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Jean-Marie Le Pen

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  • Jean-Marie Le Pen

    Here is what wikipedia has to say about him:

    So how much of a chance does this guy have in the French election. Can the Frenchy Armenians swing it his way?

  • #2
    Re: Jean-Marie Le Pen

    Why should French-Armenians vote for him? What's his stance on Armenian issues? I thought there was something in the Wiki page, but nothing.
    Last edited by karoaper; 10-17-2006, 06:35 PM.


    • #3
      Re: Jean-Marie Le Pen

      Originally posted by karoaper
      Why should French-Armenians vote for him?
      If he had enough support such that the French-Armos could swing it his way -- it would be an idirect benefit for Armenian issues -- since the man is quite anti-Turk. Essentially a swing in every European country in to the "right" direction will be good for Armenians and bad for Turks. These guys tend to use Armenian issues as an anti-Turk weapon. Kind of like of Bulgaria, the nationalist party Ataka pushed for Armenian Genocide recognition in the Bulgarian parliament.

      I thought there was something in the Wiki page, but nothing.
      I don't believe that he is intensly concerned with Armenian issues. The Armenian issues are being talked about more in Europe because of the Turkic threat.


      • #4
        Re: Jean-Marie Le Pen

        Originally posted by skhara
        Here is what wikipedia has to say about him:

        So how much of a chance does this guy have in the French election. Can the Frenchy Armenians swing it his way?
        If I swallow anything evil
        Put your finger down my throat
        *puts all my 10 fingers down your throat. notices that it's the first time that I felt that such an exorcism seemed an absolute necessity*

        Originally posted by skhara
        If he had enough support such that the French-Armos could swing it his way -- it would be an idirect benefit for Armenian issues -- since the man is quite anti-Turk. Essentially a swing in every European country in to the "right" direction will be good for Armenians and bad for Turks. These guys tend to use Armenian issues as an anti-Turk weapon. Kind of like of Bulgaria, the nationalist party Ataka pushed for Armenian Genocide recognition in the Bulgarian parliament.

        I don't believe that he is intensly concerned with Armenian issues. The Armenian issues are being talked about more in Europe because of the Turkic threat.

        Sarkozy, who is on the two favorites, is also categorically against TEMPORARILY SO CALLED Turkey in Europe. Patrick Devedjian is an adviser and friend of Sarkozy and, often, in televised debate he represents Sarkozy. Some think that he's the "gray matter" of Sarkozy.

        Segolene Royal, the other favorite candidate, thinks that the recognition of the Armenian Genocide should be a precondition. Furthermore, she considers that a popular referendum is necessary; considering the public opinion in France, that's a disguised way of saying: "We don't want to see Turkey in Europe."

        Philippe de Villiers, the Royalist candidate - no chances to be elected, is also categorically opposed to the TEMPORARILY SO CALLED Turkey in Europe. His pro-Armenian positions are well known. A poster from a previous presidential??? campaign.

        Last edited by Siamanto; 10-17-2006, 08:05 PM.
        What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.


        • #5
          Re: Jean-Marie Le Pen

          So who's the top dog Siamanto? Sarkozy? Can Armenians swing it that way?


          • #6
            Re: Jean-Marie Le Pen

            Skhara, I understand that in some dire situations, an enemy of my enemy is my ally (not a friend). But the situation in Europe now is not desperate and Armenians need to be smart and measured in affecting change in our favor. If Le Pen had shown a directly pro-Armenian bias, then that would be one thing, but just because he hates Muslims and xxxs and anyone who's not French, then I'm not impressed. A xenophob in a country with the largest and a highly influential diaspora doesn't strike me as someone we should welcome. Plus, I haven't heard him say things directly about Turks.


            • #7
              Re: Jean-Marie Le Pen

              Fair enough. I was just asking how serious the guy can be. Trust me, if I were French and the choice was between the likes of Chirac or the xenophobe Le Pen -- I'd pick Le Pen in a hearbeat. Although I don't disagree with you.

              My general opinion is that a general turn to the "right" in Europe bodes poorly for Turks, globalists, and zionists and thus an indirect help to Armenians. That's it.


              • #8
                Re: Jean-Marie Le Pen

                Originally posted by skhara
                So who's the top dog Siamanto? Sarkozy?
                Though neither the UMP - the ruling party - nor the Socialist Party has already (s)elected their respective candidate, it's very likely that the race will confront Sarkozy and Segolene Royal - that's why I have mentioned them in my previous post.
                According to the latest polls, Segolene Royal (69%) is more popular than Sarkozy (56%); however, in a presidential "duel," the race would be real tight. Of course, it's too early to call.
                Furthermore, 49% would like to see a victory of the left wing i.e. the Socialist Party and 45% the right wing i.e. the UMP.

                As I have said in my previous post, both are pro-Armenian and neither would like to see TEMPORARILY SO CALLED Turkey as part of Europe. However, Sarkozy would be slightly more pro-Armenian and more anti-*urkish; not only because of his friendship and respect for Devedjian, but also for his anti-Muslim and anti-immigration, ant-... positions.
                ( I don't know if it matters, he's also backed by Balladur - one of the tenors of the ruling party - who does not present himself as an Armenian in public - yes, it does not make him respectable.)

                Originally posted by skhara
                Can Armenians swing it that way?
                Considering that both would support Armenian issues, some will vote for Sarkozy and others for Segolene Royal. Personally, I don't like Sarkozy, partly because of his "voluntarist" and "unsettling" Social Policies. I'd like to see Segolene Royal as the next president.

                Nicolas Sarkozy


                Segolene Royal

                Note: I have chosen to auto censor the words "*urk," "*urkish" or *urkic" because it is commonly perceived as unpleasant and offending, evokes unpleasant emotions and imagery and is pregnant with immoral and evil connotations!
                Last edited by Siamanto; 10-18-2006, 03:30 PM.
                What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.


                • #9
                  Re: Jean-Marie Le Pen

                  Last edited by sergei; 10-18-2006, 04:19 PM.

