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  • #51
    Originally posted by sSsflamesSs
    I make one little comment, and I get two huge paragraphs in return. Amazing.

    I said she's from Sweden, and things are different in Sweden, so she has no clue what you're talking about. Simple, see?
    Really is amazing, how you twist things around to satisfy your little opinions but it is alright as I said. Anyway, since you are this anxious to play refereee here why don't you explain what goes on here and as to why it was said and let her decide to participate or not.
    I'm sorry that I was such an idiot.


    • #52
      yeah ,
      and deviance, im not in USA , so thats the same thing.
      I say dont judje all the parskahays, because the world is bigger than just USA, got it?????but you have a point that parskashays can be annoying, with some of their customs, but far from all of them have these irritating costums/hedamnatsotion.
      I see the same things in hayastantsios, some of them are very this and that...
      but i do not generalize, common sense.

      And in iran, its the same thing, or was. People choose to socialize with like-minded poeple, that they share the same intrests with, and have something in common with.

      My parenets are a good example of the differents between two armenians from IRAN. They disacgree with everything, one is hedamnats, one is super - inteligent modern.
      Last edited by Tres Bien; 06-17-2004, 11:16 AM.


      • #53
        Originally posted by leo007
        Pure nonsense. So ALL parskahyes are the way you described because you've met a few bad apples? What an ignorant remark. It's not people like me who segregate Armenians, it's people LIKE YOU WHO SEGREGATE Armenians by viewing your own people as others because they are from a different region. I've never ever said I'm "half persian" or "im not armo im from iran." More BS stereotypes. I've always been pround of being an Armenian above all else. Don't assume I've said these things because you don't even know who I am.

        No I haven't sold my culture out at all because unlike you, I've never hated my own people. Just more assumptions by you that aren't true.

        At this point, I don't even know what you're talking about. You're just throwing random things out there. Divide up the community for my selfish motives? What the hell are you talking about? I'm accusing people like you of dividing up the Armenian community because of what you posted. You have a certain bias towards certain types of Armenians and you make it well known. It's obvious you have something against these Armenians. You start stereotyping all of the Armenians you don't like and you know what that does? Divide the Armenian community because then people start hating each other. Yes, it's Armenians like you who claim they're proud of their heritage, but then disgrace it by acting the way you do.
        Oh wow. A parskahye not playing the role of "traitor" in the community? I'd have to see that to believe that. xxxx, I'd pay to see it. People in their right aware state of mind do. Right, you do not. Once again you are simply misinterpreting my words and trying to bend them to something it is not. Listen closely "baba" you might learn something here: (I guess I will write in CAPS since that catches your mid-east influenced eyes more than the regular urbane style of writing)


        Comment#2: Do you understand that much thus far? (If you answered "yes" to the above, please move to comment #3)

        Comment#3: Meaning, yes they are exactly as I described and there is a lot of truth to that if you were to observe from a logical perspective in the world without sugar-coating things. Do you understand that? (If you said "yes" please move to comment#4)

        Comment#4: What exactly are you trying to say with your trite bickering banter with those?
        I'm sorry that I was such an idiot.


        • #54
          Originally posted by Tres Bien
          yeah ,
          and deviance, im not in USA , so thats the same thing.
          I say dont judje all the parskahays, because the world is bigger than just USA, got it?????but you have a point that parskashays can be annoying, with some of their customs, but far from all of them have these irritating costums/hedamnatsotion.
          I see the same things in hayastantsios, some of them are very this and that...
          but i do not generalize, common sense.

          And in iran, its the same thing, or was. People choose to socialize with like-minded poeple, that they share the same intrests with, and have something in common with.

          My parenets are a good example of the differents between two armenians from IRAN. They disacgree with everything, one is hedamnats, one is super - inteligent modern.
          Don't brand me with your grill of stupidity with something that I am not. Till I see an improvement, that will always remain a stain on their name. A stain of foolishness.
          I'm sorry that I was such an idiot.


          • #55
            Deviance , another shadakhos armenian added to the list.


            • #56
              Deviance, I am not going to run around after you all the time, tone it down with the name calling please. Hardly anyone has called you any names; please try to practice proper communication etiquette.


              • #57
                Originally posted by Deviance
                Oh wow. A parskahye not playing the role of "traitor" in the community? I'd have to see that to believe that. xxxx, I'd pay to see it. People in their right aware state of mind do. Right, you do not. Once again you are simply misinterpreting my words and trying to bend them to something it is not. Listen closely "baba" you might learn something here: (I guess I will write in CAPS since that catches your mid-east influenced eyes more than the regular urbane style of writing)
                Your trying to say that I'm a "traitor", what are you basing this on????? The only "traitor" I see here is you.
                Quit trying to make fun of parskahyes and try to have a serious discussion, or is that too much to ask? From your mentality, it sure as hell seems like it is. All you do is sound insecure when you say things like that, can't you get by without the little insults?

                Go read my post again, you're saying all parskahyes act the same way because the ones you've met you didn't like, so you assume they are all like that. That's just stupid. Open your eyes.

