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The Israeli Question

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  • The Israeli Question

    President Ahmadinejad said, in an interview with 60 minutes, that "if the holocaust took place in europe, why is israel in palestine"? Why is israel not in germany, or better yet the united states?

  • #2
    Re: The Israeli Question

    thats a good question, because European xxxs wer killed by fellow Europeans in Europe, so why should Palestine be wiped off the map?

    in addition, the MAJORITY of xxxs today, have no MidEastern blood, they are descendants of Khazars, who were central Asian tribes that migrated to Europe and converted to Christianity.


    • #3
      Re: The Israeli Question

      And a few months ago, there was a scandalous seminar " Holocaust, a reality or a myth?" in Iran, at which i was invited, but i could'nt participate

      There were some interesting points discussed that i'd like to share with you.

      What I heard from the seminar was that there were discussions about these gas chambers, and concentration camps, they had shown photos of these gas chambers and the dead J ews on the ground beside whom there were german soldiers standing safe and sound, they were saying the chemical used there could kill anybody near the corps or a bit further, so how come those smiling soldiers stand there?
      the other issue discussed was the tanks appeared in the photos and they were arguing that these are not german tanks. But more, they were insisting on the fact that " no investigations are allowed on the issue" could make things suspicious.


      • #4
        Re: The Israeli Question

        It's amazing when you see all the similarities between Holocaust denial and the Armenian Genocide denial by the turks. In both cases, and with both sides, the basic fact of the matter remains that a crap load of people died.

        At least in the case of the Holocaust, there is very little the deniers can do to argue against the actual motives of the Nazis. There is no doubt about Hitler's views and intent with respect to the joos. In the Turkish denial case, at least they try desparately to hide their motives and try to pretend it was all part of the normal conflicts in the region.

        I think Ahmadinejad might have a valid point but unfortunately he is choosing to start his sentence with "If". Whether or not he has a valid point in the remainder of his stentence is overshadowed by his deliberate attempt to try to question the Holocaust. And if he is stupid enough to think he can fight the notion of the Jooish Holocaust AND try to make some meaningful points with respect to Israel as we know it today, then all I can say is GOOD LUCK but I doubt he'll achieve much.
        Last edited by Sip; 09-25-2006, 01:26 PM.
        this post = teh win.


        • #5
          Re: The Israeli Question

          Originally posted by Sip
          It's amazing when you see all the similarities between Holocaust denial and the Armenian Genocide denial by the turks. In both cases, and with both sides, the basic fact of the matter remains that a crap load of people died.

          At least in the case of the Holocaust, there is very little the deniers can do to argue against the actual motives of the Nazis. There is no doubt about Hitler's views and intent with respect to the joos. In the Turkish denial case, at least they try desparately to hide their motives and try to pretend it was all part of the normal conflicts in the region.

          I think Ahmadinejad might have a valid point but unfortunately he is choosing to start his sentence with "If". Whether or not he has a valid point in the remainder of his stentence is overshadowed by his deliberate attempt to try to question the Holocaust. And if he is stupid enough to think he can fight the notion of the Jooish Holocaust AND try to make some meaningful points with respect to Israel as we know it today, then all I can say is GOOD LUCK but I doubt he'll achieve much.
          no i think this is a myth that people say that he denies the holocaust. he doesnt deny that it happened, hes only concerned that its not fair that in most western countries its a not only a crime to deny the holocaust, but its a crime to challenge and dispute its facts. thats his whole concern that noones allowed to touch the subject and find out the exact numbers of those who died. i think that he thinks the numbers are lower than 6 million, and hes pissed that 50+ million CIVILIANS died in the second world war but people never hear a peep about the systematic members of them, but make the death of the Joos sacred


          • #6
            Re: The Israeli Question

            The myth of "THe Holocaust" stands on the notion of homocidal gas-chambers and "6 million", not on whether or not a crap load of people died or whether or not Jooz were a target of the Third Reich persection, or even wheter or not there was genocide of xxxs as defined by the UN.

