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Genocides of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and Maragha

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  • Federate
    Re: Genocides of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and Maragha

    Here is a list of names in Russian of Armenians from Baku that were killed during the Artsakh liberation war:

    Бакинские Армяне погибшие при защите Арцаха.
    Любое использование на коммерческой или некоммерческой основе НЕ ДОПУСКАЕТСЯ. Сбор данных и редактор Армине Балаян.

    # Петросян Аркадий Георгиевич
    # Амбарцумян Енок Шмавонович
    # Шахназарян Владимир Барисович
    # Агамян Арам Араратович
    # Бабаян Грант Мурадович
    # Григорян Рашид Гаврушаевич
    # Арутюнян Мартирос Карленович
    # Багдикян Сергей Самвелович
    # Авагян Эдик Размики
    # Аванесян Карен Мартинович
    # Григорян Сергей Майорович
    # Мардян Сергей Никитич
    # Григорян Роман Мартиросович
    # Дадамян Артур Грантович
    # Дадамян Юрий Грантович
    # Дадамян Армен Грантович
    # Даниелян Александр Микаелович
    # Сафарян Арсен Яковлевич
    # Амзоян Андраник Аршакович
    # Гаспарян Гарник Генрихович
    # Бабаян Артур Беникович
    # Маркарян Юра Гургенович
    # Абрамян Александр Сергеевич
    # Саакян Карен Арутюнович
    # Погосян Акоп Кимович
    # Мелкумян Арам Шмавонович
    # Айриян Эдуард Суренович
    # Петросян Александр Григорьевич
    # Саркисян Павел Сергеевич
    # Осипян Игорь Григорьевич
    # Маркарян Славик Нерсесович
    # Арутюнян Лаврент Завенович
    # Алексанян Саша Амикович
    # Саиян Алик Марлестович
    # Асриян Сталина Хореновна
    # Саркисян Ашот Эдуардович
    # Айрапетов Карен Мелиевич
    # Саркисов Артур Георгиевич
    # Петросян Владимир Лендрушович
    # Айрапетян Виталий Липаритович
    # Мкртчян Георгий Андреевич
    # Мирзоян Беник Исаджанович
    # Мирзоян Вагиф Беникович
    # Багирян Седа Багиевна
    # Каграманян Валерий Суренович
    # Саиян Владимир Мурадович
    # Абагян Самвел Григорьевич
    # Абрамян Яша Сададинович
    # Алуханян Давид Валерьевич
    # Арушанян Аветис Алексеевич
    # Арустамян Алексей Аркадьевич
    # Арустамян Александр Георгиевич
    # Арустамян Артур Александрович
    # Авакян Эдуард Хачатурович
    # Аванесян Генрих Шмавонович
    # Аванесян Камо Шагенович
    # Аванесян Николай Григорьевич
    # Аванесян Самвел Сергеевич
    # Аванесян Сержик Егишевич
    # Аванесян Сурен Арташесович
    # Аветисян Арустам Арташесович
    # Айвазян Гриша Цатурович
    # Бабаян Артур Зинаворович
    # Бабаян Роберт Рафаелович
    # Бабаян Владимир Заурович
    # Бабаян Владимир Шагенович
    # Балаян Аркадий Шахисмаилович
    # Барсегян Маврик Азганесович
    # Бегларян Ашот Алексеевич
    # Габриелян Владимир Мурадович
    # Гаспарян Гарик Завенович

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  • hipeter924
    Re: Genocides of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and Maragha

    The worst of it is that some Azeri's and Turks claim they were there before Armenians, and even worse claim they are Hittites.

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  • Alexandros
    Re: Genocides of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and Maragha

    Aris Babikian completely owned Thomas Goltz.Well done Aris!

    Thanks Federate for posting this article.

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  • Eddo211
    Re: Genocides of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and Maragha

    Well done by ANCC leaders.

    Unfortunately this statement is the ground reality that we live in and it does not appear that it will change.

    Babikian said it was obvious that for Goltz "the lure of the petro-dollar is much stronger than the lure of truth and impartiality."

    Thanks Federate for keeping us/me updated.

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  • Federate
    Re: Genocides of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and Maragha

    Aris Babikian destroying the myth of Khojajuju and one of its key proponents Thomas Goltz while reminding hypocrites about Sumgait, Maragha etc.
    ANCC: American professor made racist and derogatory remarks about Armenians

    10.03.2009 00:11 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ At a lecture sponsored by the Assembly of Azerbaijani-Canadian Organizations, with "kind assistance from the Azerbaijani Embassy in Ottawa", American journalist and professor of political science Thomas Goltz made racist and derogatory remarks about Armenians in Ottawa last week. Goltz' remarks were in response a question from the audience on how to convince Armenians of Nagorno-Karabagh to stay within the "current boundaries of Azerbaijan." Goltz, who teaches at the Montana State University, replied: "By building a forward-looking democracy you will be able to let the garlic-growing Armenians beg to join you (Azerbaijan)."

