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Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

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  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

    When asked why he writes, a writer is quoted as having replied: "So that idiots may have something to think about in twenty years."
    The problem with most Armenian writers is that they want to achieve popularity long before they are murdered by a foreign tyrant or starved by their fellow Armenians.
    Am I right or wrong? I am not sure. But I know this: if I am wrong, my voice will be drowned by a chorus of loud-mouth chauvinists, charlatans, partisans, skinheads, and panchoonies, none of whom will ever dare to question the authority of any one of our bosses, bishops, and benefactors.
    If all Turks vanished from the face of the earth tomorrow, Armenians wouldn't miss them because an Armenian friend wouldn't be much different from a Turkish enemy.
    Charles Péguy: "Out of ignorance and a sense of duty most decent people are liable to turn into criminals."
    You can't talk ethics with a bishop: he thinks he has a monopoly on the subject. You can't talk sharing power with a boss: he thinks he is the best-qualified man for the job.
    You can't talk money with a benefactor: he won't listen to anyone who makes less than he does.
    Scottish proverb: "The devil's boots don't creak."
    All persecuted minorities and victims tend to view freedom as the freedom to persecute and victimize.
    La Rochefoucauld: "No man is clever enough to know all the evil he does."
    "I paint with my prick," Renoir is quoted as having said.
    Some of my readers think with theirs.


    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

      Originally posted by axel View Post
      I do not dispute this fact but if you read Sip's sentence with some attention ("since Hitler has always been the symbolic anti-xxx, then in the minds of those "nationalists" it only makes sense to start to embrace Nazism"), he's alluding to something quite different.
      Well, even that particular statement by the "Sip" is irrational for it presumes that anti-Jewism is exclusively a Nazi creation. For centuries humanity has been struggling against organized Jewry. Most Armenians who are opposed to organized Jewry, not individual Jews, do so for very rational and viable reasons.

      You definitely should, esp. the second volume. Maybe Haytoug has read it (a french translation was published a few years ago)
      Well, I will do so as soon as an Armenian or English version is published. Your suspicions regarding the English translation is very probable. Unfortunately, I'm only bilingual.

      Please, let's keep personal information within the PM realm.

      I was refering to the "theory" which is pretty shallow at best. If you want to refer to the reality of the third reich, then it is something quite different. One would have a few surprises in fact if one would take a close look at the "aryanity" of some party members including top officials.
      Please tell us what is the theory you are referring to and where is it found in Nazi official ideology? Sadly, most of what we think we know about Nazis is what has been told or revealed to us by the victors of the Second World War. If you are referring to their sociological concept of capabilities of certain races over others, then I must agree with them. If you agree that a German Sheppard is more intelligent/more capable than an Afghan Hound, in other words, if you agree that one breed of dog is more capable than another breed of dog, then you - by theory - agree with the fundamental aspects of Nazi style racism. Besides which, biological racism is a 19th century western creation not a Nazi creation.

      However, let's look at the racist aspect of Nazism as one would look at the modern western notions that certain sociopolitical systems on earth are superior to others. If the Nazis used race as a way to excite their population to battle the savages of the East, the western world today uses the pretexts of human rights, women rights, freedom and democracy to excite its population to battle the savages of the East. If the Nazis were ruthless in their treatment of Jews, or in their burning down of entire towns for supporting partizans/insurgents - the western world (successors of Bolshevism and Nazism) is equally guilty of murderous economic sanctions against undesirables nations, sanctions that have killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. The western world is also equally guilty of numerous wars of exploitation waged across the world that has been responsible for the deaths of countless numbers of civilians.

      Whether you kill innocent people by executing them in a ditch somewhere in the Ukraine, or by beheading them in an undisclosed location in Afghanistan, or by dropping "smart bombs" on their homes in Iraq - the end result is that innocent life is being taken for political purposes. Thus, it's all a matter of perspective and objectivity. Victors write history books and condition public perception. And as bad as Nazis may have been, they would pale in comparison to blood lust of the early Bolsheviks and todays consortium of western aggressors.

