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What kind of Armenian are you?

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  • Eddo211
    Re: What kind of Armenian are you?

    Artsakh is our last choice but to defend, God is on our side Ara

    only in war All Armenians become united.

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  • arabaliozian
    Re: What kind of Armenian are you?

    Sunday, January 18, 2015
    Have you ever been tempted to think
    “If I speak in the name of patriotism,
    I can't be wrong!” May I remind you that
    Hitler and Stalin spoke in the name of patriotism too.
    If you think you are on safer ground
    if you speak in the name of God,
    may I remind you that so do jihadists.
    If you say I have killed no one,
    nor do I advocate war and terror!
    I say, you may not
    but members of your audience may.
    If you say, “What’s wrong with speaking
    in the name of the majority?”
    May I remind you that so did the Greek jury
    that condemned Socrates to death.
    Remember: if your aim is to assert infallibility,
    you can’t be right even when you are right.
    Asserting infallibility is the same
    as issuing a license to kill.
    If you don’t believe me,
    make a list of atrocities committed
    in the name of the Pope and the Prophet.
    And if you ask, “If we can’t speak
    in the name of God and Country, what’s left?”
    If I knew the answer to that one
    I would not be a minor scribbler
    who can’t make ends meet
    but a prophet or a televangelist.
    Final question: “How about speaking
    in the name of democracy and human rights?”
    May I remind you that Americans do that!
    To be a dupe is bad enough;
    to be an American dupe: I can’t imagine worst fate,
    with the possible exception of being a Russian dupe.

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  • Artashes
    Re: What kind of Armenian are you?

    Originally posted by lampron View Post
    for most Armenians entering online forums Armenianism is a leisure activity. They enter forums to feel good about themselves. They don't like people delivering news or information that doesn't fulfill this need
    Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
    I have joined to this Armenian forum to to connect with other Armenians and to get our Hyeclub news and the most important our military improvement and the balance of power in the NKR thread.

    For my leisure I hunt down your religious extremists/wolfs/military Turks spreading anti-Armenian propaganda on Turkish, Pakistani, Iranian, American forums.....another reason I come to Hyeclub is to take a brake from this, this evil dirtiness and extreme hate and prejudice I experience on those sites from your countrymen.

    Thread derailed by you two guys.
    You are right, --- thread derailed ---
    The sly move in the following post that says --- we (Armenians) have the right to oppose anti Armenian...
    Is the exact opposite of previous posts. Of course your (Eddo) going to agree with that. But it's not connected to previous posts and is followed by accusation of Armenians being at "FAULT" for over reliance...
    A common turc subtrafuge whereby the truth is twisted so that it is the victims "fault" and not the perpetrator.
    Slick but fraudulent.
    You were right the first time Eddo --- thread derailed.
    Eddo asks -- what town do you live in lampron --
    Lampron is the name of an Armenian castle in Celesia, think Taurus mountains & the plains below. Google to see.
    Much of what I wrote magically didn't appear, so ---- previously said.... "most Armenians..."
    What utter nonsense. He doesn't know "most" Armenians but goes on to --- SPEAK --- for most Armenians and professed to know what "most" Armenians --– think --–
    Ludicrous, fraudulent & comical.
    Last edited by Artashes; 03-06-2014, 03:50 PM.

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  • lampron
    Re: What kind of Armenian are you?


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  • Eddo211
    Re: What kind of Armenian are you?

    Originally posted by lampron View Post

    But more important is Armenians analyzing the cause of past failures and starting to correct them.

    One of them is over-reliance on foreign powers
    I couldn't agree with you more on this.....where (city) you live in Lampron?

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  • lampron
    Re: What kind of Armenian are you?

    Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
    I have joined to this Armenian forum to to connect with other Armenians and to get our Hyeclub news and the most important our military improvement and the balance of power in the NKR thread.

    For my leisure I hunt down your religious extremists/wolfs/military Turks spreading anti-Armenian propaganda on Turkish, Pakistani, Iranian, American forums.....another reason I come to Hyeclub is to take a brake from this, this evil dirtiness and extreme hate and prejudice I experience on those sites from your countrymen.

    Thread derailed by you two guys.
    well, I didn't say everyone, I said most. It is right to oppose anti-Armenian propaganda, especially the spread of false information.

    But more important is Armenians analyzing the cause of past failures and starting to correct them.

    One of them is over-reliance on foreign powers

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  • Eddo211
    Re: What kind of Armenian are you?

    Originally posted by lampron View Post
    for most Armenians entering online forums Armenianism is a leisure activity. They enter forums to feel good about themselves. They don't like people delivering news or information that doesn't fulfill this need
    I have joined to this Armenian forum to to connect with other Armenians and to get our Hyeclub news and the most important our military improvement and the balance of power in the NKR thread.

    For my leisure I hunt down your religious extremists/wolfs/military Turks spreading anti-Armenian propaganda on Turkish, Pakistani, Iranian, American forums.....another reason I come to Hyeclub is to take a brake from this, this evil dirtiness and extreme hate and prejudice I experience on those sites from your countrymen.

    Thread derailed by you two guys.

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  • lampron
    Re: What kind of Armenian are you?

    Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
    But there seems to me to be too many Armenians (both in Armenia and, amongst the self-appointed "guardians" of diaspora communities who are active online) who nowadays cannot tolerate individuality and self expression - they are the "Superior Armenians",.
    for most Armenians entering online forums Armenianism is a leisure activity. They enter forums to feel good about themselves. They don't like people delivering news or information that doesn't fulfill this need

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  • Eddo211
    Re: What kind of Armenian are you?

    Liberalism vs conservatism is nothing new and exists in many cultures.....especially when assimilation becomes a problem for small nations.

    Bell you will never understand us and live in the past.....nobody is telling anyone how to be Armenian in this forum except you, the perfect wannabe Armenian.

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  • bell-the-cat
    Re: What kind of Armenian are you?

    Originally posted by UrMistake View Post
    No Bell , you have the mental capacity to overlook the natural problem of armenian disagreement , not only its natural to our culture to disagree and have tough stance on our opinions but we got the blessing of listening and reasoning with the counter arguments or dont talk at ALL be silent!
    What you are calling disagreements are mostly just expressions of individuality from a society that is clever enough and old enough and varied enough to know that there are rarely perfect solutions and conclusive answers. But there seems to me to be too many Armenians (both in Armenia and, amongst the self-appointed "guardians" of diaspora communities who are active online) who nowadays cannot tolerate individuality and self expression - they are the "Superior Armenians", the ones who go around saying such and such are not "Armenian values", and this or that is required to be done in order to "save" the Armenian nation. "Unity" is a word they use a lot - but really it just means "be united in doing what I say". And yes, it will be the same for many diaspora communities, and probably quite a few countries - it is not an exclusively Armenian thing but this IS a forum about Armenia.
    Last edited by bell-the-cat; 02-28-2014, 01:46 PM.

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