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Destruction of the Armenian Cemetery at Djulfa

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  • #11
    Re: Azerbaijan rewriting history by erasing Armenian traces

    Originally posted by armenica

    This action makes one to recall the recent desecrations of xxxish cemeteries in different European cities. But unlike the immediate media coverage and attention given to these criminal acts it seems that no one bothers to care about this last act of cleansing the last evidence of Armenians in Nakhichevan.
    German neo-Nazis' don't own an oil pipeline.
    Plenipotentiary meow!


    • #12
      Armenian Withdrawal

      [QUOTE=skhara]These are the same animals that "guarantee" the security of Armenians in NK. What a joke


      nowadays armenian minister and his azeri counterpart are to meet in london.they will negotiate KARABAG you think that Is It a problem?or karbag is a native armenian soil?I want to know.Im turkish citizen,But Ihave armenian relatives in you think that armenia will make comprimise for the sake of agreeing with azerbaijan?I always hear armenia is a ravaged country,very underdeveleoped.because of border restriction(TURKEY AND AZERBAIJAN BORDER GATES)armenia is isolated country and very poor.even azerbaycan overtook armenia in terms of economy and other aspects!!what can you say about it?must armenian people do?WE ARE CLOSE FRIENDS ARMENIANS AND TURKS....BUT TREATOR IS ASALA AND ARMENIA know that the former was annihilated by turkish secret service and turkish mafia in Europe.we musnt hate each about?I wait your reply?and answer my questions........WE MUST NOT PROMISE,WHAT WE OUGHT NOT,LEST WE BE CALLED ON TO PERFORM WHAT WE CANNOT.HOPE FOR THE BEST,BUT PREPARE FOR THE WORST....
      Last edited by bookmaker; 01-21-2006, 05:48 PM.
      Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.


      A nation which makes the final sacrifice for life and freedom doesnt get beaten.....

      mustafa kemal ATATÜRK


      • #13
        Re: Azerbaijan rewriting history by erasing Armenian traces

        [QUOTE=armenica]Cultural Vandalism or Raping History?

        Where is the civilized Europe? Where is UNESCO? Why does no one intervene?

        This movie clip, dated December 14-16, 2005, shows how Azerbaijani soldiers, with heavy machinery, destroy the last evidence of Armenian presence in Nakhichevan, the historical Armenian province which together with Nagorno Karabakh was given away to the neighbouring Azerbaijani Republic. As a result of the implemented Soviet policy, Nakhichevan was at last depleted of its entire Armenian population. The clip confirms firmly the fact that the organiser of this cultural genocide is none other than the Azerbaijani government. Obviously, Azerbaijan is firmly determined to prevent “another Karabakh” by erasing the slightest indication of Armenian existence in Nakhichevan. The living Armenians have since long time ago forced to leave the region, but apparently there is also a fear of the dead and buried Armenians and their cries beyond the grave.

        Nakhichevan is an exclave which belongs to Azerbaijan but Armenia’s territory separates them apart. Nakhichevan borders, however, on Armenia, Turkey, and Iran. It was from this area that the Persian King Shah Abbas, during the Persian-Ottoman war, forcibly relocated about 150,000 Armenians year 1620 and resettled them in the outskirts of his capital, Isfahan.

        The place for this barbarian action caught on tape is a cemetery with thousands of Khatchkars, “Cross stones”, invaluable historical and cultural monuments from the period between 15th and 16th centuries.

        Several Armenian organisations and authorities, among other the Foreign Ministry, have handed in official protests to UNESCO and other international organisation, but also to the US embassy in Azerbaijan.

        This action makes one to recall the recent desecrations of xxxish cemeteries in different European cities. But unlike the immediate media coverage and attention given to these criminal acts it seems that no one bothers to care about this last act of cleansing the last evidence of Armenians in Nakhichevan.

        Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.


        A nation which makes the final sacrifice for life and freedom doesnt get beaten.....

        mustafa kemal ATATÜRK


        • #14
          Re: Armenian Withdrawal

          Originally posted by bookmaker
          I have no clue about what you are trying to say. Don't bother clarifying, I don't care.

          As soon as Mehmet Turkoglu retreats from all of Western Armenia.

