Re: Azerbaijan demands from its neighbor the land that had never belonged to them
[QUOTE=stbk;178592]oh god! what a pathetic understanding!!!
first Etruscans was an indo/european race and original turks (who live in middle asia) are mongoloids.
lets look the similarity of Etruscans and turks;
as you can see it is told that; etruscans migrated to italy from west anatolia 3000-3500 years ago and they had the same genetics with lydians.
the genetics of anatolia didn't changed for 8 thousand years, and today armenians, kurds, turks or other nations from anatolia have similar genetics. but that doesn t make an armenian a turk or a kurd.
and if turks who live in anatolia today have same genetics with etruscans
what is the point
a)turks (who live in anatolia) aren't original turks they have same genetics with ancient anatolian people
b)whole the world is turk
choose one of them..
the other problem: neither huns nor finns are turks
huns were a tribe from middle asia it is true. but there were other nations except turks. the heir of huns are hungarians and they arent turk.
I say only genetics are similer! I did not say Etrusks are Turk
You know nothing about Hun history! They came from Central Asia! And we came there too! We are same race! they came only 9 century! but we came very late before Islam! So Our culture began to diffrent! But our exhistory is same! Atilla is a Turkish name! You know only European Huns! But you know nothing Asian Huns and their states! Chine wall is very famous! Chineses wanted to keep our attacks so they built up that stupid wall! But our Asia Hun empreror Mete passed the wall! so tht barbarians was our ancestors Turks not happen later,God not created later!our blood cames Sakas&Huns
[QUOTE=stbk;178592]oh god! what a pathetic understanding!!!
first Etruscans was an indo/european race and original turks (who live in middle asia) are mongoloids.
lets look the similarity of Etruscans and turks;
as you can see it is told that; etruscans migrated to italy from west anatolia 3000-3500 years ago and they had the same genetics with lydians.
the genetics of anatolia didn't changed for 8 thousand years, and today armenians, kurds, turks or other nations from anatolia have similar genetics. but that doesn t make an armenian a turk or a kurd.
and if turks who live in anatolia today have same genetics with etruscans
what is the point
a)turks (who live in anatolia) aren't original turks they have same genetics with ancient anatolian people
b)whole the world is turk
choose one of them..
the other problem: neither huns nor finns are turks
huns were a tribe from middle asia it is true. but there were other nations except turks. the heir of huns are hungarians and they arent turk.
I say only genetics are similer! I did not say Etrusks are Turk

You know nothing about Hun history! They came from Central Asia! And we came there too! We are same race! they came only 9 century! but we came very late before Islam! So Our culture began to diffrent! But our exhistory is same! Atilla is a Turkish name! You know only European Huns! But you know nothing Asian Huns and their states! Chine wall is very famous! Chineses wanted to keep our attacks so they built up that stupid wall! But our Asia Hun empreror Mete passed the wall! so tht barbarians was our ancestors Turks not happen later,God not created later!our blood cames Sakas&Huns