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  • #31
    Thanks for the welcome Anonymouse! I fully understand what you mean about that circus "bruin walk" ... if it weren't for Taco Bell, I'd never venture in that direction and just pretty much stay in south campus and kerchoff (i.e. rubios and panda express)

    God I miss the bad Cooperage food! Last time I was on campus was around November I think but everything was closed (weekend).
    this post = teh win.


    • #32
      The fact that it seems so trivial to many of us (including myself I might add) just shows how spoiled we have become to not appreciate what we have and what billions in the world don't have.
      Well, learning doesn't seem trivial to me. But the whole show of going to classes and the trend of doing group work bla bla bla is very displeasing, and it doesn't appeal to me at all... And I really don't see the need for friends in the class. Frankly, if you're going to need a friend's help in a certain situation, you're better off dropping the course altogether. I really don't know what the big deal is about study groups, etc. Am I missing something? I've been in university for 3 years now, and not even once did I do a study group thing. The only time I've talked to people in my class about lessons and such is when they asked me a question, and I was really angry because they didn't seem receptive or friendly at all, just seemed to want to get what they wanted from me, and leave. And in almost all classes, especially in racially diverse cities, people of different racial groups interact only with their own. An example of that would be the Chinese. When I was in Computer Science, there were few non-Chinese people in my class, and the Chinese only interacted with the Chinese, partly because none of them knew English well enough to talk to me or any of the non-Chinese people, and perhaps because they are a rather closed race. But that's not the point. The point is, lectures / classes annoy me because people make such a ruckus about it, and it's really not that big a deal. I understand the whole "appreciate what you have" thing, but .. really now, the only reason I hate going to classes when a new school day starts is that I hate seeing all those people chit-chatting. It seriously gets on my nerves. And all those clubs and student groups. Oh God.. It seems like the whole idea of university is being altered. I guess I am mourning for the loss of true education - of what Oxford was like, when people actually went to libraries and did research, instead of putting on airs and pretending to be studying in a group... Eh, maybe we should blame feminists and immigration for the lowering of standards..

      Perhaps I'm contradicting myself here, by saying that people take things too seriously and that they are here only to find girlfriends/boyfriends.. I don't know.. I guess both are two extremes, and I really hate extremes. I don't see why anyone who attends university needs to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Like it's such an embarassing thing to be at university and not have a gf/bf... "What, you don't have a girlfriend??!?!?!?!" eh.. not my type..


      • #33
        Originally posted by Darorinag because they didn't seem receptive or friendly at all, just seemed to want to get what they wanted from me, and leave.
        I wonder why...


        • #34
          Originally posted by anileve I wonder why...
          Wondering is a great thing. I wonder "why" too, sometimes.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Seapahn Unless you want to spend 10 times as much money on the "other" school in town
            Yeah, ahem, Hi Welcome to the forum. Last time I cut myself, wow it was the strangest thing, I bled cardinal and gold. Trojan family and all that stuff. Let me tell you a leedle secret. It's called scholarships! Being a nerd finally paid off, literally, woohoo.

            I think even though I am not so into the whole rivalry stuff ucla will always just be yech to me. I'm applying there for grad school anyway, but I'll still always be a University of Spoiled Children Trojan Family brat. What can I say, the first time I went there was when I was 14, to a football game, then again I started school there when I was 17 and I am now 21, it was a part of my growing up in every sense of the word....

            Yes, fUCLA sucks.

            (I HAD to say it, you know)

            Welcome to our little forum mr. Seapahn! Kick up your feet, stay a while, and enjoy...
            Last edited by ckBejug; 02-25-2004, 12:12 AM.
            The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

