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Any1 engaged?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Baron Dants
    Yev have shat e sghel....kez mook kberem.
    Vay ushkes gnats! Du moranumes vor arten mi mook stegh unenk. Karogha Anonymouseits Harisa epem? Ba yete tetu kstatsvi, knuv nvas ho che? (that was so slang)

    Originally posted by Baron Dants Around 24-25 maybe?
    Chuhaskatsa uremn asumes vor im hamar arten usha? By the way the marriages based on agreements do happen. In fact I used to think that it's the best kind of marriages, because they are not based on blind passion and rather on partnership or companionship. In those marriages people choose each other based on mutual desires and goals in life and common understanding of what family is supposed to be like. Unlike the passionate, smack the brains out of your skull love that fades with the dying flame of reality that they have far too many differences than similarities.

    Now my mind set is a little different, since I've explored that arena and found that it is hard to be in a companionship without romantic love, since the need for romance and passion arises only for you to find that it's not there and could never be. Although I have to say that I know a few older Armenian couples which had successful arranged marriages where the two weren't in love and it developed into a strong affection later.

    I don't really know what is the best choice, I guess it depends on your ambitions.


    • #32
      as far as it is not an arranged engagement thus weddind
      I absoultely hate arranged engagements/weddings. Just not fair to the couple.
      But, if two sixty year olds spent their whole life not liking anyone, and finally found each other, nothing wrong with that.
      It is kind of sad if people in their sixties or so have never been engaged or have not come close to being engaged meaning that they were never married and all. Like you said, if they finally find someone they love and get engaged, that is too cute and sweet. Sometimes I see some old couples walking and holding hands...makes me want to go aaaawwww
      I see...


      • #33
        i agree with you anileve that when people live togther as a family, share the same interests, raise kids and all that eventually they develop deep feelings for each other. but it is really hard to decide to marry someone you dont have that kind of feelings for if you ever felt in love before, if you ever felt passionate about someone. right now i am in a relationship that my parents have no clue about, because i am not supposed to date this guy. he really wants to get engaged and marry me and i wish i could do that but it would mean that my family is gonna get really upset to say the least, they might disown me or something like that, especially my dad. i dont know if i ever fall in love like that again in my life, so if my parents do something to take me away from this guy and then force to marry someone they think is good enough for me, then i dont think i will develop any feelings for that man. i mean i will repsect him but love? i am not so sure about it. i wont even be able to kiss him....


        • #34
          Originally posted by anileve Vay ushkes gnats! Du moranumes vor arten mi mook stegh unenk. Karogha Anonymouseits Harisa epem? Ba yete tetu kstatsvi, knuv nvas ho che? (that was so slang)

          Karogh es epel. Bayts intsanits chspases vor hamdesem...
          Ou moranoom es vor mi Tarorinak, shaaaaat tarorinak mook el oonenk.

          As for my ambitions and marriage.....I think not getting married would suit my ambitions more than getting married. I don't many questions, so little time.


          • #35
            Is it just the ones I know, or do all Armenians have trouble with their parents when it comes to dating? What is this all about?


            • #36
              Originally posted by loseyourname Is it just the ones I know, or do all Armenians have trouble with their parents when it comes to dating? What is this all about?
              My parents aren't the interferring type...


              • #37
                Originally posted by loseyourname Is it just the ones I know, or do all Armenians have trouble with their parents when it comes to dating? What is this all about?
                well actually my parents are cool with me dating. my mom knew all of my previous boyfriends and she was cool. but since i moved to US to go to college things have changed. plus my bf is not armenian, which is complicated... i can give my dad a good argument: "at least he is not a muslim" but i dont think i will persuade him..... it is not like i have to marry an armenian but there are certain criterias.... and my beau does not fit...


                • #38
                  Originally posted by SagGal Sometimes I see some old couples walking and holding hands...makes me want to go aaaawwww
                  Haha....I LOOOOVE those moments. Or when they walk in the bus, and the man helps the woman sit, and then they sit down, and put their hands on top of each other, and they always have that small shopping tray...

                  haha, aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

                  Sometimes, I wish I'm like that when I grow old, but I don't want to have time to retire


                  • #39
                    Well, a lot of parents are strict about that, but speaking from my own experience, my parents are mostly just worried about me marrying a non-Armenian and they have said that arranged marriages are not good. So.......hmm.....I don't think I need to worry. lol
                    I see...


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Baron Dants Haha....I LOOOOVE those moments. Or when they walk in the bus, and the man helps the woman sit, and then they sit down, and put their hands on top of each other, and they always have that small shopping tray.......
                      lol. Exactly.
                      That is where that saying or phrase comes in...........I Wanna Grow Old With You..........that is the best.
                      I see...

