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Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

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  • #51
    Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

    Thursday, December 27, 2007
    POLITICS 101
    A regime, any regime, even a regime of swine, will have its supporters.
    In America today only 50% of the people vote. When asked why he doesn’t vote, a wise man once replied: “I don’t believe in encouraging them.”
    One thing I have learned about my fellow Armenians and myself: We are human beings like the rest of mankind. Anyone who says we are better is either a brown-noser or a damn fool.
    Propaganda teaches us to overestimate ourselves and to underestimate our adversaries, which promotes the view that our leaders are shepherds and their leaders butchers. But then, where would butchers be without shepherds?
    If we are what we have become it’s because of liars whose favorite sport is the blame-game.
    Self-assessed smart Armenians will never agree with me because agreeing with me would amount to admitting they are fools who have been taken in by liars.
    After calling them “enemies of the people,” fascist leaders silence their critics. It is always the same story. After confusing fact with fiction they commit unspeakable crimes against humanity with the full support of their dupes. This may explain why there are people today (not all of them Turks) who believe Talaat was a great leader and his victims traitors who deserved their fate. This may also explain why some of the greatest butchers in the history of mankind, from Caligula and Nero to Stalin and Hitler, had their supporters.


    • #52
      Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!


      Ara's birthday has come and gone already. Also, there is already a thead for Ara's writings. Could you please close this thread and move Ara's posts to the appropriate thread: "notes and comments".
      Last edited by crusader1492; 12-27-2007, 07:46 AM. Reason: addition


      • #53
        Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

        Originally posted by Virgil View Post
        "Oh my god, Siamanto is 'wasting his time discussing' topics with Armenian",...
        Dude, I told you this character is a freak of nature, a neurotic... Engage him at your own risk. Nevertheless, don't expect a 'debate' from him/her, don't expect common sense or logic either. He/she is obsessed by me. I even think he/she is quite jealous of me for some reason. Therefore, he/she will oppose anything I state, even if it's the obvious. Please, just disregard him/her.
        Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


        Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


        • #54
          Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

          Originally posted by crusader1492 View Post
          Moderators, Ara's birthday has come and gone already. Also, there is already a thead for Ara's writings. Could you please close this thread and move Ara's posts to the appropriate thread: "notes and comments".
          I more-or-less agree with you, enker. However, if you think that Ara's work is crap - express your feelings where ever discussions about him may be. There are those who say that Ara is a egomaniac and that they don't want to waste time debating with him because that is what he is craving - attention in his old age. While this approach is true, I think it is counterproductive. I say this because Ara has Turkish and Jewish readers that at times following his links to this discussion forum. Ara also tries to recruit his Armenian readers from Canada, more often the liberal Ramkavar types, to read his self-hating, destructive, egotistical crap. So, by expressing your sentiments about him you are also showing the Armenian self-haters, Jews and Turks who happen to come by here that there are Armenians who call Ara's bluff...

          Let's not give this fool the satisfaction of thinking that he is one of our "writers" and/or "intellectuals." As far as an Armenian 'writer' is concerned, Ara is only worthy of being considered a 'mediocre' writer at best. As far as 'intellect' is concerned, Ara is an intellectual midget. And as far as being an 'Armenian' is concerned, Ara is 'not' an Armenian.

          The aforementioned is the fundamental reasons why Ara has been rejected from the Armenian public scene. While Armenians adore, even worship, their poets and writers - Kaputikyan, Sevag, Charents, Isahakian, Tumanyan, Raffi, Emin - to name a few, this "Ara Baliozian" character remains virtually nameless. That is why we see his anger, his disgruntlement and his self-hate. In Ara's twisted mind, had he been an American, or a Canadian, or a westerner, he would have gained fame. Since he writes for "Ottomanized Armenians" and "Gazetajis" he has gotten no where...
          Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


          Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


          • #55
            Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

            Who is he? "Ara Baliozian"
            I have never heard his name before(By the way I am not a Armenian)


            • #56
              Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

              Originally posted by Kanki View Post
              Who is he? "Ara Baliozian"
              I have never heard his name before(By the way I am not a Armenian)
              Kaki, he is a Turk nationalist like you.


              • #57
                Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                Originally posted by crusader1492 View Post
                Kaki, he is a Turk nationalist like you.
                Seriously, the stupidity of the Armenian people is amazing, well, let me clarify, the stupidity of the Armenian Diaspora is amazing. Turks on a daily basis charge themselves up, example:

                It is embarressing, we have to fight a two front war, one against the above that are out to destroy us, while at the same time, we have to convince and stop the "Ara type" from destroying the Armenian spirit of the Diaspora.

                Ara if you are reading this I just hope you understand you re destroying your people, you are disarming them. All these demagogs need to stop talking and go back to Armenia, if not, they should just shut the xxxx up and assimilate, love it or leave it.


                • #58
                  Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                  Originally posted by Kanki View Post
                  Who is he? "Ara Baliozian"
                  I have never heard his name before(By the way I am not a Armenian)
                  He is a homosexual that likes Turkish men, you should send him a private message, you will make a cute couple. You can go spread the Anti-Armenian sentiments everywhere, he would really enjoy the company.
                  Last edited by Virgil; 12-28-2007, 01:40 PM.


                  • #59
                    Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                    Hmm, after reading this thread again, an anti-ara sticky thread came to mind.


                    • #60
                      Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                      Friday, January 14, 2005
                      MAXIMS AND REFLECTIONS
                      To insult someone anonymously is to add cowardice
                      to bad manners.
                      If you are afraid of writers, don’t read; if you
                      are afraid of losing an argument, don’t
                      The wife of a wealthy fool will be prettier than
                      the wife of a poor philosopher.
                      Every dupe operates on the assumption that he
                      cannot be duped.
                      Don’t assume, but if you must, assume against
                      yourself – you will be on safer ground that way.
                      When it comes to the failings of other nations,
                      we have 20/20 vision, but when it comes to our
                      own, we are blind, deaf, and dumb.
                      When two fools agree, they think they have
                      achieved wisdom.
                      If you criticize or insult someone without
                      understanding or reading him, you expose your own
                      shortcomings more than his.
                      Dialogue has very few friends but many enemies,
                      among them: ignorance, prejudice, power, dogma,
                      arrogance, ego, barbarism, and in general,
                      anything that is connected with ideology and
                      On the subject of horizons, dwarfs will never
                      agree with giants.
                      All fools can plead not guilty on grounds of
                      xxxISH WISDOM
                      “When a crook kisses you, count your teeth.”
                      “A friend you have to buy; enemies you get for
                      “Some academics are no better than jackasses
                      because all they carry is a lot of books.”
                      “A deaf man heard a mute tell him how a blind man
                      saw a cripple run – on water.”

