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Funny Azeri

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  • Funny Azeri

    The Azeri press prints so many things that can be considered as nothing but a joke that i figured i would make a thread in the jokes and humor section about it. Here we can post some of their more outragous claims, statements and grievences which invariably make one giggle due to the utter bs of it all. Ill start it off with the following;

    The Azerbaijani journal Trend disseminated on October 7 the following
    news item published also by Groong:

    "German ruling party: Fictitious `Armenian Genocide' cannot be
    submitted to Bundestag for discussion

    7 October 2011, 17:32 (GMT+05:00) Azerbaijan, Baku, Oct.7 / Trend
    M. Aliyev / The fictitious "Armenian genocide" cannot be submitted to
    the Bundestag for discussion, Germany's ruling party member Steffen
    Lemme, who is on visit to Baku, told journalists on Friday. "Armenia
    and countries with such problems should resolve their problems with
    other countries with more progressive methods, because at this stage
    an attempt to achieve recognition of unproved events as genocide is
    misplaced," Lemme said.

    He said no European country can recognize "Armenian genocide" either
    now or in the future. Armenia and the Armenian lobby claim that the
    predecessor of Turkey - Ottoman Empire had committed the 1915 genocide
    against the Armenians living in Anadolu. The Armenians, willing the
    recognition of this fact in the world, achieved recognition of the
    "Armenian Genocide" by the parliaments of some countrues, by
    strengthening the propaganda of the so-called "genocide" in the world

    The whole story sounded so unbelievable that we contacted Steffen
    Lemme and asked him for a comment which he delivered immediately (see

    Press release:

    Steffen-Claudio Lemme denies he made comments attributed to him in the
    Azerbaijani press about the genocide committed against the Armenian

    Following the publication of comments he is alleged to have made
    concerning the genocide which the Ottoman Empire committed against the
    Armenian people, the following clarification has been issued by
    Steffen-Claudio Lemme, Member of the German Bundestag and member of
    the Social Democratic Party (SPD):

    `The quotes published on 7 October 2011 in the online edition of the
    Azerbaijani magazine Trend, concerning the genocide committed against
    the Armenian people by the Ottoman Empire, are false, and I call on
    the journalists responsible to publish a correction. I did not
    describe the genocide as fictitious; nor did I comment on any position
    held by European Union member states on this issue.'

    Following an event in Baku regarding the selection of
    scholarship-winners for the German Bundestag, journalists asked Mr
    Lemme questions, in the presence of witnesses, about the local
    conflict concerning the Nagorno-Karabakh region. In this context, Mr
    Lemme called on the parties to the conflict to resolve their problems
    peacefully. He underlined in this context that it was a matter solely
    for the local parties to the conflict to show greater commitment in
    dealing with the challenges. He made clear that it was expressly not
    the task of German parliamentarians to take the side of any group
    involved in the conflict.

    `In my view, the genocide committed against the Armenian people by the
    Ottoman Empire is a historical fact. The evidence is
    unequivocal. Turkey, as the successor state to the Ottoman Empire,
    must urgently fulfil its responsibility if its negotiations with the
    European Union are to reach a successful conclusion.

    As a trade unionist and Social Democrat who is intensively involved in
    work to counter racism in Germany and Europe, I cannot allow the
    publication of these false statements to stand. It is intolerable for
    me to be linked to statements of this kind. The fact that the article
    claims I am a member of Germany's ruling party speaks volumes. That
    shows clearly that those responsible have violated all journalistic
    standards. I call once again on the journalists responsible at Trend
    magazine to publish an immediate correction.'

    The press release has been published in three languages (German,
    English, Russian) and can be found here:

    Internetpräsenz des Bundestagsabgeordneten Steffen-Claudio Lemme.
    Hayastan or Bust.