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Interesting perspective

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  • Interesting perspective

    I wanted to share this with the rest of you since it had some interesting observations ... Ignore the fact it is posted on a "White" site. Just focus on the content.

    "I am glad we are back on track, as you and others are taking about the Armenians of Arminia (which was territorially much larger in former times).

    From the meagre facts that are available, I can only say that the Armenians, the Persians and the Hindus (pre-Pakistanians) are the oldest INDIGENOUS peoples of the Middle-East east of the Tigris -- unscathed by proto-Arab invasions.

    (West of the Euphrates, there was mainly the Proto-Greek population, which, as it grew, migrated into southern Europe. In the Middle East, there remained proto-Greeks, the Philistines, until they were conquered by the Hebrews, after they plundered Egypt with the approval of their god. The Ionians and other Greeks of Asia Minor preserved their identity until they were conquered by the Turks. // Incidentally, in response to the previous post: the Italian ethnic groups all come from the proto-Greeks, at various times, and from various locations. The Etruscans, the Latins, and the Magna-Graecians are the groups that developed culturally above all the other Italic groups. The Magna-Graecians are historically known to be due to colonizations that started around 900 B.C. and gave rise to some of the major philosophers, mathematicians, and artists of the classical Greek world, while Pythagoras and Herodotus are immigrants from other parts of Greece. Non-Magna-Graecian and earlier populations, such as the Messapians, migrated from Achaia in the Peloponnese; I have just deciphered their language.)

    By an indigenous ethnic group, I mean a population that develops its sub-racial physionomy and its DISTINCTIVE language.

    The Table of Nations in the Bible is a piece of mythology; it is not a history. The fiction starts with the Noah family as the fountainhead of the Nations/Peoples that existed when the latter were written down. Presumably Noah survived the Flood while all other families or nations were destroyed. Why were they destroyed? Because god wanted to punish mankind because women consorted with the sons of the gods (the Nephilim or Giants).

    The Bible writers used a tale they heard from the Greeks that gods or sons of the Chief God consorted with humans... and gave birth to the great heroes of antiquity. The heroes are, above all, founders of nations... Of course, the gods of the Bible-writers [Yahweh and the Elohim] do not have sons. So, it's the non-Bible gods that the writers are talking about. Elsewhere in the Bible, an Israelite begs his god to show his enemies His strength so that they may know that Yahweh is stronger than the foreign gods.

    So, given many gods and sons of gods, and assuming that only Yah created humans, Yah disposes of practically the whole of mankind. Using the Sumerian tale of the Flood, the writers (or myth makers) had Yah take the trouble to produce a flood, when he could have just wished everybody dead. Well, wishfull actions are in the style of the Elohim [the Arabic deity]; the Caucasian Yah is an architect, scuptor of Adam, and the breather of tempests.

    This whole mythology is on Caucasian, not Canaanite/Araboid, premises. (Yah himself accours in pre-Biblical Canaan, in Greek mythology, and in Latin mythology). Anyway, the point is that the declaration that a certain Noah was the head (or New Adam) of the Nations listed in the Bible. This is a pure fiction. So, it is nonsense to say that, for examples, the Armenians are the descendants of one of the sons of Noah, or that the Ionians are the descendenatnts of another son, or anything else of this nature. Pure fiction, did I say?

    The list of Nations was written after all those Nations existed. Judging from the real dates of the Hittites or of Asshur, we can tell that the List of nations cannot be older than the Hittites as an identity group, or of asshur. But according to the Biblical genealogies, the time between the Hittites, or of asshur, and Noah cannot not even be one thousand year. It is physically impossible for the real number of the people in all of those Nations -- known to us from other sources -- to have been generated even within one thousand years.

    An even greater nonsense exists in the Bible: The writers were not really familiar with the languages that those peoples/Nations spoke. It says that each of the three Noah branches spoke its own language, but then under Ham, there is Canaan as the father of the Hittites, (who -- WE know --really spoke Indo-European) and of the Jesubites and the Amorites (who -- WE know -- were real Canaanite tribes and spoke Semitic). The sons of Sem are supposed to include Aram (and the Armenians] and Asshur. The Bible myth-makers did not know that the Armenians spoke an Indo-European language, whereas the Assyrians spoke a semitic language, and that Assyria was a recent nation, whereas Armenia was older than than any of those "semitic" nations.

