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Watertown, Ma could be a watershed moment in history

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  • Watertown, Ma could be a watershed moment in history

    Watertown, Ma could be a watershed moment in history. The Armenians could become a force against the Zionist if the could unravel their hidden history! xxxish racism could be unwittingly be unveiled by the “Amalekites.”


    The ADL is caught between a rock and hard place. The propaganda that Americans have been spoon fed for decades could quickly unravel if you take the time to investigate your history.

    Quote: from The Donmeh Turks Says
    __________________________________________________ ________________
    The Ottomans created Turkey, an artificial nation from many nations,
    they forced multiculturalism, the xxxs occupied high positions and were the administration, that was their main role. The Donmeh were the highest level with contacts at the highest levels of government throughout Europe, they even had German officers train their military, who are also responsible for the Genocide.

    The capital of the Ottoman Empire in Europe was Thessalonike, it was a Greek city. The Turks were ruthless, they slaughtered the Europeans.
    In southern Europe the Greeks were the main targets. After slaughtering the Greeks and emptying Thessalonike they filled it with tens of thousands of xxxs from Spain who were kicked out for working with the Muslims, yes people, that was then when Israel/Palestine was not an issue.

    Thessalonike became a xxxish city, Mustafa Kemal Attaturk, the founder of Turkey came from Thessalonike, he is xxxish. What else would he be?
    The xxxs were very wealthy, when Spain kicked them out they took their ships and created commercial centers elsewhere, Thessalonike and also
    Holland being the main two.

    This is European History. All of it is intertwined. Censoring one aspect
    perverts other aspects of European History.

    The destruction of Byzantium, a Greek city by the Turks, created a huge outflow of Greeks, 2 million of them, and the Renaissance was born.

    Think people, you already know parts of this history.
    __________________________________________________ ______________
    If you would like to know more please visit:

    There is an excellent overview and mp3 interview on the subject of the Armenian genocide to be found at: .

  • #2
    Re: Watertown, Ma could be a watershed moment in history

    Why are certain words censored?


    • #3
      Re: Watertown, Ma could be a watershed moment in history

      Constantinople in 1453 didn't have 2 million people, let alone 2 million Greeks. Constantinople never had a population higher than 1 million.

      And the xxxs didn't get kicked out of Spain for working with the Muslims. Later Muslim dynasties in Spain (after around 1000 A.D.), namely the Almoravids from Africa, started persecuting the xxxs themselves. The Christians continued this when they gained power on the Iberian peninsula in order to establish a homogenous Catholic state.

      Do you have sources for your story?


      • #4
        Re: Watertown, Ma could be a watershed moment in history

        Thats a bit of a stretch "Leftfield" ...I think it's clear where you are coming from.
        You appear to be not so much "Pro" one but instead very much against the other.

        This hate which you unfortunately seem to be carrying and further more are attempting to propagate is exactly the sort of thing that guarantees that such events ,as we have been discussing on this site, continue to happen again and again...

        It has to stop.

        Certain words have been censored from your message as a result of similar past topics (that have been held on this site) threatening to get out of hand.


        • #5
          Re: Watertown, Ma could be a watershed moment in history


          Just curious, have you had exposure to this type of information prior to coming here?


          • #6
            Re: Watertown, Ma could be a watershed moment in history

            Originally posted by skhara View Post

            Just curious, have you had exposure to this type of information prior to coming here?
            hi Skhara,

            hope you are well?
            Just what type of information do you mean please...?

            All the best


            • #7
              Re: Watertown, Ma could be a watershed moment in history

              Originally posted by Karl J View Post
              hi Skhara,

              hope you are well?
              Just what type of information do you mean please...?

              All the best
              What Leftfield posted.

