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Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

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  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

    Originally posted by arabaliozian View Post
    by the way, nationalism destroyed us, it did not save us.
    let's not lie about facts.
    nationalism has created more wars and massacres than any other ideology. that's another fact.
    let's not lie about that either.
    the central tenet of all religions, including our own is: ALL MEN ARE BROTHERS.
    say AMEN to that, brother! / ara
    Are you serieus people like you destroyed us, people who weren't ready do die for their country destroyed us. Nationalism saved us, during the Artsakh war and during the genocide it was the only thing that saved us. Because in the places were there where nationalists they stood up and fought and protected themself and weren't led to be killed like sheeps.


    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

      Originally posted by Lucin View Post
      Anyway, I think you guys are giving him a little too much importance/ attention, by constantly pushing him. That's exactly what he wants, as he obviously gets worse. I don't think he is even worthy of being talked about. He is in nowhere in modern Armenian Literature or History.
      I was under the same impression not so lond ago, but I think this thread is beneficial now.
      This thread is not about the person "Ara Baliozian" per say, but what he and his followers stand for. With that said and from what I can see, the majority of posters here (save siamanto and freaky) are against Ara and his treachery.
      This thread is exposing the Ara types for the quacks that they are.
      I find this encouraging.


      • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

        Originally posted by crusader1492 View Post
        I think this thread is beneficial.

        A deluge of angry mob! )) I strongly agree!

        Is this the anger therapy circle?! where everyone sets to consign their angry thoughts????

        I hate the tooth fairy, she's a biatch!


        • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

          Originally posted by zourna View Post
          A deluge of angry mob! )) ...
          Don't try to paint this as some hysterical, group mentality is not.

          The majority of thoughts expressed here are sober and well thought out. If you are only focusing on the tinge of righteous anger incorporated within some of these insightful posts, then you are missing the point.

          In other words zourma, your sarcasm is empty.


          • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

            Well, it's easy to loose track of the gist in the reads by virtue of your "tinge of righteous anger", which is anything but insightful!
            Am not being quite honest here. it might be

            But for real; you hate the man for his thoughts. You make the world know how lowly you think of him. You wish death upon him, his thoughts... then what?! I just don't get it!

            By the way, I still hate the tooth fairy! nothing insightful in that?!
            Last edited by zourna; 01-30-2008, 11:52 AM.


            • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

              Originally posted by Lucin View Post
              Originally Posted by arabaliozian
              "go to Hayastan, everytime I go, I come back liking Turks more....
              WHo would control "liberated" Hayvanstan? The Mercedes stealing, money hoarding idiots who run the current Hayvanstan?"
              Wow, I am just speechless...
              Thank you for reminding me of this comment by our resident garbageman.

              Lucin jan, I disagree with you that we should ignore Ara. There are things Ara says and does that need to be commented on and/or confronted. Believe it or not, there are many low-lives who think like him in the United States, they just don't post their filth all over the internet like Ara does. As a matter of national pride and principle, we should confront this man as a representative of the low lives that exist in our communities worldwide. What's more, by addressing his endless rants we expose his readers/supporters to the other side of the story, so that they don't bask in the idea that Ara has the answers to the problems Armenia faces. Also don't forget that even as bad as he is as a writer/thinker, he is considered to be one of the representatives of modern Armenian literature. So, it's all a matter or setting the record straight.
              Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


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              • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                Originally posted by zourna View Post
                Well, it's easy to loose track of the gist in the reads by virtue of your "tinge of righteous anger", which is anything but insightful!
                Am not being quite honest here. it might be

                But for real; you hate the man for his thoughts. You make the world know how lowly you think of him. You wish death upon him, his thoughts... then what?! I just don't get it!

                By the way, I still hate the tooth fairy! nothing insightful in that?!
                Jackass, this debate is bigger than me and Ara. Don't demonize it by saying I "hate" the man and "wish death upon him". This is s blatant lie. Where the hell did you see me post such things?

                Zourna, when you lie for the sake of winning an argument, you lose all credibility.

                How is that for insight?
                Last edited by crusader1492; 01-30-2008, 12:26 PM.


                • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                  Some of you are so blind that you fail to even consider that he is accepted in some Armenian circles and has contributed to the literary landscape.

                  Regardless of whether you like it are not, a free country is like a building, it requires at a minimum four walls, dissent is one of the walls that keeps the building standing.

                  Regardless of whether you like it or not, Ara is a dissident Armenian writer. He is similar to many of the Armenians that tried to rally against Ottoman Turkey. They were dissenters and dissidents. Of course, some of them had no choice it was either join with the invading forces or die.

                  While Lucin has no clue what she speaks about re: his recognition in some Armenian circles, she is correct in stating that if you don't like him you should ignore him. Why?

                  Because, for the most part, you lack the ability to engage in meaningful discourse with him and you illuminate some of the anecdotes he shares.