          How about turks go back to whatever hell they came out of and decended upon peaceful civilizations like a black plague.

          But in the meantime, "how about", you, siktir.
          Last edited by skhara; 01-21-2006, 09:37 PM.


          • #15
            Re: Destruction of the Armenian Cemetery at Djulfa

            lol ^, i love this guy.


            • #16
              Re: Destruction of the Armenian Cemetery at Djulfa

              European Parliament resolution on Azerbaijan


              The European Parliament,

              – having regard to its resolutions of 9 June 2005 and 27 October 2005 on Azerbaijan,

              – having regard to its resolution of 19 January 2006 on the European Neighbourhood Policy,

              – having regard to its previous resolutions on the South Caucasus and especially its resolution
              adopted on 11 March 1999 and its recommendation adopted on 26 February 2004,

              – having regard to its previous resolutions on the South Caucasus and especially its resolution
              adopted on 11 March 1999 and its recommendation adopted on 26 February 2004,

              – having regard to the decision taken by the Council on the 14 June 2004 to include both
              Armenia and Azerbaijan in the European Neighbourhood Policy, in particular for the purpose
              of fostering goodneighbourly relations, especially through respect for minorities,

              – having regard to the obligations of Azerbaijan and Armenia towards the Council of Europe,
              especially through the European Cultural Convention, the revised European Convention for
              the Protection of Archaeological Heritage, and the Framework Convention for the Protection
              of National Minorities, that they have ratified and undertaken to respect,

              – having regard to the UNESCO 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural
              Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its 1954 Protocol, to which both Armenia and
              Azerbaijan are party, as applicable to occupied territories,

              – having regard to the 2003 UNESCO Declaration concerning the Intentional Destruction of
              Cultural Heritage whereby the international community recognises the importance of the
              protection of cultural heritage and reaffirms its commitment to combat its intentional
              destruction in any form so that such cultural heritage may be transmitted to the succeeding

              – having regard to the report of ICOMOS and the intermediary report on freedom of worship
              and religion made by the UN Committee for Human Rights,

              – having regard to Rule 115(5) of its Rules of Procedure,

              A. whereas allegations have been made by Armenia that campaigns to destroy the Armenian
              cemetery at Djulfa in the region of Nakhichevan were carried out by Azerbaijani forces in
              November 1998 and December 2002; whereas the most recent destruction took place in
              December 2005, as evidenced by the recent video footage from the Armenian authorities,

              B. whereas there were numerous reactions to these actions from the international community;
              whereas Azerbaijan has not provided answers to inquiries from Mr Abdelfattah Amor, the
              former special rapporteur of the United Nations, concerning the events in November 1998
              and December 2002,

              C. whereas serious allegations have been raised about the involvement of the Azerbaijani
              authorities in the destruction of these monuments,

              D. underlining the exceptional nature of this archaeological site, which still had 6000
              'khatchkars' remaining – crosses carved in stone typical of Armenian religious art – and
              which testifies to the ethnic and cultural diversity of the region,

              E. whereas the destruction or desecration of any monuments or objects of cultural, religious or national heritage infringes the principles of the European Union,

              F. whereas that destruction is taking place in the context of the suspended conflict between
              Armenia and Azerbaijan on the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh,

              G. whereas there might soon be a favourable outcome to the negotiations on Nagorno-Karabakh and agreement might be reached on the principles for settling the conflict in spite of the unproductive meeting in Rambouillet between the presidents of Armenia and of Azerbaijan on 10 and 11 February 2006,

              H. recalling that the European Neighbourhood Policy aims to establish a privileged partnership with Azerbaijan and Armenia on the basis of common values, including respect for minorities and their cultural heritage,

              1. Condemns strongly the destruction of the Djulfa cemetery as well as the destruction of all
              sites of historical importance that has taken place on Armenian or Azerbaijani territory, and
              condemns any such action that seeks to destroy the cultural heritage of a people;

              2. Calls on the Council and the Commission to make clear to Armenia and Azerbaijan that all
              efforts must be made to stop the practice of ethnic cleansing which has led to such actions,
              and to find ways to facilitate the gradual return of refugees and displaced people;

