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Questioning ban/suspension

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  • #21
    not that i'd wanna post in this corrupted biased forum! but the sugar coated lying needs to stop! i was never 'WARNED' nor did i do anything inappropriate; everyone goes off topic--if that is 'inappropriate' then all need to be BANNED!
    once the moderators learn how to communicate effectively and make themselves clear and let members know when they're banned vs. suspended, or whatever s hit it is called, and find a way to let the member know of his or her status (able to access vs. not) and stop gossiping to other forumers and inform the member who needs to be informed and gain some professionalism and drop the high school popularity contest and and and and.....then would this place be worth posting; promotion of friends into "moderators" and selective bannings and suspensions does not help buy respect! fairness and good judgement with maturity earns respect; this is what happens when a bunch of kids 'run forums'.... oh ban me!!!! for speaking my mind in this fascist setting.


    • #22
      Originally posted by Anonymouse
      I agree, I think there should be an all purpose "Anything" thread, for any random chat room style foruming. That way, real threads will be confined to the topic, and off topic chatting will go there.
      Yes, Millarworld (in my opinion the best example of a sucessful forum online) has a section called "The Pub" (actually the name changes all the time.. I believe it's "The Carlos" this week) which is basically the all purpose chat where the moderators even barely enter. If he we had a section like this for people to vent all their "rebelousness" in, things might be calmer. Just a thought.
      "All I know is I'm not a Marxist." -Karl Marx


      • #23
        Originally posted by hyebruin
        not that i'd wanna post in this corrupted biased forum! but the sugar coated lying needs to stop! i was never 'WARNED' nor did i do anything inappropriate; everyone goes off topic--if that is 'inappropriate' then all need to be BANNED!
        once the moderators learn how to communicate effectively and make themselves clear and let members know when they're banned vs. suspended, or whatever s hit it is called, and find a way to let the member know of his or her status (able to access vs. not) and stop gossiping to other forumers and inform the member who needs to be informed and gain some professionalism and drop the high school popularity contest and and and and.....then would this place be worth posting; promotion of friends into "moderators" and selective bannings and suspensions does not help buy respect! fairness and good judgement with maturity earns respect; this is what happens when a bunch of kids 'run forums'.... oh ban me!!!! for speaking my mind in this fascist setting.
        Welcome back we missed you.
        "All I know is I'm not a Marxist." -Karl Marx


        • #24
          Well at least we are seeing two sides of the story. And I agree with Gevo. We do need a thread like that. I have gotten off topic a million times. Sometimes even on prepose just to get a point across. If Bruin was doing that...going off topic to get the point across then I feel this wasnt fair. I have read those threads and I know why she said those things. If that were the case...a few more ppl should have been banned and or suspended. For goodness sakes..a few days ago I was telling a turk "apoush" meant sexy turkish man. But I do see your point..and I did stop myself because I didnt want to cross the line.

          BTW we cant blame everything on the mods. I do give them props for putting up with this crap. I would have gone nuts.
          You can't hold a man down without staying down with him.


          • #25
            Originally posted by XxgoeyxX
            BTW we cant blame everything on the mods. I do give them props for putting up with this crap. I would have gone nuts.
            no one's twisting their arm to be mods; if they hate 'the job' they can go back and just post; no one keeps doing something without some kind of enjoyment, motivation, or reward!


            • #26
              Originally posted by hyebruin
              no one's twisting their arm to be mods; if they hate 'the job' they can go back and just post; no one keeps doing something without some kind of enjoyment, motivation, or reward!
              Hmmm... I'd make a great mod. No bias here...
              "All I know is I'm not a Marxist." -Karl Marx


              • #27
                The day you become mod, is the day I quit from the forums.

                On a more serious note.

                I just think that everything is being blown out of proportion by both sides. I speak to two of the three mods, and neither of them has a secret agenda for Bruin. Lately the admin of the forum has been putting pressure on the mods to keep the threads clean from off topic posts. Both sides make valid points but bottom line is, its just an internet forum! It's really not the end of the world. Why not just leave the misunderstanding behind and move on.


                • #28
                  Originally posted by GSTracer05
                  The day you become mod, is the day I quit from the forums.

                  On a more serious note.

                  I just think that everything is being blown out of proportion by both sides. I speak to two of the three mods, and neither of them has a secret agenda for Bruin. Lately the admin of the forum has been putting pressure on the mods to keep the threads clean from off topic posts. Both sides make valid points but bottom line is, its just an internet forum! It's really not the end of the world. Why not just leave the misunderstanding behind and move on.
                  well said .


                  • #29
                    Wow, at first it was like a mild protest, then began the early rumblings of a riot, but suddenly a Union was formed and the balance of Life was sustained.


                    • #30
                      Originally posted by GSTracer05
                      The day you become mod, is the day I quit from the forums.

                      On a more serious note.

                      I just think that everything is being blown out of proportion by both sides. I speak to two of the three mods, and neither of them has a secret agenda for Bruin. Lately the admin of the forum has been putting pressure on the mods to keep the threads clean from off topic posts. Both sides make valid points but bottom line is, its just an internet forum! It's really not the end of the world. Why not just leave the misunderstanding behind and move on.
                      I agree, well said. Moving along....

                      Originally posted by hyebruin
                      not that i'd wanna post in this corrupted biased forum! but the sugar coated lying needs to stop! i was never 'WARNED' nor did i do anything inappropriate; everyone goes off topic--if that is 'inappropriate' then all need to be BANNED!
                      once the moderators learn how to communicate effectively and make themselves clear and let members know when they're banned vs. suspended, or whatever s hit it is called, and find a way to let the member know of his or her status (able to access vs. not) and stop gossiping to other forumers and inform the member who needs to be informed and gain some professionalism and drop the high school popularity contest and and and and.....then would this place be worth posting; promotion of friends into "moderators" and selective bannings and suspensions does not help buy respect! fairness and good judgement with maturity earns respect; this is what happens when a bunch of kids 'run forums'.... oh ban me!!!! for speaking my mind in this fascist setting.
                      Originally posted by XxgoeyxX
                      I know jan. I understand. But if they are being dishonest we should know. However, when something goes wrong we cannot always blame the mods. All I want to know is the truth. DID they ban you because of biased reasons or because you didnt listen to them. But Bruin if you broke the rules........... so did other people. The problem is why did you get banned and not them. Thats what I want to know.
                      No one is being dishonest. Really if we want to play these petty little games like two year old children who need to be told several hundred times not to do something and then need reminders before they are punished as to why they are being punished, then let's play the game. Just a reminder, we have every single PM that went between the mods and Bruin as well as the entire conversation the mods had with eachother as to whether or not bruin got should get suspended, so if you're going to tell lies about the fact that you were warned, you should realize that you will be caught in a lie and stop before you make an even bigger fool of yourself. I am not going to say this again, before Bruin was suspended she was warned several times, and not only that I USED HER EXACT POST where she went OFF TOPIC in the DO NOT GO OFF TOPIC thread. Did she break a rule? YES. Was she warned? YES. Was she suspended as a result of several warnings and discussion between the mods? YES. As for this whole other b.s. about friends inducting friends to be mods, there was also a discussion as to whether or not new mods were necessary and it was a group decision to choose someone to be a mod. Stop being paranoid.

                      As Racer said, it's just an online forum. Don't take it too seriously. The only reason we do is because the admin has us here to enforce HIS rules. It is HIS forum and we are appointed to follow HIS rule. You don't like it? Then leave.
                      Last edited by ckBejug; 11-25-2004, 02:18 AM.
                      The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

