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  • Rabiz

    What's the definition of the word 'Rabiz,' exactly? I've used the word my when trying to reffer to someone as "low class" but I don't know if that's really the correct definition or only meaning of the word.
    "All I know is I'm not a Marxist." -Karl Marx

  • #2
    My guess is that a good deal of the older posters that no longer seem to post here would define you as rabiz. Beats the hell out of me what it means, though. Sorry to be of no help.


    • #3
      I'm Rabiz? Wow.
      "All I know is I'm not a Marxist." -Karl Marx


      • #4
        low class, no class, show off, wanna be celeb, wanna be black, they think they're the worlds best, fober, stupid....i dont really think there are words, but you can look at losers in fake yellow sean john jumpsuits they got from the swap meet that should sorta sum it up


        • #5
          A very rugged definition of Rabiz is a villager (bumpkin) who moved to the city and tries, without success, to act like a city slicker. Someone with no taste I guess.


          • #6
            my definition of rabiz .... those guys in glenadle who drive around in a mercedes, yet they liev in a mouse hole, and bump up "merel-ee" (funeral music) lol music, they wear adiaas, fubo, and sometimes a do-rag and think that they are black...ill add no moer alter...


            • #7
              Rabiz could be a guido look as well. Medallion, sweaty hairy chest overly exposed and xash (or garlic) breath.


              • #8
                Originally posted by angelik22
                ...and bump up "merel-ee" (funeral music) lol music, they wear adiaas, fubo, and sometimes a do-rag and think that they are black...

                roflmao!!! merel-ee music!! your'e hillairous angel jan

                actually rabiz is a shortened version of a russian word....which escapes me now...which basically means working class/ me out here russian speakers, what is the word i'm looking for?


                • #9
                  if thats the version then they really pulled it to extremes cause it ain't working class no more...its laughing they really want negative attention? i dont get it, dont the rabiz folk know they're getting clowned on?


                  • #10
                    in ersponse to heres a funny thing- i know a few people from around my street who are SOOOOO rabiz, but they dont consider themselves rabiz, and even funnier- they clown on these other people and call THEM rabiz... i dunno its a funny aa.. hehe... o and anileve- i forgot the hairy chest and the big gold cross they wear and they cross is ambushed and surrounded by hair... o and dont forget they like to listen to such "artists"- as tatoul...and well im not familiar with any other ojes here- all i know is tatoul is rabeze..anywhoo...god save us from them