                  And, also, as Axel so reasonably states, he makes valid points sometimes and sometimes he does not. He's human.

                  Crusader1492 almost elevated the discourse to intelligent matter with the use of sarcasm and satire re: Ara's writings, but the out and out mudslinging, personal attacks and anger towards him says more about you than him.

                  Also, stop and think, prior to 1922, when was there an Armenian nation that defended recognized borders?

                  There is a difference between Hayastan and Hayvastan - one is literal and the other figurative, one actual and the other a metaphor.

                  That he wants to rail against a corrupt government in Armenia and call corrupt leaders animals does not make him an enemy of Armenia. Perhaps, you can call him on it - you know the support of his conclusion, ask him to write a 1-2-3-2-3-2-3 paragraph.
                  If the government refuses to uphold its own constitution for the gain of those who hold the reins, it deserves at the least criticism.

                  There is certainly some chatter in the international community that free elections are a sought after commodity in Armenia. Of this, there is no dispute.

                  This is some of the background that is out there re: Ara with a simple query:

                  So, if you can't find a way of engaging him without the unnecessary noise, then, as Lucin has succinctly stated, ignore him. You only give him credence while eroding your own. I don't think this is the result you are intending but you reach it more and more.

                  I may not agree with him but every once in a while he makes me think which is more than what I can say for the likes of some of the contributors that rail against him.

                  If the only wealth he has left are his words, then let him spend them.

                  He can't take them with him and he can't invest them. What are their value to you?
                  Last edited by freakyfreaky; 01-30-2008, 01:10 PM.
                  Between childhood, boyhood,
                  & manhood (maturity) there
                  should be sharp lines drawn w/
                  Tests, deaths, feats, rites
                  stories, songs & judgements

                  - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


                  • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                    Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
                    Some of you are so blind that you fail to even consider that he is accepted in some Armenian circles and has contributed to the literary landscape.
                    That's great. But what does that have to do with the subject. He could have cured cancer...he is still a hateful malcontent and a detractor of anything Armenian.

                    Remember the "Hayvanstan" you still think that means chicken?

                    Regardless of whether you like it are not, a free country is like a building, it requires at a minimum four walls, dissent is one of the walls that keeps the building standing.
                    Again, that's great. But nobody is stoping Ara from speaking (how could that happen - this is an open forum. BTW, do you still think he would be jailed in Armenia for his thoughts (You convienently dropped that subject).

                    Also, what about other opinions that counter Ara. It does not seem that you have as much zeal in defending those.

                    Regardless of whether you like it or not, Ara is a dissident Armenian writer. He is similar to many of the Armenians that tried to rally against Ottoman Turkey. They were dissenters and dissidents. Of course, some of them had no choice it was either join with the invading forces or die.
                    An apple and orange comparison. The Armenian "dissdents" during the Ottoman empire were Armenian nationalist...the antithesis of Ara.

                    While Lucin has no clue what she speaks about re: his recognition in some Armenian circles, she is correct in stating that if you don't like him you should ignore him. Why?
                    Do you realize you are an empty snob. Oh yeah, I forgot, your paternal great grandfather counseled with Khrimian Hayrig. That makes your opinion better than Lucin's

                    Crusader1492 almost elevated the discourse to intelligent matter with the use of sarcasm and satire re: Ara's writings, but the out and out mudslinging, personal attacks and anger towards him says more about you than him...
                    Hi kettle

                    ... the only wealth he has left are his words, then let him spend them.
                    Not at the expence of defaming Armenian store is closed
                    Last edited by crusader1492; 01-30-2008, 03:12 PM.


                    • Re: Happy Birthday Ara Baliozian!

                      Originally posted by crusader1492 View Post
                      Again, that's great. But nobody is stoping Ara from speaking (how could that happen - this is an open forum. BTW, do you still think he would be jailed in Armenia for his thoughts (You convienently dropped that subject).
                      This freaky Barskahav dude is revealing a lot of Jew like behavior. First, no one here, that I know of, has demanded Ara's silence. I have forcefully attacked Ara's crappy work and his lame character - but I have 'never' asked, demanded or wished for his banishment or silencing. What's more, calling him a "dissident" (which is another Jew derived term by the way) doesn't change that fact that Ara's literary work is irrational, contradictory, ignorant, self-serving, egotistic, destructive and demoralizing. If there are true free speech champions here they should be protecting my free speech as well. Also, didn't you see all the verbal gymnastics of last night when I confronted him about his foolish and irresponsible comment? Don't expect his type to admit wrong. They are walking talking egos. Like with Ara, the world revolves around them. Concepts like Nationalism and God do not appeal to their egomania. These people live in another dimension, a place where they create their own realities.
                      Last edited by Armenian; 01-30-2008, 03:33 PM.
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                      Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:

