber since Russian interests will not permit Armenia from falling into the hands of, not only, Turkey, but Iran and Azerbaijan.
            Just curious, when and how the many issues raised above were addressed in - and/or implied by - my post??? Can you limit yourself to what is said? The above raises many issues in an amalgamated manner and, I don't have time to discuss them. Thanks for the podium!
            In any case, it was about his simplistic and uneducated views and poor analytical skills, not geopolitical - strategic or tactical - inclinations and preferences - that are, according to polls, shared by most Armenians.

            I will reply to your PM, titled "Your Support for Ara Baliozian," in public - as it is not a private matter; believing in "Information Democracy" - i.e. transparency - I stay away from "behind the scene" tractations.
            Originally posted by Virgil
            I am just curious, do you buy his bullxxxx? Really, do you understand that every sentance the man spouts goes against any of your "efforts" at any "political" and "nationalistic" push? Does this register? I don't want to call you out in public when you insult Armenian, so please, explain yourself?
            My views on arabaliozian and Armenian are made public, in the past, and I have neither the intention, nor the time, to revisit them. However,
            1. Where was arabaliozian mentioned in my post?
            2. Are you suggesting that I should tolerate a neighborhood bully - i.e. Armenian, just because a member of the community - i.e. arabaliozian - does not have the lucidity to realize that
            2.1 In a community, the few uncultured and narrow minded bigmouthes - such as Armenian and his like - make most of the noise
            2.2 He should not let the (few bigmouth) trees hide the forest
            2.4 He is grossly extrapolating and exaggerating
            2.3 He's the first victim of his venom
            2.4 etc. etc.

            The answer is "NO, I don't see in the above good reasons to tolerate an uncultured bully like Armenian!" Furthermore, as suggested above, there is no telling that a riff-raff like Armenian is of any value to the (building) of the Armenian Nation.
            Last edited by Siamanto; 12-25-2007, 10:08 PM.
            What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.


            • #46
              Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

              Originally posted by Siamanto View Post
              I have done it in the past and I have no intention to waste my time discussing with an uncultured and uneducated bully like Armenian who seems to believe that a bigmouth is the foundation of a solid argument. Fortunately, narrow minded and semi-literate bullies like him are decreasing in number within the Armenian Society; a fact that one may interpret as an indication that their role in (building) the future of the Armenia Nation is at best secondary and/or unnecessary.
              "Oh my god, Siamanto is 'wasting his time discussing' topics with Armenian", what a load of a bullxxxx. So let me get this straight, you first insult Armenian and then you "salute" Ara Baliozian, now, you are claiming that Armenian is the "politically challagened" when in fact, Ara has never backed any stance other then the inflation of his ego. If you were to take your head out of a your ass for a second, you will realize that when the "great erudite" attacks nationalists, he is attacking Armenian, me, and you included. Ara's stance goes against you, your motives, and the Armenian people and nation.

              Siamanto, I am assuming you are a "patriotic" person and or maybe even "nationalistic" (I have learned from the past, the "patriotic" has no baring on the "nationalistic", they are mutually exclusive terms), but I will give you the benefit of the doubt, assuming you are a "nationalist", do you give your "salut" to Ara because you believe in his cause and work or are you doing so to prove a point? If it is the previous, I have already highlighted why then you are a hypocrite, essentially, you post about the "well being" of the Armenian state, but yet support a individual that has undermined any nationalistic feelings, it is a self-defeating cycle. You are trying to convince the men and women, your audience of the importance of "economic development of Armenia", "Turkish-Armenian bilateral relations", and "cultural achievements of the Diaspora", but yet on the basic level you support a individual that has attacked everything that is nationalistic, everything that screams, "I am Armenian, this is who I am".

              And understand, the idea that I, Virgil, am this "extreme nationalist" and you are not is a misconception. The reality is that any individual that raises the Armenian flag is a nationalist, however, the funny thing is that while I defend the values of the Armenian state and people, many "flag wavers" don't. If they are indeed "nationalist" then they should stand up for the Armenian state not only during good times, but also during bad times, times when their ass is also on the line. However, this is a truly a pipedream (Paying attention to details, the answers are there), if every Armenian had it within themselves to take the national question with more seriousness then we would not be having this conversation, then our intellectual and industrial elite would be on my side and we would truly have a functional state, but we all know this will never happen because you have individuals like "Ara type", who for 72 years strived to "educate" themselves only to turn around and use their education against the very same institutions and "unique people" that were instramental in the education of the "Ara type" in the first place.

