Originally posted by hrai
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What is Love?
Re: What is Love?
You said ---> When people only want lust exclusively, that is wrong.
Maybe I forgot to add in the word "exclusively."
This is what I meant the first time I said it.
Obviously, lust = Sexual desire...but to want JUST that, all by itself, for your own pleasure, it's just wrong.
Ok, I have a confession to make.
Lately I've been feeling really gay and cheesy for starting this thread, so please help me out and turn it into a joke-fest.
I close my case.Last edited by iFemale; 03-08-2009, 03:09 AM.
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Re: What is Love?
I asked if they feel the same.
It's not "I lust you."
It's "I love you."
Every couple is different. Some couples are more fiery, some are more calm, some are dreamy, etc. Every couple has a different amount of lust and it is one of the factors that keeps them together. What would happen if you removed salt from your body? It's the same here. What would happen if you removed lust?
Lust has it's place in love and I wouldn't separate lust from love, ever. When people only want lust exclusively, that is wrong. That is simply animalistic. But if we're talking about good love, lust is an important ingredient which must be driven by love, not the other way around. Hope you got my point.
And Hrai, I wouldn't say desire can be the same as lust. If this is true then I can easily say that desire can be the same as love. Why? Because desire is a bridge, a decision-making feeling not an exclusive feeling like respect, or anger, or happiness, etc.
Love is confused with passion, lust, etc. more often nowadays then ever in history. Desire is a feeling that is felt not ONLY if your in love. Let me explain. To love, you need desire, it doesn't just come with the wind. You can have minor feelings but nothing will happen without desire. So I think we should be talking about what role desire plays when it comes to love and lust rather then what it feels like.
I'd say desire is the BRIDGE that can lead you to lust/passion (exclusively) OR love. You have to make the choice. Desire is basically a tool/feeling used for decision-making and it isn't the opposite of anything. If I want to buy a certain product, desire is what prompts me to do so but in the end I make the choice. Desire is the feeling that presents me with the questions, with the different scenarios. Do I want the product? What will it give me? Is it worth it? What will happen AFTER I get it? Etc.
The problem nowadays is that people don't always consider the OTHER questions. They simply consider the first question ... what they want ... and they make wrong decisions a lot of the time. Why? Because desire has a way of approving what you want/feel the most IF you don't consider the other questions.
So basically, every person is different. DESIRE remains a bridge. Some use it to get to love while others use it to get into bed with someone. It depends on the people in general. Desire isn't what spoils people. It isn't something evil and it has it's good and bad sides just like anything else in this world. It is us who are good/bad. If two people were standing in front of a beautiful and smart girl (not a hooker), one serious, the other lusty, the serious guy would get the desire to get to know the girl while the lusty guy would imagine all the ways he could have sex with her.
The reason our desires vary from one person to another is because of knowledge, because of all our different capacities. Someone who is more into love won't get the same desires someone completely lost in lust/passion would get. Someone searching for wild sex wouldn't be able to weigh the same questions (that desire presents us) that a serious, romantic person would be presented with.
So long story short, the wrong/right desires presenting themselves to us, depends on us. The mind is what triggers desire and we all know that it's easier to control the wind then our minds. So we have to gather knowledge, we have to be prepared for all types of thoughts and desires (which come and go like the ripples of the ocean), and we have to learn to keep our minds cool as much as we can. We have to learn self control and we must be able to make the right decisions in life. Eventually, our minds become our friends, they help us know what is right and what isn't much faster then before. Experience, control, and living properly help us achieve true peace of mind and people like this make the right decisions 90% (if not more) of the time. People who don't know self control though and live like animals (which I condemn completely) make wrong decisions almost all the time and go deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole. The mind is this type of person's worst enemy and confuses them all the time ... not because the mind is wrong but because it's owner is wrong. We shouldn't blame anyone besides ourselves. This is the truth. Sorry for making this so long, hope you all got my point.
...which has little to do with true love
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Re: What is Love?
Are love and desire two opposite feelings though?
Not really. I think desire is a part of almost everything you do because if you have no desire to do something, most of the time, you won't.
When it comes to love (especially when it comes to love) there has to be desire and I'd say this is another part of love. You have to have a strong desire to love. It doesn't last long without desire. You have to have desire to go on and stay strong. So I'd say desire is a major part of love, not the opposite of love.
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Re: What is Love?
Are love and desire two opposite feelings though?
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Re: What is Love?
Originally posted by iFemale View PostMan= pain, Woman= all the pleasure in the world! (Stronger love here is based on their relationship)
Parent=stronger love for child.
Mexican=pinata=candy=pleasure? Food= 24/7 pleasure.
Love can be funny too, in fact, most of it is joke.
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