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How can you not laugh?

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  • #41
    A serious discussion in the Humor Forum...imagine that.

    And people, it's pointless to argue with him. You'll find out soon enough.


    • #42
      Originally posted by Tres Bien
      Are you the perfect armenian?! if so maybe you should me mumified and saved in the national museum in armenia.

      You really have dubbel-standards.I am saying that as you only can see whats happening in USA, dont think that all Parskahays are the same. Because frankly i have NO clue on what youre talking about.
      WHat youre saying does not apply to where i live anyway, and no where in europe have i seen that fenomena in wich youre describing. You damned yankees.
      Ok you just inquired that I said I am the "perfect Armenian" when I never said anyone being perfect. That right there shows you're a little zany whose just trying to stir up commotion with his little tiny fisted tantrums. YES I can only see what is happening in the U.S. because that is all that there is to see and all that I can possibly see.What "fenomena" am I describing? I am just telling you a few quick facts, obviously this is too much information and it is causing your brain to explode. Sorry but these kinds of things require some upper-level thinking, which you would not be aware of. You have just said "no where in Europe have I see this," YES that is because I SAID AMERICA, do you ever let an idea interrupt the flow of your typing? We can only comment upon what we see and know for sure. I.e. We live in America therefore we can only detect and be absolutely sure of what goes on HERE. We are not at all in Asia or Europe. We cannot make such predictions that would be a false statement similar to the one you are making right now.
      I'm sorry that I was such an idiot.


      • #43
        Originally posted by leo007
        All parskahyes refuse to think before they speak huh? Good one. I'm sure all parskahyes are like that. You're saying this about an entire Armenian sub-culture.... do you understand how absurd that is? It's people like you that divide the Armenian community with your stupid thinking and stereotypes.
        All of the ones that I have met are all of those which you described. The only few decent ones that I met suddenly changed over night and I saw their true colors and the class I knew they had after a verbal despute with their gods parskahyes worship: persians. It's people like me? No it's people like you that segregate your people and community up and give others a reason to defame our people in LA. Then, when you get some constructive advice or criticism afterwards, you simply get on a_s_s_hole-mode and start spewing every insult you ever heard. Besides, why do you care? Remember you are all "half persian" or "im not armo im from iran." Remember those lines? I am sure you sold us out a few times in school to save your own skin from other ignoramuses like you by using those. On a final note, don't divide up the community for your selfish motives first then accuse me of such later when I hammer you for it.
        Last edited by Deviance; 06-17-2004, 10:34 AM.
        I'm sorry that I was such an idiot.


        • #44
          Originally posted by Deviance
          Ok you just inquired that I said I am the "perfect Armenian" when I never said anyone being perfect. That right there shows you're a little zany whose just trying to stir up commotion with his little tiny fisted tantrums. YES I can only see what is happening in the U.S. because that is all that there is to see and all that I can possibly see.What "fenomena" am I describing? I am just telling you a few quick facts, obviously this is too much information and it is causing your brain to explode. Sorry but these kinds of things require some upper-level thinking, which you would not be aware of. You have just said "no where in Europe have I see this," YES that is because I SAID AMERICA, do you ever let an idea interrupt the flow of your typing? We can only comment upon what we see and know for sure. I.e. We live in America therefore we can only detect and be absolutely sure of what goes on HERE. We are not at all in Asia or Europe. We cannot make such predictions that would be a false statement similar to the one you are making right now.
          FYI, she's from Sweden.


          • #45
            Originally posted by sSsflamesSs
            FYI, she's from Sweden.
            Anna, honestly I do not want to bruise your ego and verbally hurt you once again and dismiss you like the putrid waste you are to else where (possibly the LA river since it is near Glendale--where you reside) Out of no where you try to slander my name with false accusations just to feel good about your petite akward formation. I'd call you a pinhead for what you was said earlier to me but you're too pointless.

            What does that have to do with anything? I just indicated over and over again that I judge only what I can actually see. Not guess. I am sure there are lots of places in the world where Armenians reside and they have their own little gigs and problems to worry about. If someone was to tell me "Hey Ryan, we the Armenians here suck they do this n that." All I can really say is "sorry to hear that but you're an a-hole for judging us all that way you putrid waste," but that is all. I am not there in Sweden or anywhere else to ponder or guess how the parskahyes or hayastancis or beirutsis are over there. I can only comment on what I know. If I comment on parskahyes in Sweden that is an awful guesstimation and that never ever really slides in reality. The only reason why I am getting this out-moded twaddle from you and everyone else right now, is because they think in their puny minds that I am out to hunt parskahyes. I never at all said I am perfect nor am I a Parska-hunter. Ok??? Ok?
            I'm sorry that I was such an idiot.