              And what has the "Ara type" done but put weight behind every degenerative element in the Armenian community and severe any ties Armenians have to their state and people? Let me ask you, what is more valuable to a impressionable youth, Armenain talking about geopolitics with a nationalistic overtone or Ara Baliozian that talks about "grandiose" ideas where only a exposed viewer understands him and has experience with his work? His views are important to a state that has reached the economic standards of the "first world", it has no use to Armenia and Armenians that are part of the developing world, we still need to expand and pillage others to move up in the food chain. And I would support Armenian ofcourse, essentially, assuming Armenian may be the most "assbackwards" talking head, assuming he has made "inaccurate" statements, but at the very end, at least with Armenian the audience can become more interested in the national question, at least by reading his views you garner a sense of a national pride versus Ara, who only demotivates and confuses you.

              Originally posted by Siamanto
              I will not reply to the (text) above, as I don't see any purpose - or value; however, the following may be pertinent
              1. Don't you think that your statement "At least if you are going to call a man out have the common courtesy to explain why you have called him out?"
              Makes your unexplained comments seem hypocritical?
              2. Confucius said something like: "If you hit a pot and it sounds hollow, it does not mean that the pot is empty"
              Oh, please, let us not "insult" the "great Siamanto" with our "presence", again, get your head out of your ass. In reply to (1) no, I am not being hypocritical, when have I ever "made a point" without outlining reasons as to why I make the point? Please, don't paint that picture, if anything I have asked you and your little band of rodents to explain to me why it is you support the failed 72 year old loser. Please, again, "enlighten" me, so, I, again, ask you, the "Ara follower", why you support him? If you truly believe in Ara and his "infinite wisdom", then I pose this question to you. Assume I am a "ignorant" person, I am the man in the cave and you are the "enlightened" man that made his way out of the cave and now has returned to save his fellow man stuck in the cave of ignorance. It is up to you to convince me, the "ignoramos", of why I should "adopt" the "wisdom" of Ara Baliozian, I have explained in the detail why I dislike the man, now, as a "devout" follower explain to me (a) his cumulative point, (b) his agenda (i.e. what is behind his push to ask me to change 3,000 years of collective knowledge), and (c) why you, the "devout" follower supports him in all his endevours. Please, the podium is yours, take your time, can you do this, can you convince me? And once you state your case, are you brave enough to defend him and his ideas against a "ignoramos" such as I? Remember, I am "stuck", "I have chained myself to a wall", it is your duty to convince me and remember, I will disect your argument and counter-back, essentially, be prepared to debate to the end or don't debate at all (Throws guantlet on the ground).

              To (2), Confucius also stated:

              Originally posted by Confucius
              The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved.
              Essentially, the above is exactly counter to Ara's point of view and exactly fits in with Armenian and I in both our actions and our opinions. Please, don't bring random ass quotes from or something ridiculous along those lines, there exists more to a individual then a "one liner", we deserve better then that. Like I said, I could wipe my ass with "intellectual work", it suits no purpose to the Armenian state, what Armenia needs is bodies, ignorant, uneducated, but brave souls to whether out the strom of state building or else taking Shapesphere to the villager that lacks basic running water is a waste of time.

              Originally posted by Siamanto
              Just curious, when and how the many issues raised above were addressed in - and/or implied by - my post??? Can you limit yourself to what is said? The above raises many issues in an amalgamated manner and, I don't have time to discuss them. Thanks for the podium!
              In any case, it was about his simplistic and uneducated views and poor analytical skills, not geopolitical - strategic or tactical - inclinations and preferences - that are, according to polls, shared by most Armenians
              I was not sure we had to have a graduate level requirements from a thesis professor "Siamanto", what is up your ass? Its a message board, he posts opinions, the reason I challenge some individuals is that they deserve to challenged, I am not here to learn about the geopolitical climate from anyone, I just want to stop impressionable youths from coming to this message board and reading all the intellectual garbage, eventually, taking this patriotic youth and turning him into a walking vaginal like "el capitan", Ara Baliozian or the rest of the rodents that vacate this message board under the "banner" of "Armenian men". I respect many people, but the few I don't I have already called out, the question is, are you going to attack, Armenian and I, fellow nationalist, for the loser sitting in Canada living off the socialist welfare checks? The lines have been a drawn a long time ago, I just want to make sure whos side you are on? I just find your stance highly hypocritical and self-defeating since everything you ever worked for is being pissed away by these kinds of rodents in the diaspora. Let me explain myself, from Ara to Stephan to the rest of these idiots, all they want is a podium, somewhere to spout out their self-hatred because that is exactly what they are doing. Any reasonble person would look at this 72 year old loser is doing on these boards and call him out on it because he and his elk want 100% of the support of the Armenian when in fact they have not given 1% to the struggle of the Armenian people. There exists no logic to his statements and half the time he is a walking contradiction.

