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  • #11
    hes talkin bout cigarettes i think.
    im more partial to the nergile. double apple with strawberry yum.


    • #12
      Originally posted by sSsflamesSs I doubt I'm the only one who's wondering this, but what the hell are you talking about?
      it's actually.....

      Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto
      Mata ah-oo Hima de
      Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto
      Himitsu wo Shiri Tai

      You're wondering who I am - Machine or mannequin
      With parts made in Japan, I am the modren man.

      Nonsensical 80's songs are FUN =) listen to the eggplant.

      Though I do prefer One Night in Bangkok (<--sp???). One night in bankok makes a hard man humble... doorooroo
      Last edited by ckBejug; 12-17-2003, 08:41 AM.
      The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


      • #13
        Originally posted by dstyle hes talkin bout cigarettes i think.
        im more partial to the nergile. double apple with strawberry yum.
        When you are just at the tip of drunk/buzzed have a clove. yum yum and a little fun. Otherwise cigarettes, yechhhhhh! They smell HORRIBLE and they are BADBAD for you, what's the point?? Oral fixation? Stick a carrot in your mouth. At least carrots wont make you impotnet. Or maybe stick something else in your mouth..... I drive by the sign every day that has the turning numbers and everytime I am stopped at the light 2 people die. Creepy.
        The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


        • #14
          I'll have a cigar every month or so if the moment is right.
          My regular smoke is an Avo Uvezian Robusto. If I'm really in the mood to spend, I'll get a Padron Anniversary Series.


          • #15
            I'm a smoker YES!!!!! BASH AWAY PEOPLE! I have been smoking Marlboro Lights since I was about 18...that's 4 years....xxxx....
            I should quit...But, the funny thing is, when I'm in a relationship with a guy who doens't smoke, I don't even go near's so funny. Kiss my ass! U know what people, I have a plan..and it goes a little something like this:

            One night, when ur going out on a date, if ur not really into the guy, and u think u can afford to lose him, then just do the dinner table, as well as anywhere else he might take u....pretend that u have tourettes syndrome. My friend and I went on a double blind date, and lemme tell ya, I WISH I WERE TEMPORARILY BLIND! Oh my God, we pretended to have tourettes..and I was like doing the whole sudden bursts of loud cussing, while she would just twitch....LMAO! Oh watch out world, cuz I'm single and I'm taking over!!!!!!

            By the way, I was just reading that old post from May 2003 that Anonymouse wrote about Venting and Insulting people....and this is what I have to say:

            xxxx U ALL!!!!!



            • #16
              Originally posted by violette829 Venting and Insulting people....and this is what I have to say:

              xxxx U ALL!!!!!
              Wrong thread dear, I think you meant to post in the Flamers forum.

              As far as smoking, I am a daily smoker as well, but I will be lying if I said that interferes with my dating life. Although a few guys I dated have claimed that they stay away from dating smokers, when I lit my cigarettes they didn't run away, strangely enough, in fact a few started smoking later. So I say puff away.


              • #17
                It doesn't interfere with my dating life, I just find myself not wanting to smoke....but that's just me..

                About posting on the FLAMERS forum....I KNOW I was making a mistake...can u ever find it in ur heart to forgive me Queen?


                • #18
                  Originally posted by violette829 It doesn't interfere with my dating life, I just find myself not wanting to smoke....but that's just me..

                  About posting on the FLAMERS forum....I KNOW I was making a mistake...can u ever find it in ur heart to forgive me Queen?
                  Puff away my dear. And I personally prefer Virginia Slims, "You've come a long way baby!" As far as forgiveness my feminist spirit goes a long way with forgiving. You are already forgiven just don't forgive to sacrifice chocolate chip cookies in my honor. And it's Goddess not Queen, I don't believe in monarchy.


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by sSsflamesSs Fermes la bouche, all of you.

                    (Baronchik, spelling? )
                    FermeZ vos bouches.

                    Minor mistake, I'm proud of you.

                    Of course, in Quebec, it would be "fermez vos gueules". A "gueule" is the word to describle an animal's mouth.


                    • #20
                      Baronchik, how do you say in french

                      "my world is not complete without your presence" or

                      "I have been searching for you all my life"

                      ---Your humble french student.