    Goltz was in Ottawa as a speaker, invited by the Azeri embassy and the Assembly of Azerbaijani-Canadian Organizations, to talk about the events of February 26, 1992 in the town of Khojaly in Nagorno-Karabagh. Goltz delivered his speech "Khojaly Massacre: Crime and No Punishment", at the National Archives of Canada. Some 60 people (mostly Azeris and Turks) attended. Next day Goltz delivered a variation of the same lecture at the National Press Club's Newsmaker Breakfast series, hosted by the Azeri embassy. About 20 people attended that gathering.

    Goltz accused Armenians of perpetrating "ethnic cleansing" in Khojaly and said the Armenia argument that the Khojaly operation was a necessary pre-emptive and defensive measure to relieve Nagorno-Karabagh's capital Stepanakerd from relentless shelling from Khojaly was "nonsense".

    The most dramatic moment of the lectures occurred when Aris Babikian from the Armenian National Committee of Canada (ANCC) successfully refuted two controversial statements by Goltz.

    At the Newsmaker Breakfast lecture, Aris Babikian, executive director of the ANCC, confronted Goltz and mocked him for his "command performance of misrepresentation and revisionism." Babikian exposed Goltz' hypocrisy by pointing out that the American journalist had "conveniently forgotten to mention the Sumgait, Baku and Maragh massacres of Armenians by Azeris... and that had it not been for the Russian Navy 230,000 Armenian inhabitants of Baku would have not survived."

    Regarding the Khojaly killings, Babikian said: "Armenians did not claim that Azeris had perpetrated the massacres of their own people. It was the Azeri president, Ayaz Mutalibov, who made such a statement in an April 2, 2004 interview published in Nezavisimaya Gazeta. In the interview with Czech journalist Yana Mazalova, Mutalibov said that his opposition, the National Front of Azerbaijan, were behind the killings to undermine his authority and to topple him.

    In further questioning, Babikian asked Goltz to explain why the bodies of Azeri victims were found 11 km from Khojaly and 2 km from the most heavily fortified Azeri military town of Aghdam. "Is it logical for Armenians to follow Azeri 11 km, risking their own lives to eliminate the enemy around Aghdam, instead of killing them in Khojaly?" Babikian asked.

    Babikian challenged Goltz to explain why so "many Azeri journalists who had questioned Azeri government's version of Khojaly events were jailed or killed. Babikian cited the case of jailed Azeri journalist Eynulla Fatullayev whose jailing was investigated by the European Court for Human Rights.

    Babikian asked Goltz to be honest and impartial when employing quotes and to do so "without misrepresentation and misquotation so that they can fit and augment his narrative of the events."

    The ANCC executive said that he found it strange that Goltz praised his "old friend" the late "great" Aliyev as an "extraordinary guy" when everyone in Azerbaijan knows that he was a despot and a man who stifled democracy while his son, the current president, follows in his father's infamous steps. Babikian said it was obvious that for Goltz "the lure of the petro-dollar is much stronger than the lure of truth and impartiality."

    Goltz did not answer any of Babikian's questions and skirted around them.

    Dr. Girair Basmadjian, president of ANCC, said: "We condemn such racist and hate-disseminating lectures spewed by the mouthpiece of a foreign government on Canadian podiums. It is unfortunate that some Canadian Parliamentarians, Senators, and journalists had to hear such vile statements without even raising an objection or questioning the organizers and the speaker about the validity of their words and action."

    The ANCC leader added that "The Canadian government and police should investigate the grave and far-reaching consequences of such hateful speeches. We also would like to ask Canadian Parliamentarians to disassociate themselves from this lecture and the anxiety it has caused
    to the Canadian-Armenian community," ANCC reports.

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  • Federate
    Re: Genocides of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and Maragha


    Upon the initiative of the "Refugees & International Law" civil society network a group of Yerevan civilians marched to the memorial complex to the victims of Baku in the Tsitsernakaberd. Today marked the 19th anniversary of the Baku massacre. The group laid wreaths and pinks on the complex.

