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Cleansing the language

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  • #51
    Originally posted by HyeJinx1984
    so no help on the whole leg/foot thing huh?
    Yeah, that's a tough one. Here's what I think:

    leg- vot
    foot- votie tat


    • #52
      Alright alright..

      Here comes Baron Dants bearing all your answers.

      A yez isn't a donkey, it's an ox. The word for donkey is esh to my knowledge.

      And a leg, my dear HyeJinx, is a sroonk, with a foot being a vodk, or vot, or however you pronounce it.


      • #53
        Originally posted by fIReBuRntInHeLL
        It's very painful the part that u dont know until now the difference between "yez" and "esh". When u know, then that would be armenian, otherwise dont bother.

        Plus inknasharj and mekena can both be used as cars in armenian. Yete ches kider, hajis mi xarnvir, gam imatsir verche kez xelatsiin tegh tir.
        Abaow, all this b!tchyness. I meant to say yeS as in you're right, not yeZ. Look at your keyboard as they are right next to eachother. Mekena isn't Armenian according to an Armenian teacher of mine who never allowed us to use that word in sharatrootiuns. If you have beef about that I'd say you should take it up with her. As for you, my dear, stop pms-ing and relax, no one is trying to one-up you.

        Can someone PLEASE tell me what is it with this personality Armenian people seem to have that they just CAN NOT handle being told they are wrong? We have a thread in which we are trying to help eachother out by posting the Armenian verions of words we sometimes mix with other languages, to better ourselves, but GOD FORBID anyone ever think you're telling them they're wrong. I gave my opinion about a word and holy crap I made a mistake and wrote a z when I was trying to agree with the girl and boom out comes the 'daaamn don't think you're better than me' bull. What in the world just happened? What is it with all the defensiveness? We're all doing the same thing here, no one is saying I'm better than one person or that other person is better than me, but noooo 'imatsir verche kez xelatsiin tegh tir.' Mege chesav vor inkzinkes khelatsiyin dege ge tenem, votch al ge gardzem vor toon kez khelatsii degh ge tenes. Iraroo hed ge khousink votch te ge gervink. Inchoo bedk eh gervazan ellank???
        The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


        • #54
          I don't know what you're talking about Bejug, but all I know is that I am not grvazan so if you think I'm grvazan just shut up ok because you know nothing about me, and you are in no position to talk. And plus, I didn't say that "inkzinks khelatsi-i degh ge tnem" so in your face! Look at yourself before judging others ok??
          And what's up with you always thinking you're better than everyone else? geeez


          • #55
            I think she was talking about fire, baron.


            • #56
              I think Baron was mocking Fire and the like.


              • #57
                Oh Baron you rock. haha
                The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


                • #58
                  i think baron is being sarcastic and ckbejug knows it and all they rest of you are totally clueless and LEAPING to conclusions


                  • #59
                    esh has a synonym "avanak".

                    Baron, nerkev ichi mi kich amperits.


                    • #60
                      I agree with FIre!!!! EVERYONE ELSE IS A LOSER!!!!
                      How do you hurt a masochist?
                      -By leaving him alone.Forever.