            He is absolutely right to use "IF" since the so-called "evidence" for the popularly accepted tales of the "Holocaust", like Treblinka, and like Aushwitz are shaky at best. I read a peice on the Treblinka where an Australian conducted an ivestigation of the soil at Treblinka where the popular tale tells of a mass grave that xxxs were thrown in. By the wars end the Nazis were supposed to have dug up the corpses and burned them.

            Also I read about the Aushwitz "gas chamber" which supposedly first started out as a gas-chamber then under heavy allied bombardment was turned into a bomb shelter and finally was reconstructed to its "original" state by the Soviet army. Other than "witness" testimony, there is no shred of physical evidence to date to suggest that the building was anything other than a bomb shelter.

            There are still people who believe in the soap, lampshades, and the shrunken heads deal.

            And as far as I'm concerned, the Armenian Genocide has nothing to do with this and has no grounds for comparison. The Armenian Genocide was the most classic case of the types of savagery displayed by the turkic savages throughout the centuries. They showed how to simply kill in the most primative and barbaric ways. We can look at the most basic fact that the Armenian people were ethnically cleansed from their own nation, and mass-murdered in their own nation.

            By the way, millions of Polish civilians died under the German occupation.

            Originally posted by Sip
            It's amazing when you see all the similarities between Holocaust denial and the Armenian Genocide denial by the turks. In both cases, and with both sides, the basic fact of the matter remains that a crap load of people died.

            At least in the case of the Holocaust, there is very little the deniers can do to argue against the actual motives of the Nazis. There is no doubt about Hitler's views and intent with respect to the joos. In the Turkish denial case, at least they try desparately to hide their motives and try to pretend it was all part of the normal conflicts in the region.

            I think Ahmadinejad might have a valid point but unfortunately he is choosing to start his sentence with "If". Whether or not he has a valid point in the remainder of his stentence is overshadowed by his deliberate attempt to try to question the Holocaust. And if he is stupid enough to think he can fight the notion of the Jooish Holocaust AND try to make some meaningful points with respect to Israel as we know it today, then all I can say is GOOD LUCK but I doubt he'll achieve much.
            Last edited by skhara; 09-25-2006, 02:42 PM.


            • #7
              Re: The Israeli Question

              Originally posted by skhara
              There are still people who believe in the soap, lampshades, and the shrunken heads deal...
              Perhaps Sip was a victim of shrunken heads experiments of the Nazis

              Just kidding Sip, I know for sure you have a big head

              After hearing Joos spew their holohoax fairytales, after hearing neo-Nazis spew their primal hate towards Joos, Ahmadinejad, in my opinion, is by far the most accurate and most balanced person regarding this issue. Today, the holohoax has become the western world's only reveared religion. You can insult anything and anyone and its called free speech. However, you insult the "memory" of holohoax victims - you go to jail. In that sense, the western world is no better that those primitive Islamists who burn American flags everytime Muhammad is depicted in a cartoon.

              The holohoax religion has a few pillars of faith:

              Six million joos died.

              Joos were gassed to death, turned into lamp shades, made into bratwurst, etc.

              Joos suffered the most during the Second World War.

              Joos were totally inoccent and were only picked on because they were, simply put, Joos.

              Well, none of the above are true. Yes, many-many Joos died during the war. Yes, Germans resorted to removing Joos from areas they occupied. Yes, Germans hated and feared the Joo. Nonetheless, the Zionist leadership based in America and England was glad that all this was occurring on mainland Europe. If you want to see how glad Zionist were I suggest you speak with Saphardim Joos regarding how Ashkenazi Joos sent their 'darker' brothers to death with hopes of creating the Zionist State.

              Here are two interesting sites that contain articles written by Joos regarding this matter:

              There is nothing similar to what happened to Armenians during the First World War and what happened to Joos during the Second World War.
              Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


              Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


              • #8
                Re: The Israeli Question

                Oh my Yahweh! Every single Hrya has it out for Armenia! We're doomed!

