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Ode to the Nice Guys

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  • #11
    bla bla bla, there are no nice guys!


    • #12
      Originally posted by DvlzAdvocate
      bla bla bla, there are no nice guys!
      How about that! Finally, something women can be equal with men in!


      • #13
        First of all anyone who professes to be a 'nice guy' like the guy who wrote that rant should take a look at himself and realize he's just a pushover. If you're a nice guy and call yourself such because you are this "yes-ma'am" puppy dog following around a girl who flirts blatantly with you and does what can only be called the c0ck-tease dance around you all night long and you take it when she claims you're 'just friends' then leaves you with nary a hug, you'd best get your behind right out of that 'friendship'. And if you don't, well then you're retarded. You either make a move and get a great response or get pushed away (either way, you're a man because at least you tried). OR you tuck your balls back into your little purse and walk away like the woman you seem to be! Friendship? Yeah right. What a joke. Who treats their friends that way? Second of all don't give me this 'ahh we'll ruin the friendship' crap. Fact is you're not attracted to him/her and you just DON'T want to go there. Tell him/her that instead of playing the 'we'll ruin the friendship' card. A few months ago a really close guy friend of mine kissed me. Bam. Out of the blue. Guess what? It didn't ruin the friendship. We're still dating. We're closer than we ever were before and things are great. So if you're tying to convince ME you realy, honestly, truly don't want to 'ruin the friendship', don't bother. I've used that excuse before, and that's all it is. An excuse.
        The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


        • #14
          "There are definitely many girls who grow out of that train of thought and realize they should be dating the nice guys, not taking them for granted."

          The nice guys get the leftovers when everyone else is done with them. After years of being a xxxx, a girl might grow out of that train of thought eh? So in other words to the nice guys, when they're old and loose you'll end up with them. Dont' be nice.


          • #15
            Originally posted by leo007
            "There are definitely many girls who grow out of that train of thought and realize they should be dating the nice guys, not taking them for granted."

            The nice guys get the leftovers when everyone else is done with them. After years of being a xxxx, a girl might grow out of that train of thought eh? So in other words to the nice guys, when they're old and loose you'll end up with them. Dont' be nice.
            Be nice! But don't be a pushover. Don't pine over a girl. Open your eyes to the nice girl standing behind the b*tch you seem so fixated on and realize there are pplenty of lovely girls out there once you stop drooling over the one's who treat YOU like dirt. In other words, turn everything in 'ode to the nice guy' into 'ode to the nice girl' and you'll see the part of the female population you're missing out on. Go meet that girl.
            The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


            • #16
              Ck, very well said!


              • #17
                Originally posted by Inna
       sound like you need some lovin ....or a great big hug
                aww, he gets plenty of loving from me lol

                and from paul of course
                words are meaningless and forgettable...
                words are very unnecessary, they can only do harm.


                • #18
                  Originally posted by ckBejug
                  First of all anyone who professes to be a 'nice guy' like the guy who wrote that rant should take a look at himself and realize he's just a pushover. If you're a nice guy and call yourself such because you are this "yes-ma'am" puppy dog following around a girl who flirts blatantly with you and does what can only be called the c0ck-tease dance around you all night long and you take it when she claims you're 'just friends' then leaves you with nary a hug, you'd best get your behind right out of that 'friendship'. And if you don't, well then you're retarded. You either make a move and get a great response or get pushed away (either way, you're a man because at least you tried). OR you tuck your balls back into your little purse and walk away like the woman you seem to be! Friendship? Yeah right. What a joke. Who treats their friends that way? Second of all don't give me this 'ahh we'll ruin the friendship' crap. Fact is you're not attracted to him/her and you just DON'T want to go there. Tell him/her that instead of playing the 'we'll ruin the friendship' card. A few months ago a really close guy friend of mine kissed me. Bam. Out of the blue. Guess what? It didn't ruin the friendship. We're still dating. We're closer than we ever were before and things are great. So if you're tying to convince ME you realy, honestly, truly don't want to 'ruin the friendship', don't bother. I've used that excuse before, and that's all it is. An excuse.
                  Let's get this straight.

                  I do agree with you on the points you made, except for the pushover part.
                  Just cuz I wrote a few lines expressing my opinions, doesnt make it obvious about the type of person I am.

                  You don't know me or who I am or what I've been through to express those opinions.

                  Put simply, I aint no pushover.

                  I tell the girl straight out if something is up. I don't have time for games or being nice and waiting around to
                  see if something happens. Those are for pushover losers, like how you implied in your post (and I do agree
                  with you).

                  I do possess some of the qualities of a nice guy, however, and what I meant by the "story of my life"
                  comment was the fact that some of the points in the article (here and there) I can relate to because it has
                  happened to me on more than one occasion, BUT NOT ALL OF IT. And I HAVE LEARNED not to repeat
                  those same mistakes again.

                  I don't go around with the "yes maam" B.S. or the other things associated with being TOO NICE and I don't
                  let people PUSH ME ASIDE and step all over me.

                  However, to make my point a little clearer, I'm going to ask you this again...

                  Would u spend your time with an ass---- and be treated like crap just for the sake of saying you have a
                  boyfriend, when in reality he's de-valueing you for who you are.


                  Would you rather spend your time with someone who is worthwhile, who knows how to respect, treat you like
                  a person, and someone who can really give u the love you seek whether it's physical, mental, or both.

                  Obviously, a smart person would pick the second choice rather than the first one and this is all I wanted to
                  make clear and imply in my original post.


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by Genuine_Stud
                    Let's get this straight.

                    I do agree with you on the points you made, except for the pushover part.
                    Just cuz I wrote a few lines expressing my opinions, doesnt make it obvious about the type of person I am.

                    You don't know me or who I am or what I've been through to express those opinions.

                    Put simply, I aint no pushover.

                    .............. Obviously, a smart person would pick the second choice rather than the first one and this is all I wanted to make clear and imply in my original post.
                    I know what you meant by your original post. My commment wasn't directed at you or anyone else in here. It was a general shot back to the nice guys rant.

                    As for me, I'd pick (and have picked) this guy: "someone who is worthwhile, who knows how to respect, treat you like a person, and someone who can really give u the love you seek whether it's physical, mental, or both."

                    However, that guy also has to know how to roll with the punches. Meaning that sometimes I like to make fun or be sarcastic and point things out that might make someone weaker go running away. He has to be strong enough to take that and be an a$$hole right back to me, without being a complete disrespectful prick because it's all in good fun.
                    The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by ckBejug
                      I know what you meant by your original post. My commment wasn't directed at you or anyone else in here. It was a general shot back to the nice guys rant.

                      As for me, I'd pick (and have picked) this guy: "someone who is worthwhile, who knows how to respect, treat you like a person, and someone who can really give u the love you seek whether it's physical, mental, or both."

                      However, that guy also has to know how to roll with the punches. Meaning that sometimes I like to make fun or be sarcastic and point things out that might make someone weaker go running away. He has to be strong enough to take that and be an a$$hole right back to me, without being a complete disrespectful prick because it's all in good fun.
                      Oh yea. Totally. After all, you can't be TOO NICE in a relationship. It will come off just plain boring. You have to have some fun in the relationship without being offended. I agree with you on that.

