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Predictions for 2005

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  • #21
    Here are mine:

    1) The US dollar finally ends its slide against other currencies, although its slide will continue for some time in early 2005.
    2) Tony Blair gets re-elected, despite the opposition of the British public to the war in Iraq, if elections are called in 2005 (he has until 2006 to call for new elections).
    3) The Canadian minority government falls.
    4) A Tsunami alert system is enacted in the Indian ocean, similar to the one in the Pacific ocean.
    5) The Iraqi elections of January 30th fail to bring stability to Iraq.
    6) The Israelis complete their pullout of Gaza.
    7) The Democratic party, in an attempt to appeal to "Middle America" moves a little more to the center on some social issues.
    8) President Bush makes 1 or 2 nominations to the Supreme Court (Justices Renquist and/or Stevens are probably the two to leave the court, but I am not sure)
    9) The Red Sox do not repeat as World Series Champions (I sincerely hope this prediction fails).
    10) Ferrari continues to dominate F1.
    11) Michael Schumacher beats Ayrton Senna's record for the number of pole positions (Schumacher is at 63, the record stands at 65)
    12) The US Congress fails to pass a resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide, but the 90th anniversary of the Genocide will bring much media coverage around the world, putting Turkey on the defensive.
    13) Russia becomes more assertive (if not aggressive) following the removal of Ukraine and Georgia from its "sphere of influence".
    14) Kurds in Iraq demand independence.
    15) Armenian economy continues to grow, but poverty will remain the greatest problem, although the population migration balance will slightly improve.
    16) Turkey makes some concessions on Cyprus in an attempt to improve its standing ahead of EU membership talks, but potential referendums on the issue in France and Austria will create some roadblocks.

    I doubt 100%, or even 75%, of everything will come true, but if half of them come true, I will still have a better average than most astrologers.


    • #22
      Anonymouse will add another 5500 quality posts to the forum.
      this post = teh win.


      • #23
        Originally posted by TigranJamharian
        I heard about the referendum also.
        What will they be voting on? To stay independant or join Armenia?
        Well there was a referrendum back circa 1989- not sure what exact year, on NK's status. I know remaining with Azerbaijan was on the ballot, which got less than a percent of the vote. So I am confident that the Armenians of NK won't surprise us and nothing short of mass hypnosis would do the trick of getting them to vote themselves back to Azerbaijan. The winner in that referrendum was independence with joining with Armenia in second place.
        So I think to humor the world at large joining back with Azerbaijan would be on the future referrendum, but it'll get practically no votes. Whether they will be able to vote to join back with Armenia, and if they would do so, I have no clue, but frankly I don't think NK as its own independent state makes much sense. I think it should become part of Armenia as part of the peace deal. Of course having two Armenian nations would have some advantages, like two votes at the UN (like that matters though haha). But two Armenian countries really doesn't make too much sense to me.


        • #24
          im gonna lose weight


          • #25
            Originally posted by CruiseShip85
            im gonna lose weight
            hey man did u go on ur cruise?

