Ok, so, just wanted to get something off my chest. What the hell is wrong with these demands and dating profiles of some Armenian women on dating websites? I am going to recreate a few of them, periodically, feel free to throw in commentary.
"I want a 'prince charming', you know, someone that is honest, good looking, charming, and goal oriented..."
Ok, let me stop here and reveal something to you "slick" Armenian female xyz, men, especially in the United States (And else where, for that matter) will always think with their xxxx (It does not matter if they are Armenian, Cajun, or Korean, all men desire a good time, although the difference then becomes that some of us treat respectiable women with respect, while others treat all women like xxxxxs.), it is very hard to find a sincere individual that does not on a daily basis think "dirty thoughts". Essentially, this idea of "prince charming", does not exist, prince charming is just that a "charm". Second of all, what you desire can be summed up to be as the perfect male. Which begs the question, what the hell don't you want? Basically, you want a good looking individual that is honest, charming, and has a "good career", seriously, like what more can a woman ask for? It would the equivalent of a guy asking for a woman that is a supermodel, holds a doctorate in philosophy, cooks and cleans, and, in addition to this, has a 200k salary.
One more thing, gentlemen, the "goal oriented" demand is sometimes code for "lucrative career" or "successful individual" and I am going to call females out on this. Some jackass can also be "goal oriented" in the field of janitorial services, thus, this idea of being "goal oriented" has no bareing on the success of a individaul. If you want a doctor or lawyer, by all means, just be upfront, admit that you like a man for the size of his wallet and not his character, certainly, not his "good looks" because we all know that behind every successful individual is a giant nerd. Personally, there does exists men that use their education to get laid, but most of the time, they find themselves with 2 alimony payments, 10 kids, and no "family unit" that can be considered a family in the traditional sense of the word, family.
Moving on ...
"I have 'searched' for that 'special someone', but I can never find him (And in some cases, it is a her, come on, get out of the closet, we know your a flaming lesbian) ..."
Again, this is code for, I went to a bar or a club, I had too many orders of "sex on the beach", got buzzed, fell for the gentle in the corner, got bent over and xxxxed and now, I am still too stupid and prideful to admit and understand that you can never find a decent individual in locales like "bars or clubs". From a guys point of view, I only go to clubs and bars to find girls that are easy or else, I would never consider any woman that goes to these locations as "dating material", they are just "xxxxing material". We all know why you go there, there exists no reason other then to have a few drinks, small talk, and then a night of animal sex. The idea that "magically" I am going to a "bar or club" to only "have fun" is just silly. The reality is this, these locations (Obvioulsy, they have been disguised under different names) have since the dawn of civilizations been centers of buying and selling sex. Any woman that considers herself "honest" and has a shred of "dignity" should avoid locales like bars and/or clubs, only wolves hunt there, you have been warned.
Moving on ...
"I am hoping I will end up meeting him here and he can sweep me off his feet. (The End, thank god, I was about to puke!)"
Ok, so basically, you want me, the Armenian male to what? To "sweep you off your feet" after having given up all of your purity to some random bloke? Get real, understand, this is the equivalent of asking you to take a drugged up Armenian male loser with no career seriously, this is exactly the same, get out of your dillusional states of granduer. And here is a story for you gents, I take a Armenian girl xyz out to lunch, so, we get to talking and then she brings up her "intellectual side" and starts quoting Tolstoy, in which I reply with a few witty comments myself, but ask her to please "get real". So ten minutes into gettting "real" she reveals to me that she had sex with more than a dozen males, all shapes and colors, but now wants me, the Armenian male, to take her seriously, disgusting.
The reality is this, whether women (Armenian or otherwise) choose to accept it, there will always exist clear gender differences and for men, it will always be deemed socially tolerable to be womanizer, while for women, sleeping around will only be met with remakes that, more or less, deem her to be considered a xxxxx. This is the f'en truth, stop trying to implicate the ethnic male with commens like "ethnic men are this or that", the reality is this, "ethnic men", however much of a sex fiend they may appear to be, are only a product of western culture. If you go to London, Paris, and New York, nothing changes, western men are western men, they think with their xxxxs, live with it.
And in defense of ethnic men, the ethnic male is perhaps the optimal candidate for "prince charming" because when he looks at a woman he sees in the woman the values he wants passed onto his children. Essentially, there exists clear consequences for the ethnic male, while for some random bloke, these consequences are non existent and, essentially, have been thrown out with the bath water ever since the individual sold his soul to western culture.
