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Genocides of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and Maragha

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  • Yedtarts
    Re: Genocides of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and Maragha

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  • ninetoyadome
    Re: Genocides of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and Maragha

    For the freedom to kill . January 20, exactly 12 hours in Azerbaijan will stop traffic. In the state - in mourning. Exactly 21 years ago were included in the Baku Soviet troops did not allow residents of the capital of Azerbaijan to follow through: completely destroy the Armenian population of the city. Pulled out a piece of meat from the jaws of seventy hungry jackal. Shoot some of them.

    And it all started so well. Defenseless victim, and a pack of hungry jackals. What could be better for the Transcaucasian Turk? And no one interferes with robbing, killing, raping, eating human flesh. How to tell one of the leaders of the jackal pack - Etibar Mammadov - two hundred meters from the police department of Nizami district of Baku, the crowd poured gasoline on two Armenians and, bellowing with laughter, set on fire. None of the police and military stationed there did not even think to intervene and help a doomed people. Doomed just because they were Armenians.

    Exactly a week rampaged killer cannibal, exactly seven days, let go of the Federal Government to meet an animal nature. Hundreds of residents of Baku Armenians perished in those days, thousands were injured and tens of thousands were deported. Only after that the Soviet government, the very funky scale massacres, decided to introduce troops into the city.

    Jackals, felt they had robbed a defenseless prey, did everything that the troops could not enter in Baku. On the streets were built barricades around corners shooting at the military ... The soldiers were killed, unable to really understand who and who should be protected. Then the order came to fire on shooting bandits. As a result, according to official figures, killed 132 people. It is not excluded that some of them were accidental victims of crossfire, but at the same time it is well known that the number of dead "Russian soldier" has become a considerable number of Armenians tortured Azerbaijani vandals. Others were criminals to be destroyed in any civilized society. In any civilized, but not in Azerbaijan.

    Today in the republic built a huge memorial dedicated to the memory dirty thugs, murderers and cannibals. Azerbaijan leads back visitors from around the world, maintaining a perpetual fire ... on the graves of murderers, was posthumously renamed "Martyrs" - martyrs - and the "freedom fighters" is almost always possible to see fresh flowers.
    Strictly speaking - "Alley of Martyrs", as it is now officially called the graveyard of murderers, this is the foundation of the modern Republic of Azerbaijan. Is it any wonder that all the short history of the formation of an illegitimate criminal committed the blood, pain and suffering? Is it any wonder existing in Azerbaijan mores of intolerance, xenophobia, hatred. January Armenian pogroms in Baku, was brought to power in the republic hereditary murderers and misanthrope, far from any human values.

    Rid of the Armenians, and along with the majority of Russian, Ukrainian, .. Azerbaijan was in power, as he wrote Armenian poet Paruir Sevak, "Those in whose head, if that, and find, there is no human reason, And ... lice. Here is how the rector of the Baku Conservatory, Farhad Badalbeyli a "visit" the new masters in Baku, he headed a musical institution: "In the Conservatory, the crowd burst into some kind of dirty young men began to yell, demand to withdraw from the walls the portraits of Beethoven, Liszt, Tchaikovsky. Clear European musical instruments, leaving only the national and portraits of Azerbaijani composers. Is it for this reason we started our movement? They gave us the time - three days. Ultimatum demanded to remove all Western and Russian, and promised to come to check their execution order in three days. I barely shoved them. When they wanted to withdraw from the wall a portrait of Beethoven, I said to them, allegedly by Ludwig van Beethoven killed his nurse-Armenian. Only then they stopped and looked at with respect to the great classics of world music. " Respect for these subhumans deserve no genius of Beethoven (which, incidentally, they are unlikely to have heard), and a killer nurse, and yes even Armenian.