    "We want our grief to be audible worldwide. We want to inform the world that we haven't forgotten our innocent victims. We condemn Azerbaijan's stance and its misdemeanour," said Julieta Yeremyants, Chairwoman of the Ahazang" Armenian Refugees Association, Charitable NGO. "We have forgotten none of the victims, and today we are here to pay our respects to them," she added.

    "We want to remind our authorities that refugees encounter problems and they are ignored today," said the network coordinator Elyanora Asatryan.

    According to the network over 400 000 Armenians lived in Baku in 1990. Overally, 500 000 refugees have been exiled to Armenia from Azerbaijan.

    "Our network has got about 35 000 applications from different angles of the world. The authors request the Armenian leadership to help recoup their material and moral losses. They also ask the authorities to give them lands in the liberated territories," said Mrs. Asatryan.

    Note that many refugees still live in hostels.

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  • Federate
    Re: Genocides of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and Maragha


    Asya Poghosian and her family recall January 13 of 1990 as a "black day". The Armenian massacres in Baku started that day and continued until January 15. During those three days dozens of Armenians were killed, thousands of them became homeless and fled to Armenia and Russia.

    Asya Poghosian is a 75-year-old woman. It is already 19 years that she lives in Yerevan having a refugee status.

    Politician Alexander Manasian mentions that the massacres in Baku and Sumgayit is the continuation of Turkish policy on the [Armenian Genocide].

    "Our demands for recognition of the are restricted in recognition of the genocide in 1915. The aim of Turkey was not its national security but annihilation of the Armenian nation. That is why the massacres continued even after the World War and embraced territories beyond the borders of Turkey. In 1918, Turkish regular troops massacred thousands of Armenians on their way to Baku", Alexander Manasian said at "Urbat" club.

    President of the Assembly of the Azerbaijani Armenians Gregori Ayvazian is confident that taking into account the fact of the massacres in Baku it is impossible to see Nagorno Karabakh as a part of Azerbaijan. "The Azerbaijani Armenians were forced to leave their cradle. 418 thousand Armenians of Azerbaijan became refugees; 300 thousand of them live in Armenia today. The Armenian authorities don't use this fact, while the Azerbaijanis don't miss the opportunity to speak of their refugees", he said. The Assembly of the Azerbaijani-Armenians applied to the Museum-Institute of the to define the massacres of Baku scientifically. "The Museum-Institute didn't delay the answer. According to the conclusion of the Museum-Institute, the massacres of Baku correspond to the international resolution on the genocide phenomenon", Gregori Ayvazian added.

    Asya Poghosian recalls that the Azerbaijanis, who committed the massacres, clearly knew the houses of the Armenians.

    A state of emergency was declared in Baku only in January 19. The same day the Soviet troops broke into the capital of Azerbaijan. Tatul Hakobian, the author of the book "Green and black; Artsakh diary", writes that the Communist authorities of Armenia touched upon the Armenian massacres of Baku a month late on February 13. The Supreme Council considered inexplicable "the fact that in spite of the massacres committed against the Armenian population, the troops entered Baku unforgivably late, when there were already no Armenians because of the ferocity of the extremists". The resolution condemned "the massacres of Armenians in Baku and other provinces of the Soviet Azerbaijan", qualifying them as "continuation of the genocide of the Armenian people".

    "The massacres of Baku are not assessed and qualified appropriately by now. Moreover, massacres in Baku and Sumgayit are buried in oblivion", the politician underlined.

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  • Federate
    Re: Genocides of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and Maragha

    Originally posted by TomServo View Post
    These weren't genocides, but individual massacres and pogroms.

    But Azeris certainly had genocidal intent, and still do.
    "Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group."

    The genocidal intent was and is indeed there so it is safe to refer to them as genocide, especially when they continue to claim that Khojaly was a "genocide". We view these as a continuation of the bloody work the Turks started and shouldn't hesitate. The fact that there were many "individual massacres and pogroms", all with the same perpetrator and the fact that all the victims were specifically identified by the perpetrator and targeted as such is enough to point to the G-word.

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  • TomServo
    Re: Genocides of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and Maragha

    These weren't genocides, but individual massacres and pogroms.

    But Azeris certainly had genocidal intent, and still do.

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  • Federate
    Re: Genocides of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and Maragha

    Many links to the well-documented Maragha genocide:

    Official website from Artsakh -

    Photos of victims & eyewitnesses

    Video Material

    Eyewitness accounts

    Documents certifying the existence
    of the people and events mentioned

    Certificates & Documents by international organizations
    on the events mentioned

    Post-event evidence of direct and indirect victims

    Mass media material

    Other links: -

    Documentary on YouTube-

    Caroline Cox about the events:

    Many more pictures at -

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