Actual Profile:
Ok, so now gents and ladies, we get to the bottomline point. So, after reading the "sob story", I get down to the big question, "her looks". Ok, so you would except that these profiles would again be represented by individuals that are more or else a true embodiment of the demands, i.e. a "princess" that will sweep the male off his feet. However, every time I encounter the woman behind the mask, I find it always (a) a orca whale of a woman (I am not talking about a 'few extra pounds', I am talking about Shamu!), here is a representation of what I am talking about (Note: Young males should cover their eyes, in fact, males in general, you have been warned!):
Now understand something, I respect women, I have dated all kinds of women and to be honest I wouldn't say I am a "casa nova", but the realty is that if you are honestly going to put demands that constitute a image of the "knight in shining armor", please, at least be the cute "damsel in the distress", not "Mrs. Orca Whale 20XX".
Continuing on, ok, the other extreme is the porn star pretending to be a "nice girl". Essentially, these "dames" have starred in more x-rated movies than Jenna Jamason, but pretend to be the "virgin princess", come on, guys can smell it from a mile away, if not by the end of the first date, certainly, when the time comes to "elope". At first glance, she looks and acts like:
But actually feels like a "two dolla xxxxx on sunset":
Before I close the topic, please, my intentions are not to "generalize", but please be brave enough to admit that there exists this dillusional expectation among Armenian females (And females in general) that really needs to be reassesed (Essentially, you want to be treated like the "princess", while at the same time you want to force the guy in question to forgot your past as the "doorknob"). You are never going to find a guy that honestly will admit that having a sexual promiscuous wife is the equivalent of a virgin, no way, no how. And certainly, you will be hard pressed to find a guy that will not think with his phallus first versus his head or heart, however, what ever decision you make, make sure you make the right one, you can only be a "virgin" once in your life, after that it is just a race to the bottom.
And from a guys perspective, let me close by stating that the driving force that motivates a man to wake up everyday and go to work is essentially the peace of mind that his children were not birthed through the same opening that a foreign phallus penetrated sometime in the past. This does not mean getting it in all holes except the "main one", this means being "pure", in all sense of the word, In legal jargon, the "letter of the law" never sets legal precendents over the base common sense understanding of the intended purpose of the law.
Again, if I want a girl that has experiences in a bar or club then why settle for a Armenian female? If we assume there exists a free market system and we abide under these conditions then certainly, our micro decisions should also reflect the competitive nature of the free market, we, as citizens living under the "free market", champion. Yec kharokhem etam "esk" boozen charhem yev erhan khanchem em "khenika", yev, hetto em "yerkhanarin" okharkem "Hyekhakan dhiprotz".
"I want a 'prince charming', you know, someone that is honest, good looking, charming, and goal oriented..."
Ok, let me stop here and reveal something to you "slick" Armenian female xyz, men, especially in the United States (And else where, for that matter) will always think with their xxxx (It does not matter if they are Armenian, Cajun, or Korean, all men desire a good time, although the difference then becomes that some of us treat respectiable women with respect, while others treat all women like xxxxxs.), it is very hard to find a sincere individual that does not on a daily basis think "dirty thoughts". Essentially, this idea of "prince charming", does not exist, prince charming is just that a "charm". Second of all, what you desire can be summed up to be as the perfect male. Which begs the question, what the hell don't you want? Basically, you want a good looking individual that is honest, charming, and has a "good career", seriously, like what more can a woman ask for? It would the equivalent of a guy asking for a woman that is a supermodel, holds a doctorate in philosophy, cooks and cleans, and, in addition to this, has a 200k salary.
One more thing, gentlemen, the "goal oriented" demand is sometimes code for "lucrative career" or "successful individual" and I am going to call females out on this. Some jackass can also be "goal oriented" in the field of janitorial services, thus, this idea of being "goal oriented" has no bareing on the success of a individaul. If you want a doctor or lawyer, by all means, just be upfront, admit that you like a man for the size of his wallet and not his character, certainly, not his "good looks" because we all know that behind every successful individual is a giant nerd. Personally, there does exists men that use their education to get laid, but most of the time, they find themselves with 2 alimony payments, 10 kids, and no "family unit" that can be considered a family in the traditional sense of the word, family.
Moving on ...
"I have 'searched' for that 'special someone', but I can never find him (And in some cases, it is a her, come on, get out of the closet, we know your a flaming lesbian) ..."
Again, this is code for, I went to a bar or a club, I had too many orders of "sex on the beach", got buzzed, fell for the gentle in the corner, got bent over and xxxxed and now, I am still too stupid and prideful to admit and understand that you can never find a decent individual in locales like "bars or clubs". From a guys point of view, I only go to clubs and bars to find girls that are easy or else, I would never consider any woman that goes to these locations as "dating material", they are just "xxxxing material". We all know why you go there, there exists no reason other then to have a few drinks, small talk, and then a night of animal sex. The idea that "magically" I am going to a "bar or club" to only "have fun" is just silly. The reality is this, these locations (Obvioulsy, they have been disguised under different names) have since the dawn of civilizations been centers of buying and selling sex. Any woman that considers herself "honest" and has a shred of "dignity" should avoid locales like bars and/or clubs, only wolves hunt there, you have been warned.
