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Childhood Memories...

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  • Childhood Memories...

    My best childhood memory was when I was about 4. This was back in Armenia and we had no intention of coming to the states because we had everything we ever wanted in Armenia. I remember being such a tomboy and wanting to always play with my guy cousins. Well, this one time, the guys got together and "dared" someone to eat the ants that were crawling on our cherry trees in the orchard. Umm..all the guys thought it was gross and didn't even want to touch them, let alone eat them. Well, me being the stubborn girl, wanting to prove myself to everyone, I decided to do it. As I stared at the little army of ants crawling up and down the cherry tree, doing their work, carrying the sweet tree-sap to their little caves, I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have one of these little critters on my tongue!! I took a couple of them and just popped them in my mouth. As you may know, ants are very small, so I couldn't chew them. I had to burst them open with my little tongue and suck out the juice. LMAO! I hope you all haven't had your lunch yet. They weren't all that bad. They were actually pretty sweet because of all the tree-sap they'd consumed. From that moment, I was known as the queen of the town. All the kids feared me!! I was like the "Godmother" of Hoktemberian. At the age of 4, I had people bringing me goodies, doing my chores, and the girls used to brush my hair after a hard day's play. Awww...I wonder where those poor souls are today. DAMNIT! If only it were that easy these days.

    Now, you tell me what's your best childhood memory. Think back to before you were this thick-headed forumer.

  • #2
    I ate ant before, they are not sweet actually they are sour!!!!


    • #3
      I remember kindergarten. Nap time was my favorite. Everyone used to sleep on a mat on the floor. I grabbed the one table in the whole room and slept under it. I don't know how, but somehow about 3 weeks into kindergarten, I had convinced all the students that the one table in the whole room was the nap palace and that only if you were VIP or special you could take a nap under there.

      You won't believe the fights that used to happen during nap time just for them to get to sleep under the table. They had to get my permission, because I had convinced them that the "king" only respected and gave permission to me to pick who could sleep under that table for one day or with me and that they had to keep it a secret from the teacher or the palace would be destroyed

      Ohh man. It was pretty funny, because I managed to keep this up until the end of kindergarten and the teacher never had a clue.

      Yea those were the good ole' days when you didn't have to worry about sh!t.


      • #4
        I remember being a very very very hyper active child, like amazingly, and violent. I guess my parents did somethign because I'm pretty mellow most of the time now. Wierd.


        • #5
          ive always been very inteligent and talented girl, LOL.

          I only remember tragic events.. like when i had accidently droped a plate and it broke.
          Last edited by Tres Bien; 06-30-2004, 04:38 PM.


          • #6
            when i was about 4-6? and my grandmother accidentally ironed my hand! the scar is barely there...but can still faintly see it!


            • #7
              I didn't talk AT ALL during my first year at school (kindergarten). So the teachers thought I was mute, and asked my mom, and my mom told them I could speak.. they wouldn't believe her, so she recorded my voice on tape (I was singing lol ) and gave it to them to listen.. LOL (Still have that tape, btw, but if you hear it, I'll have to kill ya ).

              I was a very hyper kid. I used to get up all of a sudden and walk around in class. lol. This was in kindergarten. I got punished for it a lot.


              • #8
                Since I was the youngest child (this was before my little brother was born) I was rotten spoiled, I had everything my way, and if someone didn't give me what I wanted then I would scream, yell, cry, run around the room, jump off off furniture, crawl under the table, you name it. I feel kind of bad now, but back then I gave my parents a hard time, they were always embarresed especially when we had quests over. My parents used to sing me to sleep when I was a baby, well growing up and becoming a kid my parents thought I was getting to old to be sung to sleep so they quit singing...but being the stubborn kid that I used to be I screamed, yelled and cried until my dad would take me in his arms and sing me to sleep. I feel bad for my dad now that I remember this, cause he would be outside drinking tea and playing backgammon with his friends when he would have to interrupt the game just so he can put his little girl to bed. I only remember this childhood memory cause even to this day I cant sleep without music or some noise in the background ...but luckly I can listen to the radio now and not have to force anybody to sing to me.


                • #9
                  oh all the memories, I used to be a tomeboy too.. climbing trees, running around acting like I was one of the ninja turtles or some character from Xmen or the green goblin from spiderman... o those were the days, when I'd get into fights with the lil boys in elementary school who picked on me-- my solution used to be crying, but then I found new ways--- violence.. haha that was fun, punching the lil violent turds...
                  but my best memories are from Armenia... O i can still smell the sweet air and remember climbing our cherry tree...O and feeding my neighbor dirt and telling him it was chocolate hahahha..... and running away from home when I was like 3... and where did i decide to run away to? hehe grandpa's house!! aaaaah to be young and carefree... I wish I was a kid again..........


                  • #10
                    I have a funny story´about my brother, when he was in first grade, and it was a lesson in Religion. The teacher was telling everybody about Islam, and about the prophet, she asked all if they had ever heard about Muhammed the prophet.

                    my brother said...yes.
                    oh so tell uis about him...yes, well he is a close friend to the family muhameed he use to come to hour house and visits is quite often.

                    i must add that the muslim students werent that pleased ..

           my parents had an Iranian friend whos name was muhameed, he used to visit us all the time...