    And here's another excerpt from one of the founders of the Popular Front of Azerbaijan - the very thing that had dabbled in cannibalism in the streets of Baku: "To keep warm I got a job among the workers around the campfire. One tall, with curly hair, talked about the Sumgait events. "We stopped a Lada 01" and pulled out the man began beating him. When he could no longer resist, we pushed him into a huge bonfire. When he tried to get out of the fire, one of us stuck in his chest from the rod tip reinforcement, and every time he tried to escape from a fire rod pierces deeper into his chest. " Sitting around a campfire at all times bellow. I stood up and depressed, he left the tent. "

    It is they, "rzhavshie campfire, are today in the power structures of the Azerbaijan Republic, and they have twenty years of misanthropic determine the policy of Azerbaijan. Today Head of the Department of Public Relations Main Traffic Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan, police colonel Kamran Aliyev, "bring to the attention of all drivers in Azerbaijan, that all highways of the republic will be declared a minute's silence in memory of victims of the events of 20 January 1990" who died for freedom and independence of Azerbaijan. "

    And although a half later, the population of Azerbaijan dutifully voted for the stay of the republics of the Soviet Union, buried in the Alley of Martyrs killers continue to be called "champions of freedom and independence." However, in that there is a considerable element of truth: the Caucasian Turks have always perceived the word "freedom" as an opportunity to cut with impunity and to kill, destroy and rape.


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  • ninetoyadome
    Re: Genocides of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and Maragha

    21 Years After Massacre and Dispossession, Azerbaijan’s Lost Armenians Still Forgotten

    This week marks the 21st anniversary of the pogroms of Armenians in Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan, which started on January 13th, 1990 and lasted a full seven days.
    The pogroms were the latest in a long string of massacres that began in 1905, perpetrated against the Armenian population of the territories, which later became part of Azerbaijan.
    According to international reporters and eyewitness accounts, the massacres did not begin spontaneously and were instead planned and executed, with attackers were given lists of Armenian names and their home addresses to target.
    When the pogroms began, the Armenian quarter of the city became an arena of death, the Armenian Church a charred ruin, and the whole of the population residing in Azerbaijan fled the country in search of refuge.

    According to United Nations data from 1995, Armenian refugees from Azerbaijan numbered more than 415,000. Most of the refugees, approximately 300,000, fled the country to neighboring Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh.
    Though the majority of survivors found refuge in the Republic of Armenia, their socio-political situation is dire. Deprived of international refugee status, these Armenians, who make up 10% of the country’s population, never recovered from the catastrophe of the pogroms.
    The European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy raised the issue in a recent meeting with EU Special Representative to the South Caucasus, Peter Semneby. “We addressed [the refugees’] helpless situation in Armenia and in Karabakh. We plan to pursue our actions for an official initiative of the European Union in this regard,” explained Hilda Tchoboian, President of the European Armenian Federation.
    Tchoboyan also criticized Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliev for his increased anti-Armenian rhetoric. Rather than honoring the suffering of the victims, the Azeri leader lashed out at Armenia in his New Year’s address, claiming its capital, Yerevan, was Azeri land.
    “Military buildup, war rhetoric and now Armenian land claims from Azerbaijan–Aliev discredits the principle of good faith in the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process,” said Tchoboian.
    “On the same days, the President of the European Commission, Mr. Barroso, visited Baku and, he too, failed to honor the memory of the Armenian victims of the pogroms,” said Tchoboian. “We expect from Mr. Barroso not to sacrifice our core values for oil and gas deals, but instead, raise them as a wall against Azerbaijan’s delusional rhetoric,” concluded Hilda Tchoboian.

    Armenian Pogroms in Azerbaijan
    1905 -1907: First Armenian massacres by Azeri Tatars in Shushi, Baku, Nakhichevan and Elizavetpol
    1918: Massacres in Baku
    1920: Massacres in Shushi
    1988: February massacres in Sumgait
    1988: November massacres in Kirovabad
    1990: January massacres in Baku
    1992: April massacres by the Azerbaijani army of the Maragha Armenians

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  • Eddo211
    Re: Genocides of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and Maragha

    Originally posted by Federate View Post
    Sadly, not for the right reasons.
    Azeri President orders arrest of mastermind behind Armenian pogroms

    January 11, 2011 | 16:35
    He needs to be hunted down and dragged back to NKR to stand trial.

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  • prateik
    Re: Genocides of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and Maragha

    May the souls of all the Armenian's who killed rest in eternal peace. Even an inch of Armenian territory must never be handed to the turks. When the western world has all but forgotten about the territory of western Armenia, as agreed in the Treaty of Sevres, what right then do have to speak of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.
    Should the cowardly and barbaric azeri's attack again they should be even more severely dealt with. God bless Armenia.

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  • Davo88
    Re: Genocides of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and Maragha

    Time has come to shed light on historic truth and internationally condemn Azerbaijan, MP says

    January 13, 2011 | 20:00

    The fact that the international community has so far failed to give an adequate response to the pogroms of Armenians in Baku, Sumgait and Maraga is the fault of the Armenian side, which failed to properly present the world historic truth, MP from Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP), Head of RA NA Standing Committee on European Integration Naira Zoharbyan told

    “Now we should step up our efforts and do everything possible to make the world be aware of the atrocities committed by Azerbaijanis against Armenians in these cities. I think the Armenian propaganda machine should be intensified in this direction and open eyes of the world community to the Azerbaijani lie, shed the light to historic truth and achieve international denunciation of Azerbaijan for its acts of atrocities,” she said.

    This day, 21 years ago, tragic events that occurred in the multinational, but not at all tolerant, city of Baku, shocked the entire world. On January 13, 1990, after a regular rally of the national fascist Popular Front of Azerbaijan (PFA), several thousands of brutalized “humans” went raiding the homes of Armenian residents. The distinctive feature of the unprecedented ethnic pogroms in the capital of one of the Soviet republics – when the USSR was in its death throes – was that attacks and murders had been thoroughly planned, with lists of Armenians put up at the PFA headquarters.

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  • Federate
    Re: Genocides of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and Maragha

    Sadly, not for the right reasons.
    Azeri President orders arrest of mastermind behind Armenian pogroms

    January 11, 2011 | 16:35

    The Azeri authorities ordered the arrest of Neimat Panahov, one of the masterminds behind the Armenian pogroms in Baku in January 1990. Ironically, Neimat Panahov, who is now Neimat Panahly and leader of the party of Nationhood of Azerbaijan, found himself behind bars on threshold of the next anniversary of Armenian pogroms in Baku, January 13-19, 1990.

    After many years of cooperation with the Aliyev clan, Panahov had a conflict with it. Now, on the basis of a citizen’s complaint, he has been sentenced to two-month detention.

    Neimat Panahov “distinguished himself” as far back as autumn 1988. At a rally in Baku he called for “making a second Ararat out of Armenian heads”. His speech on Azeri TV just a day before the Armenian pogroms in January 1990 proved a signal for the massacres. Panahov said that “Baku [was] full of homeless refugees, while Armenians still live[d] in comfort.” Neimat Panahov was leader of one of the gangs that murdered and raped the Armenian residents in Baku.

    When in power, the “national leader” of the Azeri people Heydar Aliyev had Panahov as his advisor thereby corroborating independent Azerbaijani experts’ claims about “Heydar-baba’s” immediate involvement in the Armenian pogroms. However, the “invaluable cadre” of the Aliyev clan failed to “come to terms” with the incumbent President Ilham Aliyev, justly accusing him of rigging the parliamentary elections on November 7, 2010.

    It is noteworthy that Neimat Panahov was put behind bars for criticizing the authoritarian regime rather than for immediate participation in ethnic murders.

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  • Federate
    Re: Genocides of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and Maragha

    Likewise, when these killings of Armenians were happening throughout the Azerbaijan SSR, the Soviet MVD either did nothing, were ineffective or stopped the violence too late. Although, it is fair to say that the USSR was in its last throes and was not as organised as NATO or the UN during Rwandan genocide time-period. Still, not much of an excuse.

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  • lampron
    Re: Genocides of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and Maragha

    In Rwanda too, after suffering 800,000 deaths over three months, the victims rose
    up, defeated the murderers and stopped the killing

    NATO did not send a single aircraft from bases in Greece, Italy and Turkey
    (flight time: probably 3 hours) to warn the killers to stop

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  • Davo88
    Re: Genocides of Sumgait, Kirovabad, Baku and Maragha

    There's unfortunately a lot of things that the West would do (or not do) for black gold, and ignoring the plight of Karabakh Armenians is one of them... Thankfully we prevailed in Karabakh.

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