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Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

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  • #71
    Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

    Are you saying that all nations who have developed a viable National Defense System and/or Doctrine, have based it on Central Asian mentality and Jurkish values? Of course not! There exists many other (martial) value systems and philosophies, besides Central Asian/Jurkish/Dr. Junkenstein hooliganism to serve as a basis of a (National) Defense System.
    What you call a Central Asian mentality, I call Armenian National Interests (ANI). ANI need to be advanced and protected at any cost. National Interests are always the foundation of any national defense doctrine of any country, so literally all of these different “(martial) value systems and philosophies” that exist worldwide are based on National Interests.

    Furthermore, Central Asian/Jurkish/Dr. Junkenstein hooliganism - as an organizational form - does not scale up to the level of a nation and is appropriate only for what it is meant for i.e. hooliganism and harrassment of the defenseless. Even the Ottomans had to look beyond their Jurkish values in order to build a scalable army.
    Whether in the smoky field of the battlefield or in the smoky room of negotiations there is one thing that is always crystal clear: Those who grasp the National Interests and act accordingly will win while those who can’t will lose, which is precisely what happened to us in the past with the Turks. We lost because we failed to understand and implement the ANI, while the Turk successfully applied his National Interests on us and won. But we will never make that mistake again. Even if the majority of our people disagree with us, even if a patriotic person like yourself would become disgusted with our ways of dealing with our enemies - We will implement it and we will win!


    Read the works of Shahan Natali and Garegin Nzhdeh and you will understand my position even better.
    Last edited by HayotzAmrotz; 01-06-2008, 12:43 AM.


    • #72
      Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

      Originally posted by Siamanto View Post
      The fact that Armenia and Artsakh have a scalable and organized military organization suggests that my views are already shared by Armenia's leadership - and every other organized nation.
      Your Central Asian mentality, mindset and values are only good for small armed groups, gangs and hooligans.
      As usual, you don't understand much; yet freely open your big mouth!

      You're an ornery one. Amot kez.

      The fact that a nation state has a military is not a novel, nor the Armenian leadership were not the first to think of this

      BTW, this has nothing to do with what I said from my previous quote...
      I commended Hye Amrotz because he essentially said that Armenia needs to deal with the Turks at the same level that they attempt to deal with Armenia. This is the only way Armenian can survive against them. All historic evidence bolsters this argument.

      In your thinking, you would have Armenia act as if the behavior of Turkey and Azerbaijan was tantamount to that of Switzerland.
      In short, you're living in la la land.
      Last edited by crusader1492; 01-06-2008, 06:53 PM.


      • #73
        Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!


        How would you suggest Armenia deal with recent threats likes (and don't consult with Ara Baliozian...I want your own opinion):



        • #74
          Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

          Originally posted by HayotzAmrotz View Post
          What you call a Central Asian mentality, I call Armenian National Interests (ANI). ANI need to be advanced and protected at any cost.
          Are you confusing yourself or simply the issues? How can Central Asian mentality and Armenian National Interests be comparable?
          You seem to be too desperate to criticize my stance, but don't know how. So far, your failed attempt sounds as if you're talking "lernen, tsoren!" Please try another angle, as this one is not working for you - it was too weak because apparently based on your misunderstanding of the intent of my post - and, now, you seem too busy saving face! Good Luck!

          Originally posted by HayotzAmrotz View Post
          Originally posted by Siamanto View Post
          Are you saying that all nations who have developed a viable National Defense System and/or Doctrine, have based it on Central Asian mentality and Jurkish values? Of course not! There exists many other (martial) value systems and philosophies, besides Central Asian/Jurkish/Dr. Junkenstein hooliganism to serve as a basis of a (National) Defense System.
          National Interests are always the foundation of any national defense doctrine of any country, so literally all of these different “(martial) value systems and philosophies” that exist worldwide are based on National Interests.
          Just curious, was it a revelation to you that the National Defense Systems and/or Doctrines that I have mentioned "are based on National Interests?" Congratulations!

          Originally posted by HayotzAmrotz View Post
          Whether in the smoky field of the battlefield or in the smoky room of negotiations there is one thing that is always crystal clear: Those who grasp the National Interests and act accordingly will win while those who can’t will lose, which is precisely what happened to us in the past with the Turks. We lost because we failed to understand and implement the ANI, while the Turk successfully applied his National Interests on us and won. But we will never make that mistake again.
          LOL Are you sure that you're not talking to an imaginary interlocutor? You do not have the monopoly of National Interests and many "grasp" the basic concept of "National Interests."
          Furthermore, you seem to forget that both Armenia and Artsakh have opted for a more viable, intelligent and appropriate solution and managed to stand up on their feet and walk forward without the Central Asian hooliganism and obscurantism - that you seem to support and condone.

