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Mer Show

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  • #11
    Originally posted by violette829
    GREAT! Then I'll just settle for LA. The air is so clean and the water so pure.
    which part of LA are you in! god damn i gotta get my ass there!


    • #12
      hey violette i believe their e-address is [email protected] give 'em your 2 cents girl btw for some strange reason i thought you were hayastantsee crazzzzzzyyy barsgahye!! i should have known!!


      • #13
        im barsgahye too


        • #14
          Originally posted by Ducati
          im barsgahye too
          Speaking of Ducati, there was a maroon-colored Ford truck in front of me the other day in traffic with a "Ducati" sticker on the back window. Coincidence?


          • #15
            wasnt usually in a 525 blue color..


            • #16
              As the great Ace Ventura would say, "AAALLLLL RIGHTY THEN!"


              • #17
                Originally posted by violette829
                It's on channel 55 for the Glendale folk out there!

                ....we were flipping through the channels and stumbled upon a re-run of Mer Show, which had Andy Madadian (famous Armenian/Persian singer) as the guest.

                ....Gago- Charles Anznavoureh Franciai haykakan derasaneh vorpes mer azgin misht pashpanumeh. William Saroyaneh Americai haykakan groghneh vorpes mer azgin misht pashpanumeh....isk du.....chem haskanum inchi es PARSIK AZGIN PASHPANUM?
                Andy- Yes mi hat orinakem uzum dzez hamar asem. Vor mi hat hay mart Brand Blvd.i vren mi hat khanut batsi...yev amen azgereh et khanutits areftur anen, et marte misht chi mnum hay? Et khanuti tere HAYA HAYEL KMENA.

                ...How low must you go and how low must you take our culture with you? Is this the kind of image we want to portray to the children?

                .....My friends and I were outraged, not because we are Parskahyes, but because we have shows like this that allow such behavior to occur on LIVE TV!!!!!!

                ...Why can't you just have the show without allowing IDIOTS to call in? I wish I knew of some way to get a hold of these guys. Mer Show.....WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?
                Armenian television standards is pretty freakin pathetic. No ethics and professionalism whatsoever and they always market to the Armenian Community.

                This is the reason why I'm a video/film editor in the Hollywood scene and not in the Armenian Community.

                We as Armenians gotta step "Outside-the-box" and start marketing our culture to other cultures so they know that we at least exist.

                How many times are we going to showcase our businesses, services, music, dances, etc. in the Armenian channel(s) for OUR community?

                What good is it?

                Isn't better to spread the beauty of our culture to others for recognition?

                I may not like Andy as a singer, but that one comment he made on the show is so true and that's why he's a success in the American market as well. I give him mad props for that.
                Last edited by Guest; 05-17-2004, 12:46 AM.


                • #18
                  Hyebruin..thanx for the info. When I think of exactly what I want to say, I'll let everyone know. HAHAHA We're gonna get em!

                  To everyone else: I'm glad we all agree that this crap has to stop. I say we come up with a new show for YOUNGENS and talk about stuff that REALLY matters.


                  • #19
                    I just thought of something. What if they read my email on the air? L M A O! Or even worse..track me down and call me? You know how Hayastansi men can get anyone's #!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I don't care though, I'm gonna do it. I wanna change the face of ArmTV forever!

