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Tracing Back

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  • Tracing Back

    Where are your grandparents from?

    Where did they move to?

  • #2
    Good question. I think I'll ask my grandparents today so I can get it straight and get back to this thread.
    The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


    • #3
      My armenian grand parents are from Lebanon, Beirut, but I think my grandfather was borne in Iran or Syria. They left in the 60's for EUrope, Belgium


      • #4
        My grandfather, from my father's side is from Musa ler, He was ten at the time of the genocide. After the 40 days , they ended up in Anjar, there, my grandfather married, changed his last name, to start with his father’s first name, and moved to Armenia, so my father, his sisters, and brothers were born in Armenia.

        On my mom’s side, both my grandmother and grandfather were from Kesab, they moved to Armenia, and my mom, her sister, and brother were born in Armenia.
        Last edited by spiral; 11-24-2004, 01:02 PM.


        • #5
          my dads parents are from syria but when they where little kids they moved to armenia (zetun)my moms parents are from azerbaijan they got married and had a child their then they moved to armenia(3ord mas). my dads norekoe and my moms tegatsi. then in 1985 (19 yrs. go) my dads parents and him and brothers moved to america. and a year later my mom came they got married bla bla bla bla and yea soo on and everybody from my dads side lives in america and everyone from my moms side lives in armenia except her parents . The end


          • #6
            My grandparents from my father's side come from the village of Zeytoon in Cilicia (Getse Zeytoon, abri Zeytoon!). My grandfather was the only survivor of his family and arrived to Syria. Almost similar story for my grandmother.

            My maternal grandfather was born in Ayntab, and arrived in Syria when he was a year old or so. As for my maternal grandmother, she was born in Syria, but her parents were from Sasun.

            So in my blood, I have the good fighters (Zeytoontsiner), good dancers (Sasuntsiner) and good cooks (Anytabtsiner).


            • #7
              Originally posted by Baron Dants

              So in my blood, I have the good fighters (Zeytoontsiner), good dancers (Sasuntsiner) and good cooks (Anytabtsiner).
              xxxxING LUCKER! What do armenian from Lebanon (Beirut) get?


              • #8
                My father's parents came from Texas in the 50's. They married there and moved here before having any children.

                My mother's parents came from Ohio after WWII, because there were good opportunities for advancement at the new west coast branches of the bank my grandfather worked for.


                • #9
                  My moms dad was born in Turkey, her mom in Greece...both went to Armenia when they were older...My dads parents were both born in Lebanon and moved to Armenia where they had my dad....Both my parents were born in Yerevan and so were my sister and I...I Came to America when I was about 9 months old, so I don't remember much. the end


                  • #10
                    I think this is how the story goes. My fathers grandparents were originally from Baku? (I don't know the correct name for it) The moved from there around the time of the Genocide to Tabriz, in northern Iran. When they moved, they changed their last name, that's why my last name isn't a "traditional" Armenian name. My mothers family is all from Iran. They are from the original Armenians who first settled in Iran, many many many many many years ago. I was born in Tehran and moved to America when I was 1.