              3. Demands that Azerbaijan and Armenia respect their international commitments - notably in the cultural realm - and especially those deriving from their accession to the Council of
              Europe and incorporation into the European Neighbourhood Policy;

              4. Stresses that respect for minority rights including historical, religious and cultural heritage is conditional on the genuine and effective development of the European Neighbourhood Policy, which must also lead to the establishment of goodneighbourly relations between all
              the countries concerned;

              5. Demands that Azerbaijan allow missions dedicated to surveying and protecting the
              archaeological heritage on its territory, especially Armenian heritage, such as experts
              working with ICOMOS, and also allow a European Parliament delegation to visit the
              archaeological site at Djulfa;

              6. Calls on Armenia and Azerbaijan to abide by their international commitments, in particular
              in the area of culture and of safeguarding cultural heritage, entered into within international
              bodies such as UNESCO and the Council of Europe, and calls on them to do their utmost to
              protect archaeological, historical and cultural heritage on their territories in order to prevent
              the destruction of other endangered sites;

              7. Invites the Commission and the Council to incorporate a clause on protecting those
              territories’ invaluable archaeological or historical sites into the action plans currently being
              discussed in a European Neighbourhood Policy context;

              8. Invites the Commission and the Council to make the implementation of the European
              Neighbourhood Policy action plans conditional on respect by Azerbaijan's and Armenia's for
              universally accepted principles, in particular their obligations as members of the Council of
              Europe, regarding human and minority rights, and calls on the Commission and the Council
              to incorporate into these action plans specific provisions for the protection of the cultural
              heritage of minorities;

              9. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the national parliaments and governments of the Member States, the Government and the President of Armenia, the Government and the President of Azerbaijan, as well as the OSCE
              Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the
              Director-General of UNESCO, and the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
              Plenipotentiary meow!


              • #17
                Re: Destruction of the Armenian Cemetery at Djulfa

                I second that...SIKTIR Bookmaker!


                • #18
                  Re: Azerbaijan rewriting history by erasing Armenian traces

                  Originally posted by bookmaker

                  I think you got it wrong: Karabakh is not occupied territory since it has always been constituting a majority population of Armenians. If you mean the buffert zone around Karabakh, then I guess the Armenian forces of Karabakh (not Armenia) will negotiate their status as soon as Azerbaijan is ready to recognise them as legitimate part in the neogtiation (instead of indirect negotiation through Armenia).

                  By the way, what has the destrcution of 1200 years old Armenian grave stones to do with Azerbaijan not willing to recognise the self-determination right of Karabakh?! EU has passed a resolution which clearly states that the Azeri government is guilty of the destruction in Nakhichevan (which is actually an Armenian word by the way).

                  PS. Swearing will not make your nonsense argumentation any better...


                  • #19
                    Re: Destruction of the Armenian Cemetery at Djulfa

                    Originally posted by bell-the-cat
                    Useless useless useless.

                    It is a fact that in Turkey there is no state-enshrined policy of destroying Armenian monuments - and there probably never has been.

                    because we have always friendly feelings towards can see all the armenian churches in anatolia.for example in my village,
                    I did not know that destruction of churches, making them to cafe, mosque or urinals was an act of "friendly feelings", but if that's what they call it in Turkey, then I guess I learned a new thing today.

                    The destruction in Nakhichevan fades away in comparsion to what Turkey has done to Armenian buildings, churches and monastaries within its borders
                    Last edited by armenica; 03-13-2006, 10:44 PM.


                    • #20
                      Re: Destruction of the Armenian Cemetery at Djulfa

                      Originally posted by ASSASSINATER
                      It is a fact that in Turkey there is no state-enshrined policy of destroying Armenian monuments - and there probably never has been.
                      I have said the same thing. However I don't like like my own words being quoted by someone who acts like idiot.

                      Originally posted by ASSASSINATER
                      because we have always friendly feelings towards can see all the armenian churches in anatolia.for example in my village,
                      ....and someone who thinks like a moron and a coward - and seems to like thinking that way. Was it "friendly feelings" that killed or expelled the congregation of your village's church?
                      Last edited by bell-the-cat; 03-14-2006, 12:11 PM.
                      Plenipotentiary meow!