      Incidentally, it's always a pleasure for me debating topics with someone as intelligent, wise and rational as you.
      Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


      Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


      • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

        Tuesday, January 22, 2008
        Being popular by writing what the people want to read means pandering to the lowest common denominator, and as such it is to be avoided because it is the surest symptom of unprincipled mediocrity.
        To speak of massacres is to relive them, and to speak of Turks means to reassert them as our masters even if the assertion is made in a remote corner of our subconscious. Our aim ought to be recovering our humanity and with it our creative impetus, which will allow us to make contributions to the welfare of our fellow men regardless of race, color, and creed. Then and only then we may deserve universal support.
        Our writers are not our enemies, and yet this is how we have treated them. Being the offspring of victims does not justify us victimizing one another, especially those among us who dare to speak honestly and objectively about our failings. We all sympathize with victims, but if they insist on it day in day out, compassion fatigue may set it and sympathy may turn to annoyance and irritation.
        To our Turcocentric pundits I say, it is now time that you downsize your Turcocentrism and emphasize Armenianism by writing more about our present problems and contradictions, of which we have more than our share.


        • Re: more on bullies

          Originally posted by crusader1492 View Post
          ...and what would you expect one to do - fly up to Canada and pull a "Ogun Samast" (Turkish national hero) on a senior citizen? A senior citizen with and unhealthy mind, none-the-less?

          No Ara, that would be cruel.
          well, you could show the courage of a hero and identify yourself!


          • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

            Originally posted by arabaliozian View Post
            well, you could show the courage of a hero and identify yourself!
            Oh, please stop your non-ending bullxxxx! Courage has nothing to do with revealing one's personal identity to countless numbers of Cyberworld freaks and government agents. Doing so would be absolutely stupid.

            Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


            Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


            • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

              Originally posted by Armenian View Post
              Oh, please stop your non-ending bullxxxx! Courage has nothing to do with revealing one's personal identity to countless numbers of Cyberworld freaks and government agents. Doing so would be absolutely stupid.

              I guess Ara thinks he is brave for posting his real name, but he knows that by doing so he is totally safe. No Armenian is going to hurt him and Turks love him...on the other hand, the implications of revealing my name in cyberworld would only invite danger to me and my family.


              Ara, you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to goad an Armenian to post their name here. They can get harassed, open themselves up to bodily harm, or worse.

              Perhaps this is what you want?


              • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                Wednesday, January 23, 2008
                ************************************************** *******
                Diodorus of Sicily (first century B.C.), Greek historian: “Even the entirely fictitious legend of Hell is a mighty instrument for turning the hearts of men to righteousness and the fear of God. How much greater, therefore, must we conceive to be the potential ennobling influence upon character of History, the prophetess of truth and the wellspring of philosophy?”
                Nothing stays the same. Suppose in a future post-global warming and post-World War III America the Constitution is amended and the laws of taxation re-written, so that instead of collecting taxes from ethnic minorities, bureaucrats from the IRS visit homes and collect our children – boys for the army, and girls for “comfort,” that is, legalized prostitution. How long before we emigrate? It took us 600 years to get out of the Ottoman Empire and even then we had to be driven out at the point of a yataghan. Our pundits are unanimous in saying Turks are butchers, rapists, thieves, and liars. I wonder, why is it that it took us 600 years to figure that out? If my better-informed readers know the answer to that question, why is it that so far they have kept it to themselves? At least let us have the honesty to admit that we may not be as smart as we think we are, and our greatest deceivers have not been the Great Powers of the West but our own speechifiers and sermonizers parading as statesmen and pundits.
                Once upon a time we were free. Then we ceased to be free. We forgot what freedom meant. We had to be taught what freedom meant by the West, and we are still learning. Some day we may even begin to appreciate the value and importance of free speech.
                Samuel Butler (1835-1902), English author: “Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises.”


                • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                  Originally posted by crusader1492 View Post
                  I guess Ara thinks he is brave for posting his real name, but he knows that by doing so he is totally safe. No Armenian is going to hurt him and Turks love him...on the other hand, the implications of revealing my name in cyberworld would only invite danger to me and my family.


                  Ara, you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to goad an Armenian to post their name here. They can get harassed, open themselves up to bodily harm, or worse.

                  Perhaps this is what you want?
                  i have many friends who use their real name and none of them has been harmed. as for anonymous cowards who harass others on the internet, you mean armenians like you?


                  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                    Originally posted by arabaliozian View Post
                    i have many friends who use their real name and none of them has been harmed. as for anonymous cowards who harass others on the internet, you mean armenians like you?
                    Still trying to goad me into doing somthing stupid and maybe dangerous. Shame on you again, Ara.


                    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                      Originally posted by crusader1492 View Post
                      Still trying to goad me into doing somthing stupid and maybe dangerous. Shame on you again, Ara.
                      if only our brave nationalist-revolutionaries had been as cowardly as you, maybe we wouldn't have been massacred.

                      may i remind you that this is not the Ottoman Empire, but good old U.S. of A. If you are an armenian, you have nothing to fear but your friends. / ara