          Originally posted by HayotzAmrotz View Post
          Even if the majority of our people disagree with us, even if a patriotic person like yourself would become disgusted with our ways of dealing with our enemies - We will implement it and we will win!
          That is wishful thinking, at best! The number of hooligans - of your sort???? if you consider yourself a "clone" of Dr. Junkenstein - is decreasing in number within our community and the future is bright because the future is free of your obscurantism!
          Of course, you may chose to remain in the dark ages, but keep your Central Asian Jurkish mentality and obscurantism in Afghanistan, Iran or anywhere else in Central Asia!
          We don't want your kind, we won't need your kind! Armenia can defend its interests and fight for its rights without your Jurkish values!
          Last edited by Siamanto; 01-06-2008, 01:28 PM.
          What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.


          • #75
            Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

            Originally posted by crusader1492 View Post

            How would you suggest Armenia deal with recent threats likes (and don't consult with Ara Baliozian...I want your own opinion):

            LOL The problem is that I can't "without consulting with Ara Baliozian!" You caught me!

            P.S. Please repeat the question when you decide to start using what is called "brain!" In the meantime, I have no desire to waste my time with you!
            What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.


            • #76
              Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

              Originally posted by crusader1492 View Post
              You're an ornery one. Amot kez.
              It is amusing when individuals who infiltrate among us Jurkish values, tell us "Amot kez."

              Originally posted by crusader1492 View Post
              In your thinking, you would have Armenia act as if the behavior of Turkey and Azerbaijan was tantamount to that of Switzerland.
              In short, you're living in la la land.
              If you were capable of any thinking, you would have already realized that you're understanding is not even close, so please continue insisting, like a mule! As usual, you don't understand much, but can't keep your big mouth shut!
              "In short, you're living" in duh duh land!
              Last edited by Siamanto; 01-06-2008, 01:24 PM.
              What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.


              • #77
                Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                Originally posted by Siamanto View Post
                It is amusing when individuals who infiltrate among us Jurkish values, tell us "Amot kez."

                If you were capable of any thinking, you would have already realized that you're understanding is not even close, so please continue insisting, like a mule! As usual, you don't understand much, but can't keep your big mouth shut!
                "In short, you're living" in duh duh land!
                Inch asem? You are not a nationalist, but judging from your visceral responses and emotional outbursts, you definately have the "central Asian" way about you...vochinchits aveli lav e.
                Last edited by crusader1492; 01-07-2008, 11:58 AM.


                • #78
                  Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!


                  I’m a Nationalist that’s why I chose to converse with you rather than attack you because, as I mentioned earlier in this thread, attacking another Armenian is an undesirable thing to do from the Nationalist's point of view. Secondly, my first impression of you was that of a patriotic and intelligent person. However I no longer believe that to be the case because no patriotic let alone intelligent person would attack Nationalists that belong to his own ethnic group. Acts of such cowardice is what pseudo intellectual losers would do.

                  But don’t you, or anyone else of your pseudo intellectual ilk, ever think that you can take an advantage of the fact that we as Nationalists dislike attacking anyone from our own Nation. Let me put it this way: In the real life scenario I’ll let you talk your talk, no problems, but if you take the next step and commit an act of treason against our Nation and/or our State then there will be a bullet in your head.

                  I can hear you screaming “here we go Central Asian/*Urkish mentality”. But our mentality is nothing like “Central Asian/*Urkish”. Our mentality is The Spirit of Our Nation that was born in the Battle of Dyutsaznamart 4500 years ago. It is our own, uniquely Armenian and we are the torchbearers while
                  pseudo intellectuals like you with your cries and your attacks on Armenian nationalists is the music to the ears of our enemies.


                  • #79
                    Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                    Apparently, you did not see the obvious yet, so allow me to spell it out:
                    1- My criticism of the hooligans of this forum has strictly nothing to do with nationalism: it's about hooliganism.
                    2- Being a nationalist cannot - and should not - be considered as a shield or an immunity, for at least the following reasons
                    2.1 It would be abusing and exploiting the idea of nationalism; nationalism is a form of self-sacrifice or gift, one should not expect privileges as it's not a form of commerce
                    2.1 Nationalists are humans and prone to error, just like anybody else
                    2.3 There is no hard evidence that nationalist are, in general, more useful to a Nation than the average member (of the Nation.) Furthermore, many prove to be disastrous to the well being of the Nation
                    3- Claiming to be a nationalist does not make someone a nationalist; that would be a quiet simplistic - not to say childish - reasoning. In any case, it would a bit pretentious and self righteous.
                    In other words, the fact that a narrow minded hooligan - like Dr. Junkenstein/Armenian, Virgil, crusader1492 or.... - considers himself/herself a nationalist, it does/should not make him/her any different, valuable than any other Armenian. Specially when those hooligans are uncultured individuals who are infiltrating Jurkish values among us.