                Comment#3: Meaning, yes they are exactly as I described and there is a lot of truth to that if you were to observe from a logical perspective in the world without sugar-coating things. Do you understand that? (If you said "yes" please move to comment#4)
                AGAIN grouping many people into a single stereotype. JUST BECAUSE SOME ACT THAT WAY DOESN'T MEAN THEY ALL DO. Got it? I've met my share that do act like a stereotypical parskahye, and I've met A LOT THAT DON'T.
                Comment#4: What exactly are you trying to say with your trite bickering banter with those?
                Go read it again, it's pretty easy to understand, I don't see how it can get any clearer.
                Last edited by leo007; 06-17-2004, 03:21 PM.


                • #58
                  Oh so that stupid post about asking if I'm parskahye got deleted? DAMNIT I wish I could see your response for what I said!! Deviance, seriously you don't know any of us, and you're judging us based on where our ancestors are from. Let me bring you an example of how Parskahyes really are. Since they lived in a Muslim country, they were forced to abide by their rules. Because of their love for their culture and the determination to keep it pure, they built schools, churches, organizations, sports teams...etc...just for Armenians. If a teacher found an Armenian student speaking farsi, they would be punished. Also, if an Armenian wanted to marry or even date a persian, their family would disown them in a heart beat. All of this was witnessed by members of MY FAMILY. The Armenians were never "sell-outs". They don't call themselves Persians or Half Persians. When someone asks me this idiotic question of "What kind of armenian are you?" My reply is "I'm Armenian". What difference does it make where my family is from? Aren't we all trying to unite? See, this is where you add on to this MAJOR dispute. You are like pouring gasoline on the already burning flames.

                  Here's something you should think about, Armenians from Turkey. Most of them don't even know WHAT THE HELL Armenia is. Some of them don't speak it, understand it, or even acknowledge the fact that they are Armenian. What do you say about them?

                  Obviously when you have so many different "kinds" of Armenians, you are going to find differences in dialect, but that's about it. What makes you think Parskahyes are the only ones who give oral sex? LMAO That is the funniest thing I've ever heard in my life. I have dated hyeastansi guys who at first, said that they would NEVER EVER EVER EVER eat a girl out...even if their life depended on it. Sadly, when the time came, they were BEGGING for it. If you want more details on this, I have recordings from 2 of these guys, begging to ....welll...I'm not going to discuss this here.

                  Don't you dare sit there on your HIGH AND MIGHTY chair and pretend that you're a god. You are nothing. YOu are the worst kind of Armenian. You're the one who makes it harder for us to unite and respect eachother. In fact, I was going to choose to ignore you at first, but you have pushed SO MANY buttons and swung on so many of my nerves, I just can't contain myself any longer. No one has resorted to name calling and disrespecting but you! You're the 21 year old typical sex deprived assshole, who goes around trying to insult people just for laughs. I know we shouldn't take you seriously, but it's VERY hard to sit back and watch you say such things about my culture. You're a Nimrod!


                  • #59
                    amen to that violette... well said. unfortunately, it will probably not affect him in the slightest.. my bet is that his reply is gonna be a lot like this: "once again, you have misinterpreted my comments." then, he's gonna pump out a few insults. then say one thing (call this comment "A"). pump out a few more insults & then say something else which completely contradicts comment "A". lol

                    Originally posted by violette829
                    Here's something you should think about, Armenians from Turkey. Most of them don't even know WHAT THE HELL Armenia is. Some of them don't speak it, understand it, or even acknowledge the fact that they are Armenian. What do you say about them?
                    say "some", dont say "most"....
                    those who dont speak, understand or acknowledge their armenian heritage are mostly ppl who were lucky enuf not to have been slaughtered during the genocide but instead were banished to an exclusively turkish environment at a very young age, with the purpose of getting them to forget their roots.
                    in general, armenians from bolis show much pride in their armenian culture & heritage. so much that they kept their armenian identities for generations right under the enemy's nose.
                    may i point out that turkey is the 2nd country in the world which has the most armenian churches. there are more armenian churches in turkey than there are in armenia. the only country that has more is the USA, & thats due to the huge population & land.


                    • #60
                      Originally posted by ardenik
                      amen to that violette... well said. unfortunately, it will probably not affect him in the slightest.. my bet is that his reply is gonna be a lot like this: "once again, you have misinterpreted my comments." then, he's gonna pump out a few insults. then say one thing (call this comment "A"). pump out a few more insults & then say something else which completely contradicts comment "A". lol

                      say "some", dont say "most"....
                      those who dont speak, understand or acknowledge their armenian heritage are mostly ppl who were lucky enuf not to have been slaughtered during the genocide but instead were banished to an exclusively turkish environment at a very young age, with the purpose of getting them to forget their roots.
                      in general, armenians from bolis show much pride in their armenian culture & heritage. so much that they kept their armenian identities for generations right under the enemy's nose.
                      may i point out that turkey is the 2nd country in the world which has the most armenian churches. there are more armenian churches in turkey than there are in armenia. the only country that has more is the USA, & thats due to the huge population & land.

                      My point exactly. We cannot blame these people for thinking differently, talking differently, or even having a different kind of behavior. Much like my ancestors, the Turkish Armenians did not choose to be chased out of their own country and thrown into another with a different culture all-together. I didn't mean to say most...I apologize if I have offended anyone, I was merely trying to prove a point to this moron of a human being. He will never understand, you are right about that, but we can't sit back and just watch. I almost feel guilty if I don't say anything.

