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Obama-Biden: The Better Team for Armenians, the Nation, and the World

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  • #21
    Re: Obama-Biden: The Better Team for Armenians, the Nation, and the World

    Yes Yes Yes Obama!!!!!!!

    Things are bound to get better... slowly but hopefully surely. What Bush demolished the state of this country I am hoping Obama will slowly mend it.


    • #22
      Re: Obama-Biden: The Better Team for Armenians, the Nation, and the World

      Finally Obama won & Bush is out good ridens
      Positive vibes, positive taught


      • #23
        Re: Obama-Biden: The Better Team for Armenians, the Nation, and the World

        Originally posted by One-Way View Post
        Yes, we can.
        Yes, we did.


        • #24
          Re: Obama-Biden: The Better Team for Armenians, the Nation, and the World


          AZG Armenian Daily

          Armenian Genocide

          ANCA welcomes latest Obama-Biden statement calling for strong
          U.S.-Armenia relationship

          With just days left to the crucial November 4th presidential
          elections, the Obama-Biden campaign reaffirmed its commitment to
          Armenian Genocide recognition and a strong U.S.-Armenia relationship,
          reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).A statement
          titled "Barack Obama: Supporting U.S.-Armenia Relations," relayed
          to Armenians for Obama Chairman Areen Ibranossian earlier today as
          well as the ANCA, affirms that "The Armenian Genocide, carried out by
          the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923, resulted in the deportation of
          nearly 2 million Armenians, and approximately 1.5 million of those
          deported were killed. Barack Obama believes we must recognize this
          tragic reality and strongly supports a U.S.-Armenian relationship that
          advances our common security and strengthens Armenian democracy." The
          statement goes on to note "Barack Obama strongly supports passage
          of the Armenian Genocide Resolution (H.Res.106 and S.Res.106) and
          will recognize the Armenian Genocide.""The ANCA welcomes further
          reaffirmation of Barack Obama's strong commitment to issues of concern
          to the Armenian American community, including proper recognition of the
          Armenian Genocide and fostering a strong U.S.-Armenia relationship,"
          stated ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. "ANCA chapters and
          activists across the U.S. will continue, in these last days, to work
          hard for the Obama-Biden ticket and the candidacies of the large
          number of Senators and Representatives who have supported Armenian
          American concerns."The Obama-Biden statement comes amid a flurry of
          reports in the Turkish press regarding a meeting that supposedly took
          place over the last several days between a senior Turkish official,
          Ahmet Davutoglu, and a representative of the Obama-Biden Campaign,
          after which Davutoglu called into question Obama's commitment to
          this core human rights issue.Last week, the ANCA formalized its
          longstanding support for Barack Obama with an official endorsement of
          the Obama-Biden campaign for the Presidency of the United States. The
          ANCA had first endorsed Sen. Obama in January, 2008, leading up to
          the critical super-Tuesday primary elections.


          • #25
            Re: Obama-Biden: The Better Team for Armenians, the Nation, and the World

            Obama victory won’t affect U.S. policy toward Armenia
            05.11.2008 17:19 GMT+04:00
            /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenians are interested in Barack Obama’s statements on the Armenian Genocide recognition, although as a part of election campaign, an Armenian political scientist said.

            “Armenian Americans votes unanimously and dependently on the candidate’s position on the Armenian issue,” Alexander Iskandaryan, director of Caucasus Institute, told a news conference today.

            “Election pledges and post-election policy are different things. So, Obama’s victory won’t affect the U.S. policy toward Armenia. The U.S. policy is first of all aimed to secure its own interests,” he said.

            Democrat Barack Obama captured the White House on Tuesday after an extraordinary two-year election campaign, defeating Republican John McCain to make history as the first black U.S. President.

            Obama won at least 338 Electoral College votes, far more than the 270 needed.


            • #26
              Re: Obama-Biden: The Better Team for Armenians, the Nation, and the World

              Sharon Wiener: Obama understands importance of Turkey as strategic ally and friend

              05.11.2008 17:51 GMT+04:00
              /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The U.S. president-elect understands the importance of Turkey and the two countries would work together even more closely under the new administration, a high-level U.S. diplomat said.

              "America cannot face the challenges alone and the next administration’s partnership with Turkey will continue in the fight against the PKK and other terrorists, in building a democratic, secure and stable Iraq, in finding new energy resources and routes of supply and in promoting peace in the Middle East and other regions," U.S. Consul General in Ankara Sharon Wiener said.

              She said Barack Obama understands the importance of Turkey as a strategic ally and a friend, in a bid to soothe concerns that a possible problematic period lay ahead in the relations of the two countries due to the Democratic new president’s approach the Armenian Genocide.

              "We will work together even more closely as Turkey has been elected to the United Nations Security Council," Wiener added, Hurriyet reports.


              • #27
                Re: Obama-Biden: The Better Team for Armenians, the Nation, and the World

                Originally posted by AR MENIA View Post
                Obama won at least 338 Electoral College votes, far more than the 270 needed.
                Out of curiousity who was the last president to get a higher amount of votes than this? (has anyone?)


                • #28
                  Re: Obama-Biden: The Better Team for Armenians, the Nation, and the World

                  Originally posted by Post_Blue View Post
                  Out of curiousity who was the last president to get a higher amount of votes than this? (has anyone?)

                  ...Bill Clinton in 1996. 378 electoral votes to Dole's 159. That's the most recent. Landslides of this sort are not much of an anomaly. Reagan, 525 electoral votes in 1984, 470-something in 1980. Nixon got 520 in '72. LBJ 486 in '64...on and on, if you keep going back, most victors throughout the 20th century, or at least a vast majority, won in landslides.
                  Last edited by Mizzike; 12-04-2008, 07:00 AM.