    After listing the nation, the writer(s) concentrates on the bloodline from Sem to Abraham, who actually founded the Israelites or xxxish people.

    The myth of Noah and the founding of the nations has been most devastating for human scholaship, since Christians adopted the Bible as a book of true knowledge. To this day, no professional historical research has been made into the PRE-HISTORY of the Canannites [the Hebrews included), since it is assumed that Canaan was an ultimate or original nation, rather than a derivative of other nations/peoples. On the contrary, we are lucky to have histoircal information that Akkad, for example was the offspring of the pre-existing Caucasian Sumer and the invading proto-Arabs, who brought their Semiting language and their gods into what is later called Mesopotamia and eventually Iraq.

    In one of my above posts, I indicated that the Aramaeans were a portion of the Armenian population [in the Greater Armenia] which was infiltrated by the proto-Arabs [just as the Levantine people and the Sumerians were -- at different times], the result being a population of shephers and brigands [Haburi or Hebrews]. They were probably driven out their territory and taken by Abraham into Egypt-controlled western Canaan. (Aramaic is a semitic language, that is, a basically Araboid langauge with an admixture of local Indo-European. Half of the words in the Bible are of Indo-European origin. Pure semitic is found in ancient Ethoipia and Saudi Arabia).

    Noah fittingly landed on Ararat, the summit to the north-east of the pasturelands of his Hebrew ancestors. We can practically pinpoint the gegraphical epicenter of that hybrid race of people, which does not have a distinctive language or god of its own, but whence all falsehoods flow.

    (I invite scholarly research; I have only made a preliminary one.)

    What was the religion in Armenia before Christianity?


    IN THE ATTEMPT to start writing the pre-history of the xxxs, I committed a big blunder, .... because until two minutes ago, I thought of the Israelites [the Abraham founded People/Nation] as ONE PEOPLE.

    I NOTED ELSEWHERE THAT, AFTER THE CONQUEST OF JERUSALEM AND THE DEATH OF KING DAVID, here was a political split into what amounted Galilee, Samaria (which became mixed and is no longer considered an Israelitic country), and Judaea. But I also understood that that there was a theological split, because, the Galileans [Jesus included] considered themselves the the true Israelites, of Abraham's people, whose god was El (the simpler of Allah; al-Ehah). Finally, I knew what everybody knew and thought inconsequential, namely that the Galileans spoke the Semitic dialect called Aramaic, whereas the Judeans (whose God was the god of Moses, namely Yahweh) spoke the Semitic dialect called Hebrew.

    Most of the Bible is written in Hebrew and, as an honest xxxish scholar has discovered, half of Hebrew is Indo-European, SPECIFICALLY GREEK!!! When earlier I spoke of Aramaic as a mixed language (Semitic/araboid and Indo-European), and that the Indo-European component was Armenian [proto-Armenian], it did not dawn on me that proto-Greek and Proto-Armenian are not identical; they are indo-Europeans by communalities such as exist betweek Greek and German, not such as exist between Italian and Spanish. HENCE, THE BLUNDER IN THE INFERENCE THAT THE HEBREWS/xxxS -- that all of them -- are the outcome of a mixture occurring between some Armenians and some proto-Arabs.

    There is no basis for assuming that the Hebrews/xxxs/Iisraelites BEFORE the split between Galileans and Judaeans were ONE PEOPLE, the offsprings of Sem or Shem!!!! Cast that catalogue of Nations into the trash can! Shem father of Abraham father of Moses father of David : a farce. The preheistory of the Galileans and the Judaeans is yet to be discovered. Thus far, I should say only that the Aramaics or Galileans are SOME portion of the historical Aramaeans, who have a know history INDEPENDENTLY OF that people that we call Galileans. Various facts I mentioned elsewhere indicate that the Judaeans were also a hybrid group.... west of the Euphrates, not east of the Tigris demarcation line. Yahweh comes from the west side. So, when I asked What were the Armenian gods before Christianity, I was suspecting that Yah was not one of them. So, this started playing havoc with the traditional doctrine that the Israelites had a single ancestry in Shem.

    The Bible is exemplary pseudo-history and pseudo-theology!"
