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  • #21
    Originally posted by loseyourname
    Aren't you a male? Have I been completely missing something?
    I think what perhaps they are telling us is that they might have some experience at holding themselves around the ankles and wincing real hard....perhaps they are tenors?


    • #22
      Learn how to spell winking and then try to type it, and also try to get rid of your homophobia!


      • #23
        Main Entry: wince
        Pronunciation: 'win(t)s
        Function: intransitive verb
        Inflected Form(s): winced; winc·ing
        Etymology: Middle English wynsen to kick impatiently, from (assumed) Old North French wincier to turn aside, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German wankOn to totter -- more at WENCH
        : to shrink back involuntarily (as from pain) : FLINCH
        synonym see RECOIL
        - wince noun

        oh and what I had meant to say was soprano vice tenor - but oh well - one should get the idea....and me homophobic? - hardly...only dumbophobic - so perhaps you have misplaced your perception of any phobias I might have towards you...its OK that your gay - really - doesn't bother me one bit...


        • #24
          hahaha, this thread should be moved to the funny section


          • #25
            Originally posted by hyebruin
            hahaha, this thread should be moved to the funny section
            Yeah from the get go...."Er ah - I'm traveling to Armenia this summer and if your boobs are large enough could you please join me - all I ask is that we get our picture taken together holding hands in Republic Square so I can send it back to mommy"...etc


            • #26
              Gay? Heck for all expenses paid, even I would go along on the trip!
              this post = teh win.


              • #27
                Now Sip - somehow I doubt you'd meet the cuteness criteria...


                • #28
                  Originally posted by winoman
                  Yeah from the get go...."Er ah - I'm traveling to Armenia this summer and if your boobs are large enough could you please join me - all I ask is that we get our picture taken together holding hands in Republic Square so I can send it back to mommy"...etc
                  i dont' have boobs! i just pretend to be a girl, i'm a big hairy guy...much like sip except my car is bigger than his and i get more chicks!


                  • #29
                    I was trying to make a joke and pretend to be a huge lady and mess with the guy and see where you took it to.

                    For future references for all you haters, I'm the most sarcastically funny person you might find around and 8 out of 10 things I say are either sarcastic or I'm joking; well especially on a public forum.
                    Last edited by ckBejug; 02-25-2005, 12:09 PM.


                    • #30
                      Originally posted by winoman
                      Main Entry: wince
                      Pronunciation: 'win(t)s
                      Function: intransitive verb
                      Inflected Form(s): winced; winc·ing
                      Etymology: Middle English wynsen to kick impatiently, from (assumed) Old North French wincier to turn aside, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German wankOn to totter -- more at WENCH
                      : to shrink back involuntarily (as from pain) : FLINCH
                      synonym see RECOIL
                      - wince noun

                      oh and what I had meant to say was soprano vice tenor - but oh well - one should get the idea....and me homophobic? - hardly...only dumbophobic - so perhaps you have misplaced your perception of any phobias I might have towards you...its OK that your gay - really - doesn't bother me one bit...
                      Thank goodness I haven't had so much water to drink today. I laughed so hard I might have pee'd my pants. Between wince and wink I am rolling on the floor over here.

                      The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

