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Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • #11

    That was some good speech!

    Sorry about your father.... horin tsavatskum em. Everything you said is soooo true, i thank God every day, about everything that i have/don't have.....i appreciate all of it.

    Lav lines ahchik!

    p.s. i just came home from work, and i'm feet hurts soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much,,,,so you are not alone


    • #12
      you're not alone violette
      I'm at work also ...
      but hey... we're makin money!
      AND i'm getting paid today!
      so those of you who are broke at home, sux to be YOU!!

      oh and the first thing I was thankful for this thanxgiving was this guy I was dating...
      even though at times, he treated me like I don't exist, he's the reason I'm a stronger and a better person now!
      so thank you God for introducing him to me
      my psych instructor says people teach us about ourselves!


      • #13
        I wish I could be more articulate in the following post, but I am tired and my thoughts are all in a jumble and I probably should be asleep so I wont get more sick but the other posts made me all musy too and there are too many things running through my head right now, so bear with me....

        Violet, I am sorry for your loss, and I agree with you wholeheartedly about thanking God for what we have to be thanful for.

        It seems to me that not believing in God is like a new trend or soemthing, I don't know. Truly, I think that when people go through hard times they seem to take that as an 'opportuniy' almost to meghatrel God and wonder why he wasn't there for them in their time of need, etc etc. I know it's hard sometimes to have this kind of blind faith in Him, but it's important, so I too am thankful for whatever I have, regardless of the upset and loss and utter confusion I might have been thrown into in the past week.

        When things are bad at least the thought that they WILL get better helps us get through it to the next day. And there are always opportunities out there to help other people which help us feel better about ourselves and the situations we find ourselves in. Don't you think?

        As for people teaching us about ourselves jahannamig, don't you wish that it would be though more positive ways? It seems to me that most people have been though some kind of pain because of other people. I know that what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. I just wish we could teach eachother lessons through more positive ways. For example, much as I am relieved to learn that I am strong enough to get through a world of pain etc and I have an incredible support group of family and friends I can lean on when i need to (and who in turn can lean on me when times are bad for them) I wish I didn't have to come to that realization due to the fact that I found out my ex boyfriend is pretty damn evil (and boy have I been thanking God every day for helping me realize this before things went too much further and more time passed). Couldn't I have found out all those things because, oh I don't know, something happy happened?? hehe. You know what i mean?

        Chem Kider.

        That basically sums up what I've been thinking and feeling and realizing after this week and reading all your posts....

        Chem Kider!!! I don't know....
        Last edited by ckBejug; 11-28-2003, 02:15 PM.
        The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


        • #14
          Well, first off, thank u SOOOO much for all the love im feeling right now. It's nice to see u can find decent human beings out there who are not only out to get u into trouble. As for what Jahannam said, well honey, I know exactly what u mean. I don't know if ur still with him and he's making u a stronger person, or that he did something awful to u to make u realize that u don't need his WACK ASS...but in any case, I think God has a plan for all of us. If he didn't think I was strong enough to make it without my dad, he wouldn't have taken him away from me. I know most people, like cK said, have this notion that God is to blame for all the wrong in the world. Well, I think it's the evil in the world that brings on disease, famine, poverty...etc. It's up to God to take what he wants, and help out the rest of us still living on his green and blue planet. I don't know how many times I have thanked him for helping my dad end his suffering. So, if I can find the light out of this dark situation, then ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Getting over a guy is the easiest thing in the world for I literally will forget his name within a matter of minutes. LOL. I hope we, women, can find out path and learn to think about ourselves first, stop putting others' thoughts and feelings before ours', and just LIVE LIFE....YEY Well said Anyway, it's Sat morning and I'm at work. YUK...I guess I am making money...thanks u guys for putting a HUGE smile on my face. I won't forget it. If u need anyone to talk to, I'm here.