            • #46
              Originally posted by sSsflamesSs
              A serious discussion in the Humor Forum...imagine that.

              And people, it's pointless to argue with him. You'll find out soon enough.
              Yea it is pointless if pointless people keep misconstruing meanings like you did now, just to lord it up and over everyone else's comments. Hey, do whatever to help compensate for your inherent flaws.
              I'm sorry that I was such an idiot.


              • #47
                Originally posted by anileve
                Agh those people from Iran....bad, bad people! OOOOOh they looka like a Satin. MuAz everyone!
                You forgot the message "2 da HaTaZ." And "LMAAAAAAAOOOOOOOO"

                You know? You have got to be cre8-tive like they are like DIZ.
                I'm sorry that I was such an idiot.


                • #48
                  Originally posted by Deviance
                  Yea it is pointless if pointless people keep misconstruing meanings like you did now, just to lord it up and over everyone else's comments. Hey, do whatever to help compensate for your inherent flaws.
                  Did I address you by name in that post in any way, shape, or form?


                  • #49
                    Originally posted by Deviance
                    All of the ones that I have met are all of those which you described. The only few decent ones that I met suddenly changed over night and I saw their true colors and the class I knew they had after a verbal despute with their gods parskahyes worship: persians. It's people like me? No it's people like you that segregate your people and community up and give others a reason to defame our people in LA. Then, when you get some constructive advice or criticism afterwards, you simply get on a_s_s_hole-mode and start spewing every insult you ever heard. Besides, why do you care? Remember you are all "half persian" or "im not armo im from iran." Remember those lines?

                    Pure nonsense. So ALL parskahyes are the way you described because you've met a few bad apples? What an ignorant remark. It's not people like me who segregate Armenians, it's people LIKE YOU WHO SEGREGATE Armenians by viewing your own people as others because they are from a different region. I've never ever said I'm "half persian" or "im not armo im from iran." More BS stereotypes. I've always been pround of being an Armenian above all else. Don't assume I've said these things because you don't even know who I am.

                    I am sure you sold us out a few times in school to save your own skin from other ignoramuses like you by using those.
                    No I haven't sold my culture out at all because unlike you, I've never hated my own people. Just more assumptions by you that aren't true.

                    On a final note, don't divide up the community for your selfish motives first then accuse me of such later when I hammer you for it.
                    At this point, I don't even know what you're talking about. You're just throwing random things out there. Divide up the community for my selfish motives? What the hell are you talking about? I'm accusing people like you of dividing up the Armenian community because of what you posted. You have a certain bias towards certain types of Armenians and you make it well known. It's obvious you have something against these Armenians. You start stereotyping all of the Armenians you don't like and you know what that does? Divide the Armenian community because then people start hating each other. Yes, it's Armenians like you who claim they're proud of their heritage, but then disgrace it by acting the way you do.
                    Last edited by leo007; 06-17-2004, 11:03 AM.


                    • #50
                      Originally posted by Deviance
                      Anna, honestly I do not want to bruise your ego and verbally hurt you once again and dismiss you like the putrid waste you are to else where (possibly the LA river since it is near Glendale--where you reside) Out of no where you try to slander my name with false accusations just to feel good about your petite akward formation. I'd call you a pinhead for what you was said earlier to me but you're too pointless.

                      What does that have to do with anything? I just indicated over and over again that I judge only what I can actually see. Not guess. I am sure there are lots of places in the world where Armenians reside and they have their own little gigs and problems to worry about. If someone was to tell me "Hey Ryan, we the Armenians here suck they do this n that." All I can really say is "sorry to hear that but you're an a-hole for judging us all that way you putrid waste," but that is all. I am not there in Sweden or anywhere else to ponder or guess how the parskahyes or hayastancis or beirutsis are over there. I can only comment on what I know. If I comment on parskahyes in Sweden that is an awful guesstimation and that never ever really slides in reality. The only reason why I am getting this out-moded twaddle from you and everyone else right now, is because they think in their puny minds that I am out to hunt parskahyes. I never at all said I am perfect nor am I a Parska-hunter. Ok??? Ok?
                      I make one little comment, and I get two huge paragraphs in return. Amazing.

                      I said she's from Sweden, and things are different in Sweden, so she has no clue what you're talking about. Simple, see?

