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Rich Girls?/? Born Rich???///

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  • #21
    Originally posted by Arvestaked Paris Hilton? She is terribly plain. Almost ugly. Nothing would please me more than the opportunity to shoot her stupid ass repeatedly with a fully automatic firearm. Beating her with a blunt object sounds good too. I wish people would stop talking about those moronic, disgusting sisters. They are as dumb as gonads and embarass me for being in the same phylum.
    Hahaha, I love this post.

    I caught a glimpse of "The Simple Life"...yeeeeeeeeeeeeesh, how pathetic can one get?

    "I've never had a job"..."me neither." <---- as if it's something to be xxxxing proud of!

    In the words of the great Anonymouse, I hope those girls get mauled by tigers.


    • #22
      The thing that bothers me the most is the way they look into the camera like they are frikkin models, even when they have their entire fist up a cow's ass...I mean really? Is life really that simple? LOL Howard Stern wants to bang her, but he's an idiot, he'd do anything with legs and a vagina. Anyway these shows BLOW MONKEY BALLS!~


      • #23
        I think those shows arent bad..sometimes they put u in a good mood..if u dont wanna watch it dont watch and complain afterwards...I mean there are too many programs to skip the "born rich" one!!!!


        • #24
          Those shows are okay, the rich girls honestly guys they don't know how to dress and they have all that money lol....


          • #25
            Part of the show is to have people talk about how stupid it is, so more of us watch to really realize how stupid these people are. if that made sense thats great. theyre just playing all of us for ratings


            • #26
              Originally posted by dstyle Part of the show is to have people talk about how stupid it is, so more of us watch to really realize how stupid these people are. if that made sense thats great. theyre just playing all of us for ratings
              thats so true


              • #27
                Alrightyyy, let's see

                Elimidate is HILARIOUS, though I haven't been able to watch much T.V lately.
                People on that show are soo lame! oh and flames I saw that episode with the dits falling off her chair. She was blonde with shoulder length hair?..white girl?
                Have u seen the one with the ugly ass woman in her thirties going "hellllllloooooooooo Long beach"
                and then the other chic grabbed her hat and thru it in the ocean, then one of them attempted to kick the other, and fell
                ya...gotta love that show..

                As for Paris Hilton, damnnn girl is freaken anorexic, with tooo much collegen injected in her lips. The two sister's are extrememly annoying and they're alaaways posing for the camera, even in her porn video.

                and last topic to address:


                I did and i can but i dont choose to live that life, currently i dont even own a car. Ya i can ask my daddy to get me a 745 and give me money every day but why, what will i get out of it, he worked his ass off to be able to afford that 745 for his daughter why shouldnt his daughter work her ass off to get the car she wants on her own. Im 18 about to turn 19 in 3 months i need to be able to know how to take care of myself im not going to rely on my daddy my whole life. you know what i mean flames?

                Now that's a load of crap


                • #28
                  spiral that's nothing...
                  compared to:
                  I could probably afford a ferrari but i wouldnt want one!!
                  and you ask WHY people produce such reality programs as the ones mentioned above?
                  cuz otherwise, people like sexyaries wouldn't have anything to do!
                  with all my "respect" to the person who started this thread, but I'm gonna have to second patlajan on the fact that we don't need threads like this!


                  • #29

                    it's just that I don't get her motive

           you?...whats the point of that bs post?


                    • #30
                      Jahanam..why do u insist on insulting me in my own thread? Respect? Sweetie, I'm surprised u know how to spell it. As for anyone who doesn't like it, well MOVE ON! If there's a thread ur not interested in, then we're not interested in hearing u complain about it...Just skip it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