              Originally posted by Siamanto
              I will reply to your PM, titled "Your Support for Ara Baliozian," in public - as it is not a private matter; believing in "Information Democracy" - i.e. transparency - I stay away from "behind the scene" tractations.
              Thats fine, I am glad you did, I only sent you a private message because I did not want to have lenghty discussion on these boards, as much as you think I enjoy these "debates", I don't, but I am glad you want to "address" me under the public transparency.

              Originally posted by Siamanto
              My views on arabaliozian and Armenian are made public, in the past, and I have neither the intention, nor the time, to revisit them.
              Hmm ... let me get this straight, you are attacking Armenian under a thread addressed to Ara in order to belittle Armenian? Sorry, but I call bullxxxx, I will always call bullxxxx, and now, it makes sense, essentially, what ended up happening is this, Armenian had some accurate political theories, you feel threatened and like most demagogs you attacked him in order to increase your clout among the audience. This is typical Armenian attitudes towards each other, you try to bring another down to raise yourself, its disgusting, if anything you could have at least had the courtesy to attack him and his views on his threads, but no, you choose this thread to do just that, to belittle him, kick him when he is "down".

              But you know what is sad in all of this? You have some Turkish asswipe by the name of Zourna, calling your fellow Armenian "Ermani", a name for the most that means "gavor" (Dog) and yet, here you are, attacking Armenian when in fact we should all be asking this dipxxxx to leave the forums. Typically Armenian stupidity brought to you by the true "dividers", the "Ara type", yes, ladies and gentlemen, this peice of xxxx "writer" has opted to embrace the liberal views even at the expense of his fellow Armenians being called "dogs".

              Originally posted by Siamanto
              1. Where was arabaliozian mentioned in my post?
              You got to be kidding? Seriously, where was he mentioned? Look at the god damn thread, it reads "Happy birthday Ara Baliozian", please, don't try to wiggle your way out of this. You wrote what you wrote and you "saluted" him, how can you be so "stupid"? You were defending him, don't lie, be brave.

              Originally posted by Siamanto
              2. Are you suggesting that I should tolerate a neighborhood bully - i.e. Armenian, just because a member of the community - i.e. arabaliozian - does not have the lucidity to realize that
              No, don't play that game, there is no "hero" in this, we need better men and women. No one is the "bully", no one is the "cowboy", there exists nothing but interests. We are not motivated by "good" or "evil". Do you honestly think any of us "nationalists" are "evil"? If pose any question along the lines of "hey, Joe board member, I believe in world peace, what about you", ofcourse, everyone if not all individuals would agree with "wanting world peace", however, the world is not built in this manner. You have scales, most of the time it is not balanced, as mentioned earlier, one man eats, another man starves, the world moves on. However, in this scanario the individuals that are "good", are the individuals that opt to band together to make sure they don't starve, if you are a smart you will read into my last point, this in essence is what "nationalism" is about. Ever since the Greeks banded together to defeat the Persians this has been the motive.

              Originally posted by Siamanto
              2.1 In a community, the few uncultured and narrow minded bigmouthes - such as Armenian and his like - make most of the noise
              Yeah, right, "uncultured" and "narrowminded", listen asswipe, I am more "cultured" and "openminded" than you are. I am so "openminded" enough to have spent 5 years of my life reading this worthless individual known as Ara Baliozian, let me save you some time and just state that his work is , essentially, recycled, there exist nothing there that I don't already know about life and certainly, there exists nothing there that I can not learn from the local library. Ther reality is that if you want to lead a people, you have to willing to put your neck out on the line and be brave (i.e. roll up your sleeves and put your ass to work) or else hiding behind "quotes" will not improve the Armenian cause. His views and opinions only create stagnation, while we are letting our guard down, Turks and others are building up their nationalistic lifeblood in order to xxxx you and your people in the ass. We can't afford to waste our times with these jackasses any longer.
              Last edited by Virgil; 12-26-2007, 12:03 AM.


              • #47
                Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                Originally posted by Siamanto
                2.2 He should not let the (few bigmouth) trees hide the forest
                Please, by all means, explain to me "what forest" Armenian is hiding from you? Where is this Elysium that Ara is promising you and Armenian is denying you? Can you please answer to me how the "Ara type" is benefitial to a people that are essentially on their last legs, knee deep in a two front cold war? Let me rehash my question, one example, how will being "open minded" convince the very same Turk and Azeri to stop a blockade? xxxxing ridiculous, I will pay for the "Ara types" plane ticket, I will drop him off in Istanbol and give him infinte amount of money to spend, but under one condition. The condition would be very simple, he would have to wear a T-Shirt that reads "I am Armenian, I am proud, and there existed a genocide", how long would he fare? Not long, he would probably get lynched before the authorities could arrest him under article 301, essentially, my point is that you are a jackass calling Armenian out and you are a even greater fool for supporting such assbackwards and naive individual such as Ara because he is leading Armenians to let their guards down just like how the intellectuals at the time opted to live as Christian Turks as opposed to support their nationalists. A individual that fails to understand the very notion that being "unique" is not something you get rid of, you are unique, we have unique interests, and it is about time we all championed them instead of hiding beind worthless losers like the "Ara type".

