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Ankap - Angry at the Mayans for a false prediction? POST YOUR GRIEVANCES HERE!

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  • Re: The Ankap Thread

    Once there was this girl who wouldn't go and change with the girls in the CHANGE ROOM... --Crash Test Dummies

    Some kinds of change are very good for you...


    • Re: The Ankap Thread

      Jacob Dylan heard a shout out from 'the ghetto.' I do need to 'get out of the hood.' I need help getting out of the hood.

      Maybe some of the millions now listening and being 'called' on my radio phone will help me out. More later.

      Hey now you're an All Star get your game on, go play
      Hey now you're a Rock Star get the show on, get paid
      (And all that glitters is gold)
      Only shooting stars break the mold

      It's a cool place and they say it gets colder
      You're bundled up now but wait 'til you get older
      But the media men beg to differ
      Judging by the hole in the satellite picture

      The ice we skate is getting pretty thin
      The waters getting warm so you might as well swim
      My world's on fire how about yours
      That's the way I like it and I never get bored--Smashmouth

      Do you want to do your homework?
      Last edited by Anahita; 05-05-2006, 12:40 PM.


      • Re: THE BEST GAME EVER CREATED! No kidding.

        Greg: [while Abby is dealing tarot cards] Can we just get this over with? Hit me.
        Dharma: [looks at the card] *Death*!
        Greg: Hit me again.
        Abigail Kathleen 'Abby' O'Neil: Now, Dharma, "death" doesn't always mean death. Sometimes it just means a change is coming.
        Greg: Yeah! Like a haircut.
        Dharma: [yells] I didn't dream you died in a fiery haircut!


        Dharma: [standing on the roof with a news helicopter overhead] I celebrate nature's awakening from her winter slumber! This is my dance to the spring!

        [takes her robe off]

        Greg: [watching the news downstairs]

        Greg: Dharmaaaaaaaa!
        [runs out]

        TV News Reporter: [from the TV] My God, I *love* this job!

        Dharma Gaia
        Last edited by Anahita; 05-05-2006, 01:49 PM.


        • Re: The Ankap Thread

          YAY!!!! No work tomorrow!!! SLEEP!!!


          • Re: The Ankap Thread

            Originally posted by Quarteria
            YAY!!!! No work tomorrow!!! SLEEP!!!

            I was told that people are afraid to post here, now. That is silly. God hears and sees all you do and say. Here is no different. Just try to be respectful. I hope Mr. Tom will post something nice and brilliant...

            All of you have already met God. You've met God-in-flesh, face-to-face, too. God can, and does, appear to you in many forms. God was a child looking for mommy in that store. God was that homeless man on the street asking for a dime. God-in-flesh was just born in a home in Africa, where he now faces potential starvation, if we don’t help. God was the rabbit that had been hit by a car, had a broken foot, and was lying frightened in the middle of the road-- while almost every car flew by. That is both literal and metaphor. I’m not joking about that, either. [ 'image' of...'what do I look like?']

            Keep talking. That is good, so long as you are kind. I honor difference in ideas. We can debate. There are many correct answers, but not all answers are correct (see Nihlism thread for more on that.) I mean there is not one single answer, but that doesn't mean that all answers are equally valid or correct.

            Also, don't forget AM radio (the wave travel different on AM)

            ('Cept I kinda like disco, too.)

            SPEAK! If you ignore your rights, they'll go away!
            Last edited by Anahita; 05-05-2006, 09:56 PM.


            • Re: The Ankap Thread

              God/gods/goddesses... what the heck are you afraid of?

              Maybe I am God (I AM)

              Maybe Tomservo is a god (he is)
              Maybe Sip is a god (he is)
              Maybe Siggie is a goddess (she is)
              Maybe Anonymouse is a god (he is)...

              Maybe many people here don't know their divinity (who are)...

              Speak up. I CAN'T HEAR YOU.
              Last edited by Anahita; 05-05-2006, 10:04 PM.


              • Re: The Ankap Thread

                Anonymouse... how could I 'steal' the 'glory' of a thread where everyone is welcome and I've been asked by admin to post...

                Ani Defranco. This song (link below) played right after the one by Ani about 'one day you may be starving and eat all the words you just said." When I left here because I was 'gettin stoned' by people who shouldn't throw them....

                Read 'Ani's' words...
                You might be surprised.
                Righteous Babe Records and Ani DiFranco's official web site.
                Last edited by Anahita; 05-05-2006, 10:19 PM.


                • Re: The Ankap Thread

                  Originally posted by Anahita
                  Anonymouse... how could I 'steal' the 'glory' of a thread where everyone is welcome and I've been asked by admin to post...

                  Ani Defranco. This song (link below) played right after the one by Ani about 'one day you may be starving and eat all the words you just said." When I left here because I was 'gettin stoned' by people who shouldn't throw them....

                  Read 'Ani's' words...
                  You might be surprised.


                  Remember this: I don't like all my eggs in just one basket. If they were, I'd say to the placer, "Hey, where are we going with those eggs? And, what are you doin' in that handbasket?"
                  Last edited by Anahita; 05-05-2006, 10:37 PM.


                  • Re: The Ankap Thread

                    A couple of quick corrections to things I said before: Here is different. Here is public.

                    I can’t hear you… tin roof—rusted”-Love shack, B-52's

                    I believe you can hear Ani Defranco’s poetry word if you don’t like reading lyrics--this is (for adults only). She is something like a peak of a pendulum swinging in my mind.

                    Righteous Babe Records and Ani DiFranco's official web site.

                    The singer of 'Garbage' sings to me. She doesn't speak for me--but does make some points, at times.

                    "Ever wonder if it's all for you?"--Chili Peppers

                    Yes, sometimes I do 'wonder' that. I mentioned earlier to Anonymouse that by it being all about me, it is thus about everybody.
                    Last edited by Anahita; 05-06-2006, 07:10 AM.


                    • Re: The Ankap Thread

                      When fossil fuels are gone, how will people heat their homes?

                      When you fly over the US you notice that most of the land is being cultivated—to grow food to feed to animals (that people eat.) What if we started restoring natural ecosystems, like forests, instead on that land. How about we eat vegetarian and organic food (which requires MUCH less land to feed people and will not poison us) and then by the time there is no fossil fuel, we’ll have enough forest to practice sustainable forestry without invading core protected areas.

                      Please see this

                      Clean burning wood stoves

                      NO. You are not 'crazy.' You are blessed... Listen to Little Steven on MMM in about two hours... I think you'll laugh.

                      As the saying goes: When you talk to God it's called prayer; When God talks to you it's called 'schizophrenia.' Why do you think that modern psychology and pharmaceutical companies label god-blessed people as crazy? Because?.... hmmm.... maybe $ ? In non-industrial countries, many of these people are called the "Holy people."
                      Last edited by Anahita; 05-06-2006, 02:42 PM.

