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What are the borders of Nagorno-Karabakh?

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  • #31
    Re: What are the N.K. borders?

    Originally posted by Federate View Post
    More about above, I am happy this is starting to be taken care of. Play your part!
    Yes, I agree. If the state doesn`t show a present interest in referring to the NKR borders, it is definitely our duty to be aware of it. Maps are educational things and before I saw the NKR map, I only knew the ANKR one and my assessment of it was accorded to this old, outdated map.

    It`s important to remember that the official decisions will nonetheless come from Yerevan, and more appropriately, Moscow, but our consciousness of NKR definitely plays a role in the longrun. We don`t want Artsakh to someday consider itself as a separate entity from Armenia, and we must combat the attitudes which are sowing these dreadful seeds that could mean such a divide in the future.


    • #32
      Re: What are the N.K. borders?

      Originally posted by Federate View Post
      More about above, I am happy this is starting to be taken care of. Play your part!
      Karabakh Borders: De jure, de facto, de TV

      In December of 2008 representatives of Karabakh’s youth organizations sent a letter to Armenian president Serjh Sargsyan asking him to use his influence to have “weather forecasts” on Armenian TV channels quit using maps in which Armenia and Karabakh are shown within the borders they had in 1988. On these maps Nagorno Karabakh is presented within the borders of former Autonomous Region of Nagorno Karabakh (ARNK, as a part of Azerbaijani SSR) and Lachin corridor (connecting Armenia and NKR) isn’t there at all.

      For 20 years Karabakh has had no connection to Azerbaijan, has been building an independent – if unrecognized – statehood, establishing interstate relations with Armenia, meanwhile Armenia hasn’t decided yet whether or not to recognize Karabakh’s independence.

      Despite the letter being actively circulated on the Internet, Armenian TV channels, however, did not pay much attention to it (except for Yerkir Media TV). Being unable to decide which map to use in their weather forecast programs and in order to avoid any complications on border issues they keep using the 1988 map as if the last 20 years have not existed at all.

      Does the government have a unanimous standpoint and conception on the Karabakh issue settlement? On December 3, Heritage faction deputy Larisa Alaverdyan raised the issue in the parliament of Armenia, to which Prime-Minister Tigran Sargsyan responded by admitting that such a problem does exist. Alaverdyan pointed out that during weather forecast Armenian TV channels demonstrate a map on which there is no linking line between Armenia and Karabakh, and Karabakh is shown within the borders of former ARNK. Alaverdyan stated that it’s not simply a distortion of reality, but also a violation of NKR Constitution and legislation, according to which NKR sovereignty applies to its current administrative territory.

      The letter by NKR youth organizations says that “the war crossed out artificial and unviable borders of ARNK forced upon the Armenian people”, and that “the NKR Constitution adopted as a result of the referendum held in 2006, consolidated sovereign borders of the Armenian land liberated at the cost of blood of the best sons of our nation”.

      “The fact of ignoring one way or another -be it ideologically or in real politics- the victory of the Armenian nation and its results not only disregards the memory of fallen heroes, but also encourages a new armed aggression against the Armenian statehood,” says the letter.

      A few days later a number of Armenian NGOs and individuals joined the statement of youth organizations by sending an open letter to the heads of Armenian mass media.

      The authors of the letter state that 14 years after calling a truce a peculiar situation has formed: the objective reality of including those regions into NKR, which once were a part of Azerbaijani SSR, is not anyhow reflected in Armenian mass media, commercials or brochures. NKR is either absent from maps or is shown within the borders of former ARNK.

      “Such maps are a violation of Article 142 of NKR Constitution according to which ‘until the integrity of the state territory of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh is restored and borders are precisely defined public authority is implemented on the territory which is de facto under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh’ ,” quotes the letter.

      The letter further calls upon mass media not to avoid showing the acting real borders, actively cover life on the liberated lands and inform citizens of Armenia about the strategic role of those lands (the letter had 62 signatures).

      The issue of maps has been important since the very beginning of the Karabakh conflict, and ever since Internet came along it has become urgent. Armenian websites demonstrate a surprising tolerance by posting maps where Karabakh is a part of Azerbaijan. On brochure maps produced by many tourism agencies printed in Armenia the borders of Karabakh do not match today’s reality.

      Meanwhile, maps and catalogues produced abroad are more accurate, so much that Azerbaijan is putting up a struggle against them. site posted a list of travel SIM cards on which Karabakh is shown as a part of Armenia or as a separate country. Those are: GSM-Travel, SIMTRAVEL, Travel International SIM Card, produced by In Touch company, Smart cards (USA), travel SIM cards produced by telecommunication company Oneroam (Great Britain), GO-SIM™ cards, GLOBALSIM cards, produced by HBSGlobal and many others; the list was a full 5 pages long.

      So the situation arises in which Azerbaijani channels in their daily weather forecast speak about Karabakh as their inseparable part, and Armenian channels, by default, confirm.
      Then what map do you use?


      • #33
        Re: What are the N.K. borders?

        the map in his post that you quoted.


        • #34
          Re: What are the N.K. borders?

          You can also check out other posts where I have presented a nice collection of maps to use in this thread.
          Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


          • #35
            Re: What are the N.K. borders?

            I came across a GREAT map today, one I was looking for it's been awhile. Enjoy using this. To the trained eye, you will notice that it's Armenia + Artsakh in its entirety and no fake borders!

            Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


            • #36
              Re: What are the N.K. borders?

              Thanks Federate jan, it's a great map and with the tri-color too! Thanks.


              • #37
                Re: What are the N.K. borders?

                Bako Sahakyan: Shahumyan region sacred place for Armenians

                19.01.2009 13:16 GMT+04:00

                /PanARMENIAN.Net/ President of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic Bako Sahakyan accompanied by Prime Minister Ara Harutyunyan arrived Saturday in the Shahumyan region of NKR where he met with the delegation of the Republic of Armenia led by Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, the central information department of the office of the NKR President told PanARMENIAN.Net

                President Sahakyan and PM Sargsyan visited different settlements and held meetings with the population to discuss the socioeconomic situation in the region and prospects of its development. Special attention was paid to the development of infrastructures, in particular to the construction of Getavab-Sotk highway.

                President Sahakyan emphasized that the Shahumyan region is a sacred place for the Armenian people, which is in the limelight of the Nagorno Karabakh authorities, and announced implementation of several comprehensive projects in the near future.

                Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


                • #38
                  Re: What are the N.K. borders?

                  Originally posted by Federate View Post
                  I came across a GREAT map today, one I was looking for it's been awhile. Enjoy using this. To the trained eye, you will notice that it's Armenia + Artsakh in its entirety and no fake borders!

                  You know those necklace things people wear with the shape of their countries coloured in by their flag? Making ones for Armenia of this shape (Armenia + Artsakh) would do a lot of good for changing amongst the people the commonly held attitudes towards our boundaries.


                  • #39
                    Re: What are the N.K. borders?

                    I came across an article on (Armenia Reporter) website and noticed the excellent map of Artsakh and Armenia they used to talk about Nabucco. Things are finally changing?

                    Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


                    • #40
                      Re: What are the N.K. borders?

                      We have to start liberating our territories occupied by the weaker enemy (az) and push our borders to that famous river KUR. When we are finished with that we will focus our attention on Nakhijevan, we will keep those territories, use the resources to get stronger for the more challenging task ahead i.e. liberation of ALL of Armenia. That is the ideal situation but given the current unpatriotic politicians that we have I don't even think this will happen. One thing we can and must do right away is changing that disgusting turk name karabag to what it's really called Artsakh.