                Originally posted by Siamanto
                2.4 He is grossly extrapolating and exaggerating
                2.3 He's the first victim of his venom
                2.4 etc. etc.
                Where is your proof? Please, cite examples of "grossly extrapolating" and "esaggerating". No, I would opt for civil war if it meant we would clean up the house. Like I mentioned earlier, how ever "bad" Armenian's analysis is, the reality is that at least it gets a impressionable youth interested in the Armenian cause as opposed to Ara, who only preaches about topics that indirectly convince people to assimilate and adapt instead of fighting for self determination. Half the time, people can not understand him long enough to know what exactly the final point of view on Armenians is.

                Originally posted by Siamanto
                The answer is "NO, I don't see in the above good reasons to tolerate an uncultured bully like Armenian!" Furthermore, as suggested above, there is no telling that a riff-raff like Armenian is of any value to the (building) of the Armenian Nation.
                Are you serious? As opposed to who, "the great erudite"? Please before you stick your neck out and support individuals that for most part have Turkish fans, objectively compare Armenian to the "Ara type" and you will see that at all points, it is far better to have more Armenian types as opposed to Ara Baliozian clones.
                Last edited by Virgil; 12-25-2007, 10:21 PM.


                • #48
                  Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                  Originally posted by zourna View Post
                  Hey Ermeni, you're a cracker )))
                  Come off it now, you're not a real fascist are you?! Fascists don't have any sense of humor. You seem full of it!
                  keep up the pace!
                  xxxx you, don't call him Ermeni.


                  • #49
                    Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                    Ok Efendi Virgil, I won't.

                    Originally posted by Virgil View Post
                    xxxx you, don't call him Ermeni.
                    What does it read, if you may?

                    You want my hairy arse kicked out of here, why?! Am having fun reading all what you guys have to say. You're having your fun too; flouting around relegating all who desagrees with you and what have you...
                    But if you insist, Highness, I would most gladly do so. Or may be just spend the day LOLLLOSHING )) You just have to ask me politely or else I'm reporting your verbal abuse!

                    You know Ermeni, you just made my day. The last one was a real cracker. you win my vote on that. And I won't call you Ermeni any often cause' Virgil won't allow it.
                    Last edited by zourna; 12-26-2007, 09:55 AM.


                    • #50
                      Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                      Wednesday, December 26, 2007
                      If you prefer fiction to fact, don’t read what follows because I plan to speak of reality, and reality in our case is seldom pretty.
                      If we are angry we have every right to be. Throughout our millennial history we have been ruled by foreign ruffians and domestic riffraff. My disagreement with my fellow Armenians begins when they take out this anger on fellow Armenians, and this without provocation -- unless you call a minor semantic or political disagreement a provocation – as if, throughout our long and happy existence we have known nothing but peace, harmony, and brotherhood among ourselves.
                      One does not have to be a combination of Sherlock Holmes and Freud to understand what I have said so far and what follows, namely that this vast store of accumulated resentment is not directed against our victimizers but against fellow victims, for the simple reason that our victimizers are either beyond our reach or, when within reach, they are invulnerable. This has been said by far better men than myself but it bears repeating: An Armenian’s worst enemy is not an odar but an Armenian, and this “other” Armenian is none other than himself.
                      On more than one occasion I have been told I have no right to speak of our problems unless I also propose a solution. This, needless to add, is a cheap rhetorical maneuver whose message is “Shut up!” To those of my readers who have not yet given up reading me so far, my suggested solution to the problem outlined above is a simple one: awareness. Because awareness of a problem is almost a solution.
                      If I were to describe an Armenian in a single sentence, I would say he is one who knows everything but understands nothing. As a result, his degree of awareness is that of a dinosaur. This may explain why Toynbee in his 10-volume STUDY OF HISTORY calls us “fossils,” like xxxs. But whereas xxxs were outraged and promptly rejected the label (see Maurice Samuel’s THE PROFESSOR AND THE FOSSIL), as far as i know, none of our professors rose to our defense. Is it because they secretly agreed with Toynbee? Either that or our professors are not in the habit of sharing their understand with us, probably because they know the torrents of verbal abuse that will be unleashed against them by our riffraff and their brainwashed dupes. Perhaps our real tragedy is not that we don’t understand but that we don’t want to understand, and that, I regret to say, is a problem that has no solution.

