

Forum Rules (Everyone Must Read!!!)

1] What you CAN NOT post.

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this forum to post any material which is:
- abusive
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You also may not:
- post images that are too large (max is 500*500px)
- post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or cited properly.
- post in UPPER CASE, which is considered yelling
- post messages which insult the Armenians, Armenian culture, traditions, etc
- post racist or other intentionally insensitive material that insults or attacks another culture (including Turks)

The Ankap thread is excluded from the strict rules because that place is more relaxed and you can vent and engage in light insults and humor. Notice it's not a blank ticket, but just a place to vent. If you go into the Ankap thread, you enter at your own risk of being clowned on.
What you PROBABLY SHOULD NOT post...
Do not post information that you will regret putting out in public. This site comes up on Google, is cached, and all of that, so be aware of that as you post. Do not ask the staff to go through and delete things that you regret making available on the web for all to see because we will not do it. Think before you post!

2] Use descriptive subject lines & research your post. This means use the SEARCH.

This reduces the chances of double-posting and it also makes it easier for people to see what they do/don't want to read. Using the search function will identify existing threads on the topic so we do not have multiple threads on the same topic.

3] Keep the focus.

Each forum has a focus on a certain topic. Questions outside the scope of a certain forum will either be moved to the appropriate forum, closed, or simply be deleted. Please post your topic in the most appropriate forum. Users that keep doing this will be warned, then banned.

4] Behave as you would in a public location.

This forum is no different than a public place. Behave yourself and act like a decent human being (i.e. be respectful). If you're unable to do so, you're not welcome here and will be made to leave.

5] Respect the authority of moderators/admins.

Public discussions of moderator/admin actions are not allowed on the forum. It is also prohibited to protest moderator actions in titles, avatars, and signatures. If you don't like something that a moderator did, PM or email the moderator and try your best to resolve the problem or difference in private.

6] Promotion of sites or products is not permitted.

Advertisements are not allowed in this venue. No blatant advertising or solicitations of or for business is prohibited.
This includes, but not limited to, personal resumes and links to products or
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7] We retain the right to remove any posts and/or Members for any reason, without prior notice.


Members are welcome to read posts and though we encourage your active participation in the forum, it is not required. If you do participate by posting, however, we expect that on the whole you contribute something to the forum. This means that the bulk of your posts should not be in "fun" threads (e.g. Ankap, Keep & Kill, This or That, etc.). Further, while occasionally it is appropriate to simply voice your agreement or approval, not all of your posts should be of this variety: "LOL Member213!" "I agree."
If it is evident that a member is simply posting for the sake of posting, they will be removed.

8] These Rules & Guidelines may be amended at any time. (last update September 17, 2009)

If you believe an individual is repeatedly breaking the rules, please report to admin/moderator.
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  • ckBejug
    Originally posted by Baron Dants hahahahahahahaha!!! I am really laughing out loud! You've made my day ck jan.
    I aim to please Baron jan

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  • Dan
    Originally posted by anileve [B]Hey Dan, whats up dude? This is how you are fluttering about these days?
    lol.. hiya Anileve... I see there are a lot of people i know here.. it got really annoying on the other board, so I thought I'd take a peek at this one. Sounds OK so far, except for all the posting rules, but I'll reserve my thoughts on that for later..
    So yeah, bored as always... and lmao @ your introduction..

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  • anileve
    Originally posted by ckBejug Ahh ANILEVE your posts never cease to amuse me, especially on cold dreary days as today
    Why thank you ck, likewise! And cold dreary days and nights is when we are most creative. Look at me currently I am being very creative at figuring out what else I can do with my time, only so that I dont' have to study.

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  • ckBejug
    Ahh ANILEVE your posts never cease to amuse me, especially on cold dreary days as today

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  • anileve
    Hey Dan, whats up dude? This is how you are fluttering about these days?

    Tumanian I like you, you are cool.

    Wow and it keeps growing and growing… I’ve never seen it this populated.

    Hi, I’d also like to introduce myself, I’m a single Armenian female elf. I like long walks on the beach, preferably in the staggering heat, so that I can feel the sun scorching my blistered skin. I also like to read romance novels of knights and their affairs with noble horses. My favorite color is fuchsia fused with heather grey. I like tacos and guacamole sprinkled with parmesan cheese.

    I also like Armenian boys for supper. Please wink at me if you are interested. I’ll send my entourage of gnomes in a wheelbarrow to pick you up.

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  • Dan
    I'm new to the forums and to this site and just wanted to introduce myself.
    Me too... I thought I'd just introduce myself in here, instead of creating another introduction thread.

    So hmm, I'm half Armenian (I hope I'm welcome here - I see that there is a policy of removing non-Armenians).. from the U.K., currently living in Toronto.

    I'm a lassai-faire capitalist
    oh good, someone to have a debate with about communism. ok ok kidding (not sure if such debates are welcome here, or how much they are tolerated lol)

    an objectivist and an atheist.
    me too.

    I listen to almost any genre of music - just that i never let a song finish, cos I'm too hyper to listen to the entire song..

    I don't play any musical instruments, alas... although I do own a guitar (don't ask me why, cos I don't know either )

    I do read though - yeah, I suppose I'm literate.. lol.. Mosty interested in politics, satire, acitivism... not sure how those 3 work together though.

    I think I'm almost done...

    Oh, and I'm currently majoring in English Literature, with the hope of hanging my degree on my bathroom wall.. ok, sounds pretty good/useful.. and after boasting of being a university graduate, I will be trying to get into Ontario Police College or the Canadian Air Force / Army...

    That's all, folks!

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  • xBaron Dants
    Originally posted by ckBejug
    hahahahahahahaha!!! I am really laughing out loud! You've made my day ck jan.

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  • ckBejug
    Originally posted by Baron Dants Dang it, it's LAISSEZ-FAIRE!!

    akh, some people just butcher any language they meet...

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  • violette829
    Welcome Tramanian...It's nice to see some fresh blood in this forum. Even though it's a delightful place, we could always use some more "sarcastic-no holds barred-straight out-in ur face" kinda people in here.'s a little smiley for u..use it wisely, for they once to every newcomer.

    that's me about to fall asleep on my desk after being up since 2:30 am...i say this with the wishful thinking that someone out there actually cares about me....

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  • Tramanian
    Originally posted by Anonymouse I sense you two are friends.
    We have a love/hate relationship, and I mean that.

    I love him to death, I'd do anything for him and I'd always be there for him.

    He treats me the same exact way, except he hates me and only does those things for me out of guilt that I would perish without him. Of course he's wrong, but none the less it makes him feel good to help out someone who considers him a friend

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