                    Originally posted by HayotzAmrotz View Post
                    I’m a Nationalist that’s why I chose to converse with you rather than attack you because, as I mentioned earlier in this thread, attacking another Armenian is an undesirable thing to do from the Nationalist's point of view.
                    That may be a rule of conduct for you; however, the behavior of hooligans like Dr. Junkenstein - aka Armenian - Virgil, the exact opposite. If you sincerely believe in what you have stated, then shouldn't you put some efforts into inviting your hooligans buddies to respect other members of the forum and/or of the larger Armenian Community? Otherwise, I'm afraid that you will be taking the risk of being perceived as a hypocrite.

                    In any case, the forum is full of posts where those hooligans harass, attack and ostracize those who disagree with their agenda and/or do not correspond to a certain profile. Actually, hooliganism is the only reason of why they are confronted, and they will be confronted until they learn to be tolerant and respect others.

                    Originally posted by HayotzAmrotz View Post
                    Secondly, my first impression of you was that of a patriotic and intelligent person. However I no longer believe that to be the case because no patriotic let alone intelligent person would attack Nationalists that belong to his own ethnic group. Acts of such cowardice is what pseudo intellectual losers would do.
                    I reply to a poster using the tone of his/her text; so, if what you see - i.e. a reflection of yourself - does not seem pleasant, then you should take a good look and reconsider your own self.
                    Your understanding of the intent of my post proved to be totally erroneous, I gave you the opportunity to turn around; instead, apparently lacking the courage to admit your mistake, you have stubbornly insisted and replied with nonsensical absurdities such as: "What you call a Central Asian mentality, I call Armenian National Interests (ANI)."

                    Again, please do not use the pretension - that is not a fact - that you're a "nationalist" - though it may really be the case - as a shield or an license to utter absurdities about others. That's an easy game. Furthermore, such a self righteousness would, at best, seem the reflection of simple mindedness.

                    Originally posted by HayotzAmrotz View Post
                    But don’t you, or anyone else of your pseudo intellectual ilk, ever think that you can take an advantage of the fact that we as Nationalists dislike attacking anyone from our own Nation. Let me put it this way: In the real life scenario I’ll let you talk your talk, no problems, but if you take the next step and commit an act of treason against our Nation and/or our State then there will be a bullet in your head.
                    LOL "Nationalists dislike attacking anyone from our own Nation???" Please humor me more. This forum is full of threads where the Jurkish minded hooligans that you so h"ypocritically????" call "nationalists" attack and ostracize other Armenians.
                    I wonder how many more absurdities you will concoct only because you lack the courage to face to admit that your understanding of the intent of my post was completely erroneous????

                    Originally posted by HayotzAmrotz View Post
                    I can hear you screaming “here we go Central Asian/*Urkish mentality”. But our mentality is nothing like “Central Asian/*Urkish”. Our mentality is The Spirit of Our Nation that was born in the Battle of Dyutsaznamart 4500 years ago. It is our own, uniquely Armenian and we are the torchbearers while pseudo intellectuals like you with your cries and your attacks on Armenian nationalists is the music to the ears of our enemies.
                    LOL Your "mentality is The Spirit of Our Nation that was born in the Battle of Dyutsaznamart 4500 years ago?" I don't know if you're just another illuminati in need of a big dose of reality and/or lucidity; or just a clown thinking that we're fool enough to buy such a laughable and absurd fair tale??
                    On the other hand, it is quite clear how the behavior of hooligans like Armenian, Virgil, crusader1492 very much the same as the Jurks who periodically visit this forum.

                    In any case, your explanation is surrealistically hilarious - besides being a disrespectful exploitation of our history , and if you expect to be perceived as credible, please be more realistic and down to earth. Are you that simple minded?
                    Last edited by Siamanto; 01-13-2008, 04:05 PM.
                    What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.


                    • #80
                      Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                      Originally posted by Siamanto View Post
                      In any case, the forum is full of posts where those hooligans harass, attack and ostracize those who disagree with their agenda and/or do not correspond to a certain profile. Actually, hooliganism is the only reason of why they are confronted, and they will be confronted until they learn to be tolerant and respect others.
                      For the love of God, stop you long winded and self-absorbed moaning...

                      How is it that in one breath you complain about "Dr Junkenstien" and in the next breath you name-call, attack and ostricize the people you disagree with.
                      You are guilty of the behavior you complain about (see above).
                      "jurks" are infamous for this type of mentally ill behavior...especially the "hooligan jurks"

                      Besides all of that, I think you're swell...I just wish you would grow a set of balls.
                      Last edited by crusader1492; 01-13-2008, 06:11 PM.

