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  • #31
    Other than Jahannamig and Baron, it seems most of us here have immigrated to the U.S. Right?

    I was born in Canada, spent like five minutes there while my mom got well (having a baby on a plane is no walk in the park apparently). Lived in Africa for 3 years, I think or maybe 2, bounced around Europe and ended up in Kahleefornia. California would not have been my first choice, but then I'm sure my parents weren't looking to me for advice as to what country to live in. Plus I think I would be too depressed if we had stayed in England, all that rain, yechh.

    As for Armenia..... I spent 12 INCREDIBLE days there when I was a senior in high school and would like to go back at the first opportunity that I get.
    The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


    • #32
      Originally posted by sSsflamesSs Maybe we will...we've discussed this long ago in some thread, remember Baronchik? Sitting at a cafe in Yerevan, conversing....
      lol, how can I forget that Yerevan café talk?

      Anileve jan, if you think that 10 years ago, people were chopping down parks just to keep warm, and today, they are demonstrating because Armentel's internet is too expensive, then there is an obvious switch for the better.

      Sure, many things are to be done, but as Hagop Baronian said, "azkin kordze yes chnem, toon chnes, yeresi vra ge mna".


      • #33
        My parents are from Iran, they lived there for about 30 years, then moved to Armenia, and had little ol' meeee...I was born in Hoktemberian, which is now called Armavir..i this just made me realize what a yutts i am for not knowing about my own country..Anywho...i came here in 1987 as well, and NO IT WASN'T difficult to come here.. What was difficult was moving to a city (Granada Hills) where the population of armenians consisted of only my family members. Soooooo, there's the story of my start in life...ahhh

        PS The only thing I remember about armenia is when I went to Yerevan and went to this restaurant that served only KHENKALI and they served them in like hundreds..LOOOOL wtf?


        • #34
          Originally posted by anileve He he, not if you have fat pockets and buy yourself out, that is what majority of Rabizes did during the war with Azerbadarjan. All the great guys went to meet their death, while the scum squatted on the corners, spat, picked wax out of their furry ears and threw dirty comments at every skirt passing by.
          I'm probably the only person here that doesn't know what "Rabizes" means.
          "Furry ears" haha that was funny.


          • #35
            Uh very I dunno the details of what ur talking about, but it was pretty easy for us to move here...


            • #36
              he's just trying to tell us that he knows his history lessons.
              keeping in mind important dates and stuff. you know.


              • #37
                Originally posted by violette829 Uh very I dunno the details of what ur talking about, but it was pretty easy for us to move here...
                OK I'll take that as a you don't know, or don't remember.


                • #38
                  Born in Yerevan, Armenia. Lived in Komitas, and spent my time in Prospect and Cheremushka. When i was 4 we moved to Moscow lived there for 6 months and then came to Cali and have been here for 13 frecking years!!!!


                  • #39
                    hello my name is lily

                    i'm from iceland..... i live in a card board box under a pier.

                    yay me !


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by SexyAries Born in Yerevan, Armenia. Lived in Komitas, and spent my time in Prospect and Cheremushka. When i was 4 we moved to Moscow lived there for 6 months and then came to Cali and have been here for 13 frecking years!!!!
                      Ah! Prospect! Mashtots Avenue.

                      Have you seen the situation of the street there lately? Absolutely beaaaautiful. Montreal would die of jealousy.

