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Stage Hay Djampa Dimanche 16 Octobre Region Paris

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  • #21
    Originally posted by bell-the-cat
    I prefer quality over quantity.
    and of course you are once again the judge of quality.


    • #22
      Originally posted by karoaper
      Es kani lezuner gites ai mard?
      Ia rodilsia v Yerevane. Uzhe 10 let zhivu v Amerike. Nachal trenirovatca Goju Ryu Karate 2 goda tomu nazad. Eto stil iz Okinavi. Ocheni moshni stili.
      A ti kakovo poiasa seichas?

      Djbakhtabar fransiaum chem tiko jan, te che shat hetakrkir joghov a u parapmunknel lav kliner porcel.

      Don't pay attention to the kitty.
      Barev axper !! Vontz es ?

      Karaté xorochi sport nado tebe prodoljat treneravatsa!

      ya imeu vtoroy DAN tchornovo poiasa. Ya toje treneravalssia tri goda SANDA WU SHU toje mochni stil, otchen interessni sport.
      esli ti priedich vo franciu skaji mi vmeste budim treneravatsa. problem tchi ka ! ti vistupaech na sorivnavanie ?
      Mi zdess vo franciu c Hay djampa xotim sobirat Armiani chtobi ix treneravat, mesto tovo kurit i pit lutche treneravatssa !
      Da skorovo Aper


      • #23
        Originally posted by tigran_hay
        Barev axper !! Vontz es ?

        Karaté xorochi sport nado tebe prodoljat treneravatsa!

        ya imeu vtoroy DAN tchornovo poiasa. Ya toje treneravalssia tri goda SANDA WU SHU toje mochni stil, otchen interessni sport.
        esli ti priedich vo franciu skaji mi vmeste budim treneravatsa. problem tchi ka ! ti vistupaech na sorivnavanie ?
        Mi zdess vo franciu c Hay djampa xotim sobirat Armiani chtobi ix treneravat, mesto tovo kurit i pit lutche treneravatssa !
        Da skorovo Aper
        Kamac kamac Tiko jan, isk du?

        Chisht asac, hima jamanak chka et sportov zbaghvel, baic huisov em vor shutov kveradarnam. Hoki u marmni hamar hoiakap snunda.

        Erevi amboghjovin, 4-5 mrcutiunneri mej masnakcel em. Kata-ov mi erku hat 1-in mrcanakner@ akhtelem, isk sparring-ov eli mi erku hat ka. Mnacats@ erkrord u errord teghernen.

        Erkrord dan@ da shat mets kataruma aper. Apres. Isk Fransia galu masin hel@ chem el karogh erazel. Spasi green cards stanam u gnam mi hat Haiastan, @ntaniks berem, nshanvem, etc etc etc, heto kgam Friansia


        • #24
          Originally posted by bell-the-cat
          Actually, I was being sarcastic T.H. ....and I was thinking what would have been made of that website if it were from a group of Muslims advertising the teaching of traditional Islamic cultural values along with military training.

          I don't understand what you want to say about this website , but I think that you do not know what is a Martial arts.




          • #25
            Originally posted by karoaper
            Kamac kamac Tiko jan, isk du?

            Chisht asac, hima jamanak chka et sportov zbaghvel, baic huisov em vor shutov kveradarnam. Hoki u marmni hamar hoiakap snunda.

            Erevi amboghjovin, 4-5 mrcutiunneri mej masnakcel em. Kata-ov mi erku hat 1-in mrcanakner@ akhtelem, isk sparring-ov eli mi erku hat ka. Mnacats@ erkrord u errord teghernen.

            Erkrord dan@ da shat mets kataruma aper. Apres. Isk Fransia galu masin hel@ chem el karogh erazel. Spasi green cards stanam u gnam mi hat Haiastan, @ntaniks berem, nshanvem, etc etc etc, heto kgam Friansia
            Erav aper lav !

            Huisov em vor du k stanas green card ! heto k tesnevenk hayastanum u franciaum aper jan !

            Mi kajdi letom organisuim CAUCASIAN RAID v karabaxe mojet bit tebe boudit interessno kagda vremia budit axper .



            • #26
              Originally posted by tigran_hay
              I don't understand what you want to say about this website , but I think that you do not know what is a Martial arts.


              Who are you kidding!

              Read your own words.

              "Vous désirez mieux comprendre les techniques de combat
              des Commandos d'Artsakh"

              "You will have a desire to understand the combat techniques used by the Commandos of Artsakh".

              And look up the word "martial" in your dictionary.
              Plenipotentiary meow!


              • #27
                Originally posted by bell-the-cat
                Who are you kidding!

                Read your own words.

                "Vous désirez mieux comprendre les techniques de combat
                des Commandos d'Artsakh"

                "You will have a desire to understand the combat techniques used by the Commandos of Artsakh".

                And look up the word "martial" in your dictionary.

                Je m’aperçois que tu parles Français, du moins tu sais le lire et le comprendre Bravo !
                Il est vrai qu’un art martial rappel un goût pour le combat, qui peut rappeler des méthodes militaires. Mais je ne vois toujours pas, quel est ton but ? Visite le site bien comme il faut et tu verras que tes allusions n’ont pas de sens.