Moving on ...
"I am hoping I will end up meeting him here and he can sweep me off his feet. (The End, thank god, I was about to puke!)"
Ok, so basically, you want me, the Armenian male to what? To "sweep you off your feet" after having given up all of your purity to some random bloke? Get real, understand, this is the equivalent of asking you to take a drugged up Armenian male loser with no career seriously, this is exactly the same, get out of your dillusional states of granduer. And here is a story for you gents, I take a Armenian girl xyz out to lunch, so, we get to talking and then she brings up her "intellectual side" and starts quoting Tolstoy, in which I reply with a few witty comments myself, but ask her to please "get real". So ten minutes into gettting "real" she reveals to me that she had sex with more than a dozen males, all shapes and colors, but now wants me, the Armenian male, to take her seriously, disgusting.
The reality is this, whether women (Armenian or otherwise) choose to accept it, there will always exist clear gender differences and for men, it will always be deemed socially tolerable to be womanizer, while for women, sleeping around will only be met with remakes that, more or less, deem her to be considered a xxxxx. This is the f'en truth, stop trying to implicate the ethnic male with commens like "ethnic men are this or that", the reality is this, "ethnic men", however much of a sex fiend they may appear to be, are only a product of western culture. If you go to London, Paris, and New York, nothing changes, western men are western men, they think with their xxxxs, live with it.
And in defense of ethnic men, the ethnic male is perhaps the optimal candidate for "prince charming" because when he looks at a woman he sees in the woman the values he wants passed onto his children. Essentially, there exists clear consequences for the ethnic male, while for some random bloke, these consequences are non existent and, essentially, have been thrown out with the bath water ever since the individual sold his soul to western culture.
Actual Profile:
Ok, so now gents and ladies, we get to the bottomline point. So, after reading the "sob story", I get down to the big question, "her looks". Ok, so you would except that these profiles would again be represented by individuals that are more or else a true embodiment of the demands, i.e. a "princess" that will sweep the male off his feet. However, every time I encounter the woman behind the mask, I find it always (a) a orca whale of a woman (I am not talking about a 'few extra pounds', I am talking about Shamu!), here is a representation of what I am talking about (Note: Young males should cover their eyes, in fact, males in general, you have been warned!):
Now understand something, I respect women, I have dated all kinds of women and to be honest I wouldn't say I am a "casa nova", but the realty is that if you are honestly going to put demands that constitute a image of the "knight in shining armor", please, at least be the cute "damsel in the distress", not "Mrs. Orca Whale 20XX".
Continuing on, ok, the other extreme is the porn star pretending to be a "nice girl". Essentially, these "dames" have starred in more x-rated movies than Jenna Jamason, but pretend to be the "virgin princess", come on, guys can smell it from a mile away, if not by the end of the first date, certainly, when the time comes to "elope". At first glance, she looks and acts like:
But actually feels like a "two dolla xxxxx on sunset":
Before I close the topic, please, my intentions are not to "generalize", but please be brave enough to admit that there exists this dillusional expectation among Armenian females (And females in general) that really needs to be reassesed (Essentially, you want to be treated like the "princess", while at the same time you want to force the guy in question to forgot your past as the "doorknob"). You are never going to find a guy that honestly will admit that having a sexual promiscuous wife is the equivalent of a virgin, no way, no how. And certainly, you will be hard pressed to find a guy that will not think with his phallus first versus his head or heart, however, what ever decision you make, make sure you make the right one, you can only be a "virgin" once in your life, after that it is just a race to the bottom.
And from a guys perspective, let me close by stating that the driving force that motivates a man to wake up everyday and go to work is essentially the peace of mind that his children were not birthed through the same opening that a foreign phallus penetrated sometime in the past. This does not mean getting it in all holes except the "main one", this means being "pure", in all sense of the word, In legal jargon, the "letter of the law" never sets legal precendents over the base common sense understanding of the intended purpose of the law.
Again, if I want a girl that has experiences in a bar or club then why settle for a Armenian female? If we assume there exists a free market system and we abide under these conditions then certainly, our micro decisions should also reflect the competitive nature of the free market, we, as citizens living under the "free market", champion. Yec kharokhem etam "esk" boozen charhem yev erhan khanchem em "khenika", yev, hetto em "yerkhanarin" okharkem "Hyekhakan dhiprotz".