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Research Sheds Light On Domestic Violence In Armenia

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  • #11
    Re: Research Sheds Light On Domestic Violence In Armenia

    Its all the same with you Levon. Everybody is a liberal and a feminist. Regardless of the topic for you the problem is always summed up in those two words. We could be discussing cancer and you would point to liberlas and feminists as the cause and should one of the causes turnout to be radiation then it will be radiation emmited by feminists and liberals. Should mr Huckuabee or Chuck Norris or Sara Palin tell you it was radiation or mutation or.. then they will also become feminist liberals. This line of logic is very similar to how religious fanatics think.
    Hayastan or Bust.


    • #12
      Re: Research Sheds Light On Domestic Violence In Armenia

      Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
      Its all the same with you Levon. Everybody is a liberal and a feminist. Regardless of the topic for you the problem is always summed up in those two words. We could be discussing cancer and you would point to liberlas and feminists as the cause and should one of the causes turnout to be radiation then it will be radiation emmited by feminists and liberals. Should mr Huckuabee or Chuck Norris or Sara Palin tell you it was radiation or mutation or.. then they will also become feminist liberals. This line of logic is very similar to how religious fanatics think.
      Seriously bro, try to read properly before you respond. I'm really getting convinced that you have absolutely no comprehension when it comes to reading.

      Did you read Tigranakert's post above? My post was bringing to light a similar point to his, namely that the practice that Bell-the-cat stated had come from our muslim neighbors also exists in the western world in countries that have no muslim neighbors. Can you comprehend this well enough?


      • #13
        Re: Research Sheds Light On Domestic Violence In Armenia

        Originally posted by levon View Post
        Seriously bro, try to read properly before you respond. I'm really getting convinced that you have absolutely no comprehension when it comes to reading.

        Did you read Tigranakert's post above? My post was bringing to light a similar point to his, namely that the practice that Bell-the-cat stated had come from our muslim neighbors also exists in the western world in countries that have no muslim neighbors. Can you comprehend this well enough?
        You ridicule Belle by that statement thus implying we Armenians are somehow not effected by the culture of our neighbors. I must congradulate you for making a post without the words liberal or feminine in it.
        Hayastan or Bust.


        • #14
          Re: Research Sheds Light On Domestic Violence In Armenia

          Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
          You ridicule Belle by that statement thus implying we Armenians are somehow not effected by the culture of our neighbors. I must congradulate you for making a post without the words liberal or feminine in it.
          Wrong, I am now sure that you lack the basic reading comprehension skills one learns in primary school.

          Bell's statement implied that the culture of beating women comes from our islamic neighbors, yet I pointed out that this same culture existed in the US 60 years ago (and still does but not in the mainstream), but the US has no islamic neighbors.


          • #15
            Re: Research Sheds Light On Domestic Violence In Armenia

            I'd like to know how the questions were framed, what was considered abuse, and how many actually told the truth.


            • #16
              Re: Research Sheds Light On Domestic Violence In Armenia

              Originally posted by levon View Post
              Wrong, I am now sure that you lack the basic reading comprehension skills one learns in primary school.

              Bell's statement implied that the culture of beating women comes from our islamic neighbors, yet I pointed out that this same culture existed in the US 60 years ago (and still does but not in the mainstream), but the US has no islamic neighbors.
              The abuse of women is a result of a patriarchal society and one sex being physically stronger then another thus the problem exists almost everywhere. In muslim society there is greater repression of women then in western society and yes that does permeate into our culture. The fact that women are abused elsewhere does not mean our society was not influenced by that aspect of islamic culture.
              Hayastan or Bust.


              • #17
                Re: Research Sheds Light On Domestic Violence In Armenia

                Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                The abuse of women is a result of a patriarchal society and one sex being physically stronger then another thus the problem exists almost everywhere. In muslim society there is greater repression of women then in western society and yes that does permeate into our culture. The fact that women are abused elsewhere does not mean our society was not influenced by that aspect of islamic culture.
                Wow, mr. feminist, did you get that straight out of a feminazi site? Your entire argument sits on the fact that abuse is something physical, and its always from men to women. Wrong. It's both physical and emotional, it just happens to be that physical abuse is more easily measured and so it appears that physical abuse is more prevalent, and of course, people like you are conditioned to automatically associate physical abuse with men hitting women. Bro, next time your wife denies you "privileges" because she's pissed at something you did or didn't do, and you head to the bar to get smashed, know that you are being abused.


                • #18
                  Re: Research Sheds Light On Domestic Violence In Armenia

                  Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                  The abuse of women is a result of a patriarchal society and one sex being physically stronger then another thus the problem exists almost everywhere. In muslim society there is greater repression of women then in western society and yes that does permeate into our culture. The fact that women are abused elsewhere does not mean our society was not influenced by that aspect of islamic culture.
                  So women should be given steroids and whips to even things out? Create some Amazon women? Or just the unattractive ones who promote feminism? I see way more men being abused by women who are half their size and the men can't stand up for themselves because of the court systems. I had quite a few male co-workers who were divorced from psychos and paying child support/alimony. Men don't speak up because they're "Men".
                  "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


                  • #19
                    Re: Research Sheds Light On Domestic Violence In Armenia

                    I never said women dont abuse men nor did i say the only kind of abuse is physical (btw i know that some women do physicaly abuse men to). Kanadahye you know i think the USA courts are very much on the womens side because we had this conversation before. It is funny how some here make assumptions about others based not on what others say or do but based on their own prejidices.
                    Hayastan or Bust.


                    • #20
                      Re: Research Sheds Light On Domestic Violence In Armenia

                      Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                      It is funny how some here make assumptions about others based not on what others say or do but based on their own prejidices.
                      I think you should read your own posts beforehand.

                      Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                      The abuse of women is a result of a patriarchal society and one sex being physically stronger then another thus the problem exists almost everywhere.
                      The physically stronger part just screams of a bias towards physical abuse from men to women.
                      The Patriarchal society part just screams of typical feminist ideology.

                      But you've surprised me by admitting that it's not a one-sided issue, which your previous post didn't point out